Thank you Theraze! That fixed it. Huh, I wonder why that slight complication would mess it up...
Anyway, here's my new version of sewer.ash.
Changelog: 1/4/11
There are a large number of user preferences at the top of the script. Be sure to look at them before you run the script!
You can now set your outfit, mood, familiar, and custom combat script that you'll use in the sewers
You can also set your outfit, mood, familiar, and custom combat script for when you leave the sewers
The script now checks to see if you have a hobo code binder equipped. If you have a binder, but don’t have it equipped, the script will abort. Set checkBinder to false if you want to adventure without a binder.
It has a similar function for gatorskin umbrellas. To disable, set checkUmbrella to false.
The script will let you decide if you want to do should you get trapped in the C.H.U.M.s’ cage. Gnaw through the bars (at the cost of 10 adventures) or wait for rescue. Waiting will abort the script. Default is to gnaw through the bars.
The script now gives you an option on what to do with the base materials you get during the run. Whether you want to convert them to the items you need to make the run faster, mallsell them, send them to sellbot, or just ignore them.
The script now checks how many hobo glyphs you have in your binder. And when I say "checks", I mean it runs Glyph_Checker.ash that will check how many glyphs you have. To stop the script from checking for glyphs before every run, set checkGlyphs to false. You should check for glyphs at least once before running Sewer.ash. If you don't check for glyphs, it assumes that you have no glyphs, and will compensate by buying a ton of items needed for the tunnels. If you know how many hobo glyphs you have, if you type "set hoboGlyphs = X" in the cli, Sewer.ash will assume you have X hobo glyphs, and buys items accordingly.
The script now notifies me if you’re using it.
Planned updates:
Will do some testing to see if the script will adventure for an additional 10 adventures if you have to gnaw through the cage.
Will set it to check the logs to see if all grates/valves have been opened/turned. If the are nouns to be verbed, it will not take the tunnel, and will instead verb the nouns. Will make it so you could just always take the tunnel if you don’t want to be helpful.
Will make a thread in the "Turn Burning Scripts" section later tonight for this script... because I probably should.