Equipt.ash [version: 1.8] [released: 10/06/09]
Equipt can help you select the best outfit and familiar for your needs, using internal kolmafia files this script should not need to be updated everytime a new item/familiar is released, just wait for kolmafia to support them (you can even help the devs to make the wait shorter) then regenerate the item maps and the script should be ready to use the new items
the original script was created by Paragon and can be found here
download the latest version here and rename the file to equipt.ash, then...
call equipt.ash -regenthis will generate all the item map files, you can move them from the kolmafia/scripts directory to kolmafia/data if you want to keep your scripts directory neat
call equipt.ash -fill[Moxie]this will fill your outfit with your best Moxie outfit
call equipt.ash -fill[Moxie] -fill[Muscle]... the same as above but this will fill any spaces in the outfit with Muscle items
call equipt.ash -fill[Moxie=20] -fill[Muscle]... this will try to make an outfit giving atleast 20 Moxie but using the least number of items, then fill the spaces with Muscle
-sim this stops the script from wearing or pulling any items
-regen generate new item map files adding any new items
-fill[] fill any gaps remaining with specified attribute, you can add multiple -fill[]s
-pull[]the maximum pulls the script will attempt, defaults to 0
-stickers[] 'off' stops sticker usage, any else is the minimum number of stickers needed to be selected
-familiar[] 'none' and 'current' stop a familiar being selected, anything else is considered the familiar type
-item[] adds the specified item to the outfit
-area[] adds the items needed to adventure is specified area, currently known: 'pirate', 'palindrome', 'mine', 'hobo', 'sewers' and 'sea'
-outfit[] adds the items of the specified outfit
-weaponlimit[] limit weapon choices to a specific type, you can add more than one to widen the search
-quiet stops printing output (default for script access)
-verbose prints out progress (default for CLI access)
-vverbose print out the outfits as it compares them
-strictLimits if a modifier limit can not be reach then the script fails (default for script access)
-softLimits continues even if modifier limit is not met (default for CLI)
-help prints out some help from the CLI you you dont have to search for this post
-libhelp prints out some help for importing this script into your own
-changelog prints out recent changes in this version
For a complete list of normal modifiers type: modref
Built in modifiers are: elemental damage, all (items that have all elemental resistances), Farm, HP Regen, MP Regen, -Monster Level, -Combat Rate and Air Supply
Common Issues
Item x is not being equipt ... have a look in the item map for the specific modifier you having a problem with, you should see the item with its value (at time of generating the item map, this value is only to aid debugging and is not used internally) if the item is missing or has a wrong value regenerate the item maps, if the item is still wrong/missing then kolmafia doesnt support this item or has the wrong info about it... if you think the item needs special handling in the script reply here
Item x is not being picked even though the -trace command shows it scoring higher ... reply here with the outfit it picked and the lines from the -trace command, just for the items picked and the one(s) you think it should have picked
Change Log
Version 1.8 (10/06/09)
Mainly a bug fixing version, familiar item selection and avoiding brimstone buckler with 2 handed weapons with a few minor changes to add more checks along the way
Also released is equipt_tester.ash ... its mainly for my own batch testing but should help with reporting problems, for example... if the script still had the brimstone buckler bug you could generate a pair of files to help, one containing your inventory/familiars the other containing the results from the script... all with a single command such as equipt_tester.ash trace item drop
Version 1.7 (26/05/09)
Support for area based modifiers, thanks again Jason ... now item behaviour based on location is used, this makes -regen take longer so i only told it to check all areas when I knew the modifier contains at least one area-dependant item
New internal modifier: Air Supply, which picks the best breathing equipment based on Stench Resistance
New areas are: sewers, hobo and sea (which adds Air Supply if you dont have a breathing effect)
Better pre-selected-familiar handling... When locked to a familiar (or specified) the script will still try and find the best familiar item
Version 1.6 (22/05/09)
KoL Mafia now supports a familiar numeric_modifier, thanks Jason ... now all familiars that Mafia supports, this script should as well
Improved brimstone handling... it should now check by adding one brimstone item at a time instead of checking all or nothing
Squashed another internal outfit error
Equipt can help you select the best outfit and familiar for your needs, using internal kolmafia files this script should not need to be updated everytime a new item/familiar is released, just wait for kolmafia to support them (you can even help the devs to make the wait shorter) then regenerate the item maps and the script should be ready to use the new items
the original script was created by Paragon and can be found here
download the latest version here and rename the file to equipt.ash, then...
