Forum Update

I'd love to see the 'Latest SVN Changes' back in action. It's 10x easier to read/use than the sourceforce tracker.
Going to try to get around to trying to write this weekend unless someone else wants to pop in and write a rss parser for svn logs.
Going to try to get around to trying to write this weekend unless someone else wants to pop in and write a rss parser for svn logs.

i'd give it a couple of days to make sure I havn't got it totally wrong but fingers crossed this should be a fully functional rss feed for the svn log.

someone let me know what you want the channel to contain...

	<title>KoLmafia svn changes</title>
	<description />
	<copyright />

I don't see any reason why people shouldn't put this into their favorite aggregators too,

its generated on the fly (from a database not from sourceforge) so i'll be adding some querystring parameters at somepoint if I can be bothered suchs as ?show=100 or ?showsincerevision=8023

anyway, hope this helps
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There's another problem with this update that I'm finding quite vexing.

Could you increase the limit on the length of a file name? It is very troubling for people downloading my script to need to rename it or else it won't work with their current settings for using a recovery script.
The appearance isn't so bad after I've been using it for a few days. You'll get used to it also.

I'm more concerned with other issues that impact my ability to make use of its features, like the bug tracker and my ability to attach files with a filename of more than 15 characters. That's a problem which may force me to rename my most popular script.
One heck of a lot of Google searching turned up this. What version of vBulletin are we using? (I know 4, but can we be more specific?) It seems like the problem exists in 4.0.2 but is fixed in 4.0.3.
One heck of a lot of Google searching turned up this. What version of vBulletin are we using? (I know 4, but can we be more specific?) It seems like the problem exists in 4.0.2 but is fixed in 4.0.3.

4.0.3 being not released yet that is.
Nonetheless, it does mention a fix in the thread that I linked to. (recreated below for easier access)

includes/class_upload.php OLD
function ncrencode_filename($filename)
    $extension = file_extension($filename);
    $base = substr($filename, 0, strpos($filename, $extension));
    $base = ncrencode($base);

    return $base . '.' . $extension;
includes/class_upload.php NEW
function ncrencode_filename($filename)
    $extension = file_extension($filename);
    $base = substr($filename, 0, (strpos($filename, $extension)-1));
    $base = ncrencode($base, true);

    return $base . '.' . $extension;

Actually, now that I'm looking at the code somewhat more closely, it seems like this is the fix to the duplicate period issue, which is also a problem, albeit more minor (example here).

SVN Messages are trimmed and have any line breaks replaced with <br> at point of feed generation as RSS readers don't like the newline character.
Revisions number at begining of entry is now a link to the jar build in daily builds.
When creating entry title by adding first 80 chars of description to build number, if description contains a line break BEFORE 80 chars then stop title there.

i'd give it a couple of days to make sure I havn't got it totally wrong but fingers crossed this should be a fully functional rss feed for the svn log.

someone let me know what you want the channel to contain...

	<title>KoLmafia svn changes</title>
	<description />
	<copyright />

I don't see any reason why people shouldn't put this into their favorite aggregators too,

its generated on the fly (from a database not from sourceforge) so i'll be adding some querystring parameters at somepoint if I can be bothered suchs as ?show=100 or ?showsincerevision=8023

anyway, hope this helps
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Added some new colour schemes to the forums. You either change them in your UserCP at the bottom of the General Settings page or in the bottom left hand corner.

So far we have Gray Gremlin, Blue & Gold, Dark Rider and Emerald Sea. There are a few more I am going to add but this should give you all a nice set of choices to start with.
Added some new colour schemes to the forums. You either change them in your UserCP at the bottom of the General Settings page or in the bottom left hand corner.

So far we have Gray Gremlin, Blue & Gold, Dark Rider and Emerald Sea. There are a few more I am going to add but this should give you all a nice set of choices to start with.
Thank you. If the data is easy for you to collect, it would be interesting to revisit this in a month or so and see how many people are using something other than the default (and what they are using).
Not sure if the file name size limitation issue Bale mentioned was resolved or not. This thread may be helpful in solving that, but I'm not certain.
Not sure if the file name size limitation issue Bale mentioned was resolved or not. This thread may be helpful in solving that, but I'm not certain.

fewyn didn't say anything about it, but the issue was resolved. I've recently uploaded two different files that previously refused to have the correct file name. Rainbow Gravitation and Universal_recovery both have the correct file name now.

fewyn, whatever you did, thank you.
fewyn, the forum update is looking pretty spiffy, but I've got another request.

Could you fix the [code][/code] and [php][/php] tags so that they stop wrapping lines? This forum used to have a scroll bar at the bottom of the code box to look at long lines and I really liked it that way a lot.