My nose itches.And unlike some other more attentive authors, I'm not constantly posting updates either (ha)

My nose itches.And unlike some other more attentive authors, I'm not constantly posting updates either (ha)
@chown: In the case of wanting to save a bounty for tomorrow, just accept the bounty after you're done with adventuring for the day.
if (olf[m] && get_property("currentBountyItem") != 0) return page;
if (!olf[m] && !(item_drops(m) contains to_item(get_property("currentBountyItem")))) return page;
string handle_olfaction(monster m, string page) {
if (should_autofact()) print("(Auto-olfacting would go here...)","gray");
if (have_effect($effect[on the trail]) == 0 && olf contains m) {
if ((!olf[m] && get_property("currentBountyItem") == "0") ||
( olf[m] && get_property("currentBountyItem") != "0")) return page;
if ((!olf[m] && get_property("currentBountyItem") != "0") &&
((item_amount($item[spooky putty sheet]) != 0 ||
to_int(get_property("spookyPuttyCopiesMade")) < 5)))
return act(throw_item($item[spooky putty sheet]));
return try_skill(page,$skill[transcendent olfaction]);
return page;
[14762] Haunted Gallery
Encounter: cubist bull
Strategy: E:\KoL Mafia\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: cashflake loses initiative!
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 40.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 4.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 40.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
goat party
Multiple matches against goat.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 40.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
haunted wine cellar (automatic)
haunted wine cellar (northeast)
haunted wine cellar (northwest)
haunted wine cellar (southeast)
haunted wine cellar (southwest)
Multiple matches against Haunted Wine Cellar.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
back 40
other back 40
Multiple matches against 0.
Round 1: cashflake attacks!
You gain 370 Meat
You acquire an item: non-Euclidean hoof
You gain 22 Strongness
You gain 39 Enchantedness
You gain 28 Smarm
[ default ]
consult FirstThingsFirst.ash
Basically, I thought the sequence was:
Do stasis stuff based on the rules / logic
Do the DB combos as listed
A quick question:
How do I change the script that it always uses the putty sheet on the goth giant?
if (should_putty ||
if (should_putty || m == $monster[goth giant] ||