
Not sure what's going on here:

Multiple matches for "Eye of Ed"; using "[7962]Eye of Ed". (relay_guide.ash, line 11714) Clarify by using one of:
$item[[2286]Eye of Ed]
$item[[7962]Eye of Ed]
Multiple matches for "Hip to the Jive"; using "[1872]Hip to the Jive". (relay_guide.ash, line 14299) Clarify by using one of:
$effect[[1701]Hip to the Jive]
$effect[[1872]Hip to the Jive]
Multiple matches for "staff of fats"; using "[7964]Staff of Fats". (relay_guide.ash, line 16015) Clarify by using one of:
$item[[2268]Staff of Fats]
$item[[7964]Staff of Fats]
Multiple matches for "staff of fats"; using "[7964]Staff of Fats". (relay_guide.ash, line 16017) Clarify by using one of:
$item[[2268]Staff of Fats]
$item[[7964]Staff of Fats]
Search complete.
Multiple matches for "staff of fats"; using "[7964]Staff of Fats". (relay_guide.ash, line 26738) Clarify by using one of:
$item[[2268]Staff of Fats]
$item[[7964]Staff of Fats]
Searching for "glass of goat's milk"...
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_guide.ash, line 31186) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_guide.ash, line 31252) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_guide.ash, line 31458) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_guide.ash, line 31572) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_guide.ash, line 36651) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "Hip to the Jive"; using "[1872]Hip to the Jive". (relay_guide.ash, line 37207) Clarify by using one of:
$effect[[1701]Hip to the Jive]
$effect[[1872]Hip to the Jive]
I noticed guide informs about some available sources of free kills/free fights (e.g. shattering punch, replica bat-oomerang). I like this, not just for in-run purposes of burning delay and/or extending 1-turn buffs but also for aftercore simply as a method of having more turns, if only for getting 1 more fite from my shrub or 1 more power pill from my puck. However, there seem to be a number of those free fights/free kills guide does not mention (even though tracking exists for a lot of them in mafia). I understand it would probably not make sense, under guide's philosophy, to include all of them but I would like for some of them to be (re)considered maybe (bricko fights? time pranks?). The free kills/free fights are not, AFAIK, documented on one single page on the wiki, so I will just leave my current personal list of those right here.
Guide seems to be handling the Everyone's Running Out of Smokes quest incorrectly: Right now when I type /count pack of smoke I get

You have 9 packs of smokes.

in chat. Mafia also tells me for questESpSmokes the value is still step1.

But guide tells me to "Return to the radio and reply."

At the radio, however, I get the garbled reply indicating that I have not solved the quest yet.

After I returned to the jungle and got 1 more pack of smokes, the radio accepted the quest as finished and gave me my 30 coinspiracies.
Latest release of Guide should have all the requests in this thread.

I understand it would probably not make sense, under guide's philosophy, to include all of them but I would like for some of them to be (re)considered maybe (bricko fights? time pranks?)..
BRICKO™ fights are already shown in-run. I... suppose they could be shown in aftercore, if you have any bricko monsters in your inventory? Sure, why not?
Time pranks aren't a free fight you can control. Lynyrd snares could be shown if you have some in inventory, but there's no mafia tracking variable for them. Most of the others are already listed.

Guide seems to be handling the Everyone's Running Out of Smokes quest incorrectly:

This seems to be a mafia bug; questESpSmokes's step1 means "Return to the radio to arrange delivery of the cigarettes.".

From Mafia's
case ItemPool.PACK_OF_SMOKES:
	if ( InventoryManager.getCount( ItemPool.PACK_OF_SMOKES ) >= 9 )
		QuestDatabase.setQuestProgress( Quest.SMOKES, "step1" );
So, maybe that should be a ten?
So, maybe that should be a ten?
There are several like that, when added at least, that part of the code was hit before they were added to inventory, so it's the number already in inventory that matters, rather than the number now there, hence 9 rather than 10.
It looks like its included as a passive damage source for a not-yet implemented wall of skin section.

I've no idea why it needed to lose its hyphen though. What a wierd change.
Somebody reported that certain items are "old school" and others are "old-school", so KoL decided to make all of them wrong.

Well, technically, they are equivalent - but if you look up "old school" on Wikipedia, it is defined as equivalent to "old-fashioned" (and "old fashioned" is listed as an alternate spelling for that word.) Both "old" and "old-school" are adjectives.

"Look at the old school!"
"Look at the old school desk!"
"Look at the old-school band costume!"

Consistency is good, but it is odd that KoL decided to go in the direction of ambiguity.
Last edited:
Two recommendations:

Gingerbread mob hit, replica bat-oomerang, the Jokester's gun and shattering punch should all be in the same vicinity as free kills (I think this could still work with shattering punch and snokebomb being grouped together as snojo skills).

You cannot fight bricko monsters when overdrunk, so maybe guide should remove the available free bricko fights once you are overdrunk.
Oh, speaking of the bricko monsters, I was thinking about those a few days ago, wondering why they were sorted alphabetically. Not that I have anything against alphabetic sorting, but it's only really useful when you need to look up specific entries in a long list and/or when you need some unbiased ordering and there is no better alternative. Here, I would think sorting them by ML/Bricks used (it's the same) would be much more natural.
This suggestion still appears in Gelcore, even though the leash does not give +5 Familiar Weight in this path (even if you absorb it).
In Avatar of Boris:

Guide keeps suggesting the skill "Demand Sandwich (5 MP)" even when the daily cap on that skill has been reached.

Also, suggesting getting the Puzzle Champ buff is probably pointless.
Found a bug.
When you're doing the Palindome quest, after you've used "2 Love Me, Vol. 2" and acquired the wet stunt nut stew, the guide entry for the quest will say "Equip the Mega Gem then fight Dr. Awkward in his office". Clicking on the entry sends you to the outside of the Palindome.
You actually need to visit Mr. Alarm at this point to acquire the Mega Gem first so you can equip it.
    if ($skill[Lash of the cobra].have_skill() && mafiaIsPastRevision(15553) || true)
This is making it so that the lashes count show up even if i don't have the skill.