New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor


Well-known member
Many thing are different but the three I tripped over almost immediately are:
  1. Stomach is limited to 5
  2. Liver is limited to 4
  3. The Campground is not accessible for the first 50 turns and after that it's not the campground we know
More to come.
Campground doesn't exist and does a redirect:
Retrieving campground data...
Unhandled redirect to    place.php?whichplace=wereprof_cottage
(debug log attached)


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Getting a stack trace for this error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.AscensionClass.isStandard()" because "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLCharacter.ascensionClass" is null
(debug log attached, for hopeful convenience)


Getting a stack trace for this error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.AscensionClass.isStandard()" because "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLCharacter.ascensionClass" is null
(debug log attached, for hopeful convenience)
This should hopefully be resolved now for this path and all future paths.
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Hm. That last one is a different stack trace, where AscensionClass might never be initialized (and therefore is still null if there are no matches). It's an easy fix; I'll post a pull request in a bit.
The Island Battlefield decoration is...weird when in beast form. The Organic Orchard is complete and is decorated properly when not in beast form but the decoration isn't visible when in beast form.
Hello there,

not actually sure, if this is the right place to post this, but since I ascended into WereProfessor the Item Manager doesn't display the possible craftable foods and boozes anymore (I am 100 % confident I have the ingredients and recipes: unflavored winecoolers and oranges, lemons and a strawberry and also bagels and globs of creamcheese); Also the displayed consumption space is not yet matched according to the path rules for me:


On another account dropping the path "fixed" the problem. So the problem seems to be related to the new path.

I'd be really happy, if someone could look into this. ;)
Any recipe that requires a cooking or cocktail crafting skill isn't creatable in the new challenge path. If you haven't purchased, and deployed, an oven and/or cocktail shaker then those food/drink are not creatable.

It seems that your campground kitchen is still available for this purpose even though it's not otherwise accessible in this path.

Purchasing an oven, or cocktail shaker, is only possible when not in beast-mode.
Thing is: I was able to create those items from the regular web interface / relay browser with no problems. Namely Acceptable Bagels and various flavoured winecoolers.
I have the Savage Beast instrinsic.
I maximize for -combat.
The Maximizer suggests "uneffect Savage Beast (+25)".
Surely that is not possible.
I'm at the Research Bench.
That is choice 1523.
All the buttons are option=1.
You need an additional field - r=wereprof_hunt - to specify which button was actually selected.

> choice
choice 1: Lactide blocker (30 rp)

There are actually 8 buttons available and "Lactide Blocker" is the first one.

Note that the "choice" command can pass in additional fields:

choice 1 r=wereprof_rend2

is what is REALLY needed to select "Lactide Blocker"

ChoiceManager et. al. needs some work.

I think I'll work on this next, since session logging always says you researched whatever the first visible button is.
I see @Veracity has PRs for some updates.

I just completed my first run and I am listing thoughts for some other things to do:
  • Track the skills known at the Research Bench, probably through a property or something similar to "wereProfessorStomach" and "wereProfessorLiver"
    • This might only matter for the 3 attack skills: Rend, Bite, and Kick
  • Add Punt to BanishManager
  • Track 'Hunt' monster
  • Track locations where [smashed scientific equipment] has been gathered
  • Track research points earned/available
  • Track resting at "place.php?whichplace=wereprof_cottage&action=wereprof_sleep"
  • Track monsters that have been researched - Advanced Research seems to only work once per monster
  • The focused magnetron pistol lets you steal (pickpocket)
  • override the outfit rules
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I’m still in the middle of my first run.

Tracking skills from the Research Bench will be in my draft PR. Including deriving what you already researched based on what is on offer.

Maybe prefs for Rend, Bite, and Kick are reasonable. Hunt, etc. can be seen by looking for “hunt” etc. in the property with researched skills.

I will be rewriting liver and stomach based on parsing all researched skills. The others I mentioned can go the same way.
Prefs for Rend, Bite, and Kick would be useful to know when you are a Beast as the skill changes depending on what level they are.

My early spading is thus:
Rend1 = buffedmuscle physical damage
Rend2 = 1.50*Rend1
Rend3 = Rend2 + HP restore

Bite1 = buffedmyst stench damage
Bite2 = 0.50*buffedmyst stench damage + 0.50*buffedmyst sleaze damage
Bite3 = 1.50*Bite2

Kick1 = 0.50*buffedmoxie + delevel
Kick2 = ???
Kick3 = ???

(I did not get to the 2nd and 3rd levels of Kick)
The new IoTM, the Everfull Dart Holster, makes combat as the Professor, for anything beyond very weak monsters, MUCH more feasible.
Things I'd like to see, which have wildly differing effort levels (probably).

  1. CCS capability of doing advanced research and stealing for research as a professor
  2. tracking Advanced Research by Monster
    1. showing it in the decorated fight page for Professors
    2. skipping it in the CCS if it's already been researched
  3. tracking smashed delay
    1. I have no idea where to display this except maybe Tourguide would use it. I haven't asked them.
On Review: @ckb posted 2 and 3 already, so I'm basically just seconding their ideas.
Things I'd like to see, which have wildly differing effort levels (probably).

  1. CCS capability of doing advanced research and stealing for research as a professor

You can macro-ify Advanced Research with "skill Advanced Research; "
Now that it is in classskills.txt and Mafia knows about it, you can probably just call it like any other combat skill in a CCS