Getting out of clan VIP swimming pool
Preference nextAdventure changed from None to Your Mushroom Garden
[6553] Your Mushroom Garden
Preference lastEncounter changed from Starship Exercise :: In the Bridge to piranha plant
Encounter: piranha plant
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20200314161914 to 20200314162323
Preference _mushroomGardenFights changed from 0 to 1
Round 0: Aenimus wins initiative!
You're on your own, partner.
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You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
You are currently in a fight.
Collecting sea jelly...
You are currently in a fight.
Visiting the Swimmy Little Fishes and Such
place.php: redirected to a fight page.
You are currently in a choice.
You are currently in a choice.
You are currently in a choice.
You are currently in a choice.
You are currently in a choice.
You are currently in a choice.
You are currently in a choice.
You are currently in a choice.
You are currently in a choice.
Preference breakfastCompleted changed from false to true
Encounter: piranha plant
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20200314162323 to 20200314163324
Preference _mushroomGardenFights changed from 1 to 2
Round 0: Aenimus loses initiative!
Preference _seaJellyHarvested changed from false to true
Round 1: Aenimus uses the tattered scrap of paper and uses the tattered scrap of paper!
Round 2: Type: Null claws 14 damage worth of Meat off of your opponent, and hands it to you. This is kind of gross but, well, you've got bills to pay, after all.
Round 2: piranha plant takes 14 damage.
You gain 5 Meat.
This combat did not cost a turn