Forum Update

And re. new posts, we just need to get used to looking for the little arrow next to the thread's name instead of the color of the icon.
I think the green arrow means that I have posted to the thread and not that it contains new content. The envelope thingie is open with multiple pieces of paper sticking out of it for new content. See the bottom of that page listing topics for a definition of the icons ;-) In the meantime, I find the What's New tab at the top of the page is helpful.
I agree that the current look is "prettier" overall, but to be honest, I'm getting rather tired of various skins that go for "ooh shiny" over usable. Some of us -- such as myself -- have rather poor eyesight (or color-blindness, not me though on this one), and skins where everything is differentiated by subtle differences in shade are freakin' annoying. (Just to clarify, I'm not blaming this on fewyn, it's more of a "Why are these the defaults on so many new installs" issue.)

The old skin wasn't perfect -- there were a few post status differences that I had a hard time parsing -- but on this one I can barely read the main text inside of a post, never mind trying to tell what posts are new etc.

But yeah, I understand "function" is the first priority. I'd just really like to cast my vote in favor of "plz make readable kthx." ;)
I just use adblock to block all the symbols that don't mean new thread or stickied/locked thread (for all forums), and then new posts are easy to find.
One thing that I really miss is a quick, visual way to know from the main forum page if there are new unread posts without having to open each forum, or trying to remember the time I last read the forum compared with the last post information.

Uh... it works exactly the same Camber. Grey squares or faded squares mean no new posts, blue means new posts. How hard is it?
One thing that I really miss is a quick, visual way to know from the main forum page if there are new unread posts without having to open each forum, or trying to remember the time I last read the forum compared with the last post information.

Well, there is a handy link at the top of the page labeled "What's New" which will list all threads with unread posts...
Well, inside a forum i see the envelopes, etc., but from the main page i see no blue squares next to 'Announcements' indicating there were the above new posts.

Perhaps it is this damn IE that i can't change here at work. Unfortunately that is where i do most of my reading...
Well, at least i know the reason that i am not seeing things. I do understand the frustrations of upgrading an active forum where everyone gives there 'help' on what's wrong with all the new features. I do appreciate you updating and maintaining this resource for the community. I meant no disrespect. i'll just use the "New Posts" as Bale suggested.

BTW fewyn, you're aware that you are missing images/icons/rss-small.png, the RSS Post Icon? There's a whole bunch of absent images in front of every thread in the Latest SVN Changes forum.
Ummm... the new bug tracker is really weird.

I cannot figure out how it will tell me which reports have new responses.

Adding a new comment to a bug report was... Well, see for yourself: I responded to lostcalpolydude, but that's really hard to tell.

Perhaps the old bug tracker was better? Then you could even return our old bug reports.