Updated to 1.1. Major features:
Running the script automatically installs it into your browser window. Won't replace the chat pane if you have chat open. This is the same idea as Bale's game.ash script, done via javascript. There's a button to open it in a new window as well, top-right.
This won't work if you have a game.ash relay override, or what it perceives as the KOL window changing too much. Let me know if there's any situations I need to support.
A location bar on the last place you've adventured. Clicking on it takes you to the general area.
Information listed:
-Non-combat rate.
-Plants planted, or zone type if there aren't any. Links to the friar.
-Worst chance of getting the jump, if you're in-run and out-moxied (or sneaky pete). I felt like this was information overload to always show.
-Area ML, if you're in-run or out-moxied.
-Specialized location information. Likelyhood of aliens in space, dude rates in palindome, desert exploration, that sort of thing. Suggest more if you can think of any.
Though, it's missing a few URLs for some areas.
There's also a few code changes; the counters system has been completely rewritten, and this month's IOTM has support.