New Content - Implemented IoTM March 2020 - Better Shrooms and Gardens Catalog

I'm handling the fight before this.

boolean mushgarden_fight_run() {
	int fights = mushgarden_fights();
	print("Preparing to fight Mushroom Garden free fight #" + (fights + 1) + ".", "purple");
	adv1($location[Your Mushroom Garden], -1, "");
	return mushgarden_fights() > fights;

Code in the main script
	// Mushroom Garden
	if (mushgarden_fight_can()) {

I think I solve my issues by changing the pick URL to visit_url().

But what I don't understand is why I am able to use run_choice() for my LOV stuff, although all LOV choice values are set to 0. Is this because I use visit_url() rather than adventure() or adv1()?
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Yes. Your choiceAdventure setting only matter when you automate adventuring with adventure() or adv1().
It's not on the wiki, so gonna leave it here:

5 days' fermenting (level 5): desc_item.php?whichitem=287444748 (immense free-range mushroom).

Using the level 5 mushroom yields desc_item.php?whichitem=898631090 (mushroom slab) and desc_item.php?whichitem=807702184 (giant free-range mushroom; this is the level 4 mushroom).

Using the level 4 mushroom yields another slab and desc_item.php?whichitem=743376601 (bulky free-range mushroom; this is the level 3 mushroom).

10487	immense free-range mushroom	287444748	gmush5.gif	usable		0
# Item immense free-range mushroom
10486	giant free-range mushroom	807702184	gmush4.gif	usable		0
# Item giant free-range mushroom
There is a gmush6.gif. At rollover, I will expect to see it in my mushroom garden.
I may pick it.

Revision 19831
On day 5 AND day 6, "an immense mushroom" grew in my garden plot and allowed me to fertilize it.
I am sure there is a gmush6.gif, coming along, but on what day?
I fertilized again and will check tomorrow.
I am tired of aftercore, but let's spade this,
I peeked ahead at the image numbers and I couldn't see any images for the plot after 5 (Immense muishroom). I only checked up to 11 though.
Yeah. We have mushrooms images (gmushX.gif) from 1-6, but garden images (mushgrowX.gif) showing only mushrooms from 1-5. That makes me think that when we eventually get mushroom 6 in the garden, since we dont have a "grow" image of the garden, the picture will be something else and the only option will be to pick.
Data for 9 mushroom whiskey.

XP Mods:
Muscle XP % = 0.0 %
Mysticality XP % = 10.0 %
Moxie XP % = 0.0 %
Class: Pastamancer | Sign: Wallaby | Path: Standard

Drinking 1 mushroom whiskey...
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 11 Fortitude
You gain 16 Enchantedness
You gain 7 Roguishness
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
Finished drinking 1 mushroom whiskey.

XP Mods:
Muscle XP % = 0.0 %
Mysticality XP % = 10.0 %
Moxie XP % = 0.0 %
Class: Pastamancer | Sign: Wallaby | Path: None

Drinking 8 mushroom whiskey...
You gain 3 Adventures
You gain 19 Muscleboundness
You gain 6 Magicalness
You gain 6 Cheek
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 20 Muscleboundness
You gain 17 Enchantedness
You gain 9 Smarm
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
You gain 4 Adventures
You gain 15 Muscleboundness
You gain 7 Enchantedness
You gain 8 Roguishness
You gain a Moxie point!
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 5 Strengthliness
You gain 8 Enchantedness
You gain 12 Sarcasm
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 14 Strongness
You gain 9 Enchantedness
You gain 7 Roguishness
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 7 Strongness
You gain 19 Magicalness
You gain 13 Cheek
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 20 Strongness
You gain 18 Mysteriousness
You gain 20 Roguishness
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 10 Strongness
You gain 12 Enchantedness
You gain 12 Smarm
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
Finished drinking 8 mushroom whiskey.
A few more mushroom whiskey...(with more modifiers)

Muscle XP % = 25.0 %
Mysticality XP % = 35.0 %
Moxie XP % = 25.0 %
Class: Sauceror | Sign: Wallaby | Path: Standard

Drinking 3 mushroom whiskey...
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 9 Muscleboundness
You gain 13 Mysteriousness
You gain 11 Cheek
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 12 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 19 Enchantedness
You gain 11 Cheek
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 12 Strengthliness
You gain 8 Enchantedness
You can now equip a Mer-kin scholar mask (and possibly other things).
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain a Level!
You gain 21 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
Finished drinking 3 mushroom whiskey.
Revision 19836 adds automation for handling Your Mushroom Garden

I changed the expected crop in get_campground(). Instead of free-range mushroom => X (where X is 1-6), it is now one of:

free-range mushroom => 1
plump free-range mushroom => 1
bulky free-range mushroom => 1
giant free-range mushroom => 1
immense free-range mushroom => 1

In other words, exactly what you expect to pick.

The mushroomGardenCropLevel property no longer pegs at 6. It now counts the number of times you have fertilized your mushroom garden.