call equipt.ash -regenthis will generate all the item map files, you can move them from the kolmafia/scripts directory to kolmafia/data if you want to keep your scripts directory neat
call equipt.ash -fill[Moxie]this will fill your outfit with your best Moxie outfit
call equipt.ash -fill[Moxie] -fill[Muscle]... the same as above but this will fill any spaces in the outfit with Muscle items
call equipt.ash -fill[Moxie=20] -fill[Muscle]... this will try to make an outfit giving atleast 20 Moxie but using the least number of items, then fill the spaces with Muscle
-sim this stops the script from wearing or pulling any items
-regen generate new item map files adding any new items
-fill[] fill any gaps remaining with specified attribute, you can add multiple -fill[]s
-pull[]the maximum pulls the script will attempt, defaults to 0
-stickers[] 'off' stops sticker usage, any else is the minimum number of stickers needed to be selected
-familiar[] 'none' and 'current' stop a familiar being selected, anything else is considered the familiar type
-item[] adds the specified item to the outfit
-area[] adds the items needed to adventure is specified area, currently known: 'pirate', 'palindrome', 'mine', 'hobo', 'sewers' and 'sea'
-outfit[] adds the items of the specified outfit
-weaponlimit[] limit weapon choices to a specific type, you can add more than one to widen the search
-quiet stops printing output (default for script access)
-verbose prints out progress (default for CLI access)
-vverbose print out the outfits as it compares them
-strictLimits if a modifier limit can not be reach then the script fails (default for script access)
-softLimits continues even if modifier limit is not met (default for CLI)
-help prints out some help from the CLI you you dont have to search for this post
-libhelp prints out some help for importing this script into your own
-changelog prints out recent changes in this version
For a complete list of normal modifiers type: modref
Built in modifiers are: elemental damage, all (items that have all elemental resistances), Farm, HP Regen, MP Regen, -Monster Level, -Combat Rate and Air Supply
Common Issues
Item x is not being equipt ... have a look in the item map for the specific modifier you having a problem with, you should see the item with its value (at time of generating the item map, this value is only to aid debugging and is not used internally) if the item is missing or has a wrong value regenerate the item maps, if the item is still wrong/missing then kolmafia doesnt support this item or has the wrong info about it... if you think the item needs special handling in the script reply here
Item x is not being picked even though the -trace command shows it scoring higher ... reply here with the outfit it picked and the lines from the -trace command, just for the items picked and the one(s) you think it should have picked
Change Log
Version 1.8 (10/06/09)
Mainly a bug fixing version, familiar item selection and avoiding brimstone buckler with 2 handed weapons with a few minor changes to add more checks along the way
Also released is equipt_tester.ash ... its mainly for my own batch testing but should help with reporting problems, for example... if the script still had the brimstone buckler bug you could generate a pair of files to help, one containing your inventory/familiars the other containing the results from the script... all with a single command such as equipt_tester.ash trace item drop
Version 1.7 (26/05/09)
Support for area based modifiers, thanks again Jason ... now item behaviour based on location is used, this makes -regen take longer so i only told it to check all areas when I knew the modifier contains at least one area-dependant item
New internal modifier: Air Supply, which picks the best breathing equipment based on Stench Resistance
New areas are: sewers, hobo and sea (which adds Air Supply if you dont have a breathing effect)
Better pre-selected-familiar handling... When locked to a familiar (or specified) the script will still try and find the best familiar item
Version 1.6 (22/05/09)
KoL Mafia now supports a familiar numeric_modifier, thanks Jason ... now all familiars that Mafia supports, this script should as well

Improved brimstone handling... it should now check by adding one brimstone item at a time instead of checking all or nothing
Squashed another internal outfit error
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