Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader

Yeah this doesn't work at all for me anymore. I tried deleting the KoLmafia.jar I had, and the updater still just says "Starting your current version" like it has for a few days. Doesn't try to download anything, doesn't start anything.

Edit: Well - somehow it's started working again. Don't ask me how, 'cause it's the same file I ran yesterday and it didn't work then.
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The latest version 7.1.0 doesn't work right for me. Maybe it is because I'm on Windows XP if nobody else has the problem. It's a really weird problem.

If it detects a new version and downloads, the download will not work.

If I then delete the version.txt file so that it downloads KoLmafia again, the downloaded jar still does not work.

However, if I delete version.txt and the current version of KoLmafia.jar then when it is done downloading, the new version of KoLmafia.jar works fine.

Due to Oracle being Oracle, and a general desire to switch away from Java for writing software, I have no plans to fix current or future bugs in DailyDownloader, KoLmafia, or any other Java program. I don't intend to create a replacement for it either. I know I am letting people down by doing this, and I wish it wasn't this way, but I feel forced down this road by Oracle's aggressive license enforcement and lawsuits. The repository will be deleted soon, which will break the updater. I'm sorry if I have caught anyone by surprise. :(
Can you at least make sure that it's obvious to current users that they need to stop using this? Otherwise I expect someone to continue using this and not realize 6 months from now that they have an old version of mafia.
Due to Oracle being Oracle, and a general desire to switch away from Java for writing software, I have no plans to fix current or future bugs in DailyDownloader, KoLmafia, or any other Java program. I don't intend to create a replacement for it either. I know I am letting people down by doing this...I'm sorry if I have caught anyone by surprise.

I'm definitely caught by surprise (and am kind of let down :( ). I mean, you created a new version significantly recently.

And is there no hope for something like this happening in a non-java manifestation?
If bringing lawsuits was an issue worth boycotting over, I'm not sure where you'd get your computer hardware!

I do know though, that Oracle do some interesting things with licencing. For example some large cloud providers are allowed per VM licencing of Oracle, whereas others aren't, allowing Oracle to pretty much control a large section of the business to cloud providers. I'm not sure what they gain by that.
Well, it's a shame that you're removing the tool, but I would like to thank you for making my life easier for the past couple of years I've been using Mafia.
Well, it's a shame that you're removing the tool, but I would like to thank you for making my life easier for the past couple of years I've been using Mafia.

Agreed, I'm very thankful that this tool, and the ones prior to it, existed.

I guess I'm going to have to check manually for new releases like a barbarian.
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Well, there's the perl script for *nix-alikes and the executable for Windows, so you don't NEED to manually check like a barbarian. But hey, it's always an option.
Well, there's the perl script for *nix-alikes and the executable for Windows, so you don't NEED to manually check like a barbarian. But hey, it's always an option.

There's an auto-updated executable? I haven't seen this. Where do I find this?