int poorTeeth = 0;
string sewers = visit_url ("adventure.php?snarfblat=166") ;
// adventure in sewers
visit_url ("adventure.php?snarfblat=166") ;
// if it's a combat adventure, obey the custom combat script
if (contains_text( sewers , "combat"))
// handles choice adventures
string run_choice( string page_text )
while( contains_text( page_text , "choice.php" ) )
int begin_choice_adv_num = ( index_of( page_text , "whichchoice value=" ) + 18 );
int end_choice_adv_num = index_of( page_text , "><input" , begin_choice_adv_num );
string choice_adv_num = substring( page_text , begin_choice_adv_num , end_choice_adv_num );
string choice_adv_prop = "choiceAdventure" + choice_adv_num;
string choice_num = get_property( choice_adv_prop );
if( choice_num == "" )
abort( "Unsupported Choice Adventure!" );
string url = "choice.php?pwd&whichchoice=" + choice_adv_num + "&option=" + choice_num;
page_text = visit_url( url );
// if you gnaw through the C.H.U.M. cage, make a note of it
if (contains_text( sewers ,"Do you think you're popular enough") && waitForRescue == false && poorteeth < toothTolerance )
poorteeth +=1 ;
print ("Ok, you just had to gnaw your way out of the cage. Let's wait 30 seconds and let someone else be cage bait");
wait (30);
if (contains_text( sewers ,"Do you think you're popular enough") && waitForRescue == false && poorteeth == toothTolerance)
abort ("you already wasted" + toothTolerance * 10 + " turns gnawing out of the cage. Wait an hour and run this script again, unless you want to waste even more adventures");
// if the sewer is flooded while the script is running... abort
if (contains_text( sewers , "terrible ghastly torrent of raw sewage"))
abort ("Sewers are being reflooded. Wait until the dungeon is open again");
// if you tried to turn a valve, and all the grates are opened...
if (contains_text (page_text, "You tug and tug, but you can't get the crank to budge"))
grates = 20 ;
// if you tried to lower the water level, but couldn't...
if (contains_text (page_text, "but the level of the water doesn't change"))
water = 20 ;
if (turnGrates == True && grates <20)
checkGrates ;
if (lowerWater == True && water <20)
checkWater ;
return page_text;
until (contains_text( sewers ,"onward and... downward!")) ;