Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader

Download the latest hourly build and use the jar. The EXE build is daily at best, irregular more often. Your quoted build is a week old, which means that the current EXE build is older than that...
That has nothing to do with the daily downloader program with which this thread is concerned.

Every now and then the exe build goes bad because none of the people who are most involved with KoLmafia pay attention to it and don't notice the problem. We'd notice in a flash if there was something wrong with the jar builds. I'm going to copy your post into a new thread HERE. Please watch that spot for a fix.

I'd suggest you use a jar build instead since those are more reliable and work just as well.
For the past week, Daily Downloader has popped up a new dialog box before downloading. "Reached end of list, no recent updates found!" Then it downloads the most recent update.
How does this work exactly? Does it parse the page I have currently? I have a new version of the builds page that i'm going to be publishing in the near future and wouldn't want this to be broken.
How does this work exactly? Does it parse the page I have currently? I have a new version of the builds page that i'm going to be publishing in the near future and wouldn't want this to be broken.

It tries to parse the log page. Unfortunately at the current time it gives an error (I click the OK button to continue) becaues there are no commit messages. I'm very much looking forward to the day you fix it.

This will be broken unless you copy the original style of commit log posting.
Actually a very simple fix: change line 298 of src/com/puttysoftware/ to
.contains("<pre>")) {
Is there anyway to run this from command line having it display diags in there rather than gui pop ups?
FR implemented in V4.1. There's a new preference in this version (CLI Mode) which can be turned on in the usual way: Launch DailyDownloader with the --prefs option.
Sorry for the incomplete CLI mode support. I realized I hadn't done it correctly, so it's fixed in V4.2. Also, KoLmafia can now be launched in CLI mode too, with a new setting.
DailyDownloader has been updated to version 5.0.0. The only change in this version is the addition of auto-update for DailyDownloader itself, using the ApplyUpdate helper.
I usually use a program named DDLauncher.exe. It seems to point to DailyDownloader4.2jar. Is there an updated exe/
I usually use a program named DDLauncher.exe. It seems to point to DailyDownloader4.2jar. Is there an updated exe/
I figured someone would ask about DDLauncher. I can't remember how I built the darn thing, so I didn't update it for this version. D:
The good news is, due to the new naming scheme, once I figure out how the heck I built the Windows version of DDLauncher, it won't need updating again. Now I just have to figure out what exactly I built it with...
What do I do with the DailyDownloader-new.jar ? I assume I run the DailyDownloader.jar but now there's an extra .jar ?
What do I do with the DailyDownloader-new.jar ? I assume I run the DailyDownloader.jar but now there's an extra .jar ?
DailyDownloader-new.jar is used by the auto-updater. I should've documented that in the release notes. It's not supposed to be user-downloaded.
I usually use a program named DDLauncher.exe. It seems to point to DailyDownloader4.2jar. Is there an updated exe/
Finally figured out that I used WinRun4J to build the launcher for Windows. Updated it, along with the Mac launcher, to work with 5.0.0 (and later versions), and added them to the release.

Also added a note about DailyDownloader-new.jar's purpose: It's what the auto-updater downloads. It's not there for us humans. :P
v5.0.1 has been released with a minor appearance bug fix. Auto-update should kick in for anyone on 5.0.0 no later than 24 hours from now.
Here's what happens to me:

"Version 5.0.1 is out. You have Version 5.0.0"

I click ok.

Then I get release notes, and a download bar.

Then I click again, and the process repeats.

Further investigation shows that a file called DailyDownloader-new.jar was downloaded and did not replace the existing DailyDownloader.jar. Also it appears "ApplyUpdate-1.1.3.jar" was downloaded, which gives an error when run.

Is there any way that the auto-update could maybe replace DailyDownloader.jar with another file of the same name, that is updated, instead of dumping "DailyDownloader-new.jar" in my folder? This baffles my shortcuts.