CLI commands:

garden pick - now handles mushroom garden; it will (automate) fighting through the piranha plans (before adventure recovery, battle action, after adventure script) and then pick what it finds
garden fertilize - same thing, but fertilizes, rather than picks.

You can set your "Crop to Harvest" in Breakfast to one of the five mushroom types. If you do, it will fertilize or pick, as needed, to get the correct mushroom.

I got tired of fertilizing day after day waiting to see the final mushroom type. Who knows: maybe it will be there tomorrow, but I want to get back to Plumbing. I put logging into the garden automation to detect if there is not a "fertilize" option - a condition I expect to see if you are at the final mushroom. It will log the choice options and the "a XXX mushroom" from the response text and will use the "pick" option, if one is present.

Once we know what the final mushroom is and what day it appears, this will need to be revisited.
I'm not sure if I like that get_campground change, because it makes it harder to simply check if I have the mushroom garden installed. Could you maybe include the seed packet in get_campground as well, for people who just want to check if they have access to the free fight or some such?
Huh. Well.... Perhaps I could go back to packet of mushroom spores (X) and have that just print out as the appropriate type of mushroom. I'll experiment.

Oh, and also, the last mushroom was just found, so that day is now :) :
I sure wish people would provide descids. He "Fertilized everyday from the beginning". When was "the beginning?" I fertilized from 3/4 - 3/11 (8 days) and picked on day 9. I did not get a "subscriber" mushroom garden, so, maybe he started a day earlier? Fertilize 9 times and pick on day 10?

I am pleased to see that my guess was correct about there not being a "fertilize" option.
I see that pumpkin, peppermint, beer, winter, thanksgarden all have multiple crop types that might appear in get_campground(). The only ones that don't are the bone and grass gardens; a skulldozer is skeleton (-1) and very tall grass is tall grass (8). So, how would you check if you had a beer garden, say?

I could make free-range mushroom (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (10) indicate which crop you will get.
Or perhaps add a new ASH function garden_type() which returns a string, with "none" being no garden.

My Garden Harvester script handles all the gardens (except mushroom) and handles multiple crop types like this:

    foreach it, n in campground {
	switch ( it ) {
	case PUMPKIN:
	    should_harvest = harvest_pumpkins( it, n );
	    should_harvest = harvest_peppermint( it, n );
	    should_harvest = harvest_bones( it, n );
	    fight_skulldozer = should_harvest && ( n == -1 );
	case BARLEY:
	    should_harvest = harvest_beer( it, n );
	    should_harvest = harvest_winter( it, n );
	    should_harvest = harvest_thanksgarden( it, n );
	    have_grass_patch = true;
	    pre_fertilize = pre_fertilize_grass( n );
	    should_harvest = harvest_grass( n, pre_fertilize );
since it needs the "count" field of the crop.
So now we need descid for

colossal free-range mushroom
house-sized mushroom

The last one is housing. How much HP/MP do you recover overnight with it?

mushroom cap (497619114) =>
mushroom shield (312031039) =>
mushroom pants (324826750) =>
mushroom badge (324826750) (Obviously incorrect, since that is the descid of the mushroom pants).

As a fold group.

Mushroom Masquerade (outfit 158)
The change to breakfast means it isn't possible to not fight the piranha as part of breakfast (and whatever other wanderers show up before it), even though my current setting is to Harvest Nothing.
I think I wanted that so it would painlessly advance my garden, but I can see your point.

Revision 19838 will not fertilize mushrooms at breakfast if you have "none" listed for your desired crop.

I also added the colossal mushroom as a possible crop type (even though we are missing the descid) and marked it as the day 12 pick in a mushroom garden.
I added the mushroom cap, shield, and pants (missing descid for badge) and put the four items in as an outfit and a fold group.
My garden harvesting is handled by my login script, but I don't want that for this one, since it includes a free fight (and possible wandering sausage goblins and timepranks and such), so it makes more sense to run it with all the other free fights to slot in nicely with the outfit equipping and familiar picking that's already happening in that script.

I was using get_campground() contains $item[free-range mushroom] in my freefight script just to see if I currently have it available similar to how I'm using get_campground() contains $item[Witchess Set] for that IotMs fights.
For the harvesting itself, I'm not using get_campground at all, I'm checking mushroomGardenCropLevel while in the choice adventure. That reminds me, I should teach it to always pick when there is only one choice.

And as for description ids, I should get the final mushroom tomorrow, I'll make sure to get those, as well as the html of the choice adventure.
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Welp, on 19839, mafia just fought my piranha during breakfast, and picked up the shroom, despite my automation settings being none for the softcore and hardcore, and with choiceAdventure1410 set to 0. So I can get you the desciption ids, but not the choice html.

Also, for some reason, it went into the fight after visiting the hermit, then used a whole bunch of skills and items and only then went to pick up the mushroom after casting scurvy and sobriety

10488 colossal free-range mushroom 698248017 gmush6.gif usable 0
# Item colossal free-range mushroom
10497 house-sized mushroom 277928775 gmushhouse.gif usable 0
# Item house-sized mushroom
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