Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader

You're not supposed to extract the JAR file - that IS the primary executable. In the event double-clicking it doesn't launch the JRE, you can manually fix your file associations, use a Windows-only program called "jarfix" that does this for you, or use the command line "java" program to get it going.
I get this error when I try to run.
Could not find the main class: com.puttysoftware.dailydownloader.DailyDownloader. Program will exit.

Since no one else has replied this can be caused by a corrupt jar file, or more likely, a problem with the jar file association in Windows. You could Google for any number of fixes for the association.
I get this error when I try to run.
That might be caused by running something earlier than Java SE 7, which is what DailyDownloader is compiled with. I've seen that error before, and the most common cause is your Java not understanding manifest entries in the JAR file.
Ah yeah that might be my fault, I've setup Cloudflare for the site and it blocks "suspicious" traffic which I guess is blocking the Downloader. Let me see if I can turn down the security or something for that part of the site.
I've been using the downloaders for a long time, but recently the Changelog has not been updating past 15496. I never see any of the new updates though I'm fairly certain that it is the latest version of Mafia. Any ideas as to what is causing this?
Just downloaded the daily build (.exe). When I try to run most of the scripts, they say I have r0. "The latest example: zlib.ash' requires revision r15467 of kolmafia or higher (current: r0). Up-to-date builds can be found at"

Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated.