Like Alhifar noticed there is a trailing space, i will post a fix for that (and case sensitivity) later todayFailed to generate Item Map for 'Moxie ', is this the case correct?
if you do -trace Moxie and have a look for the bottle-rocket entry that should help work out why it isnt finding itUnfortunately that character has two bottle-rocket crossbows, so my off-hand shouldn't be empty.
Like Alhifar noticed there is a trailing space, i will post a fix for that (and case sensitivity) later today
if you do -trace Moxie and have a look for the bottle-rocket entry that should help work out why it isnt finding it
Slot: weapon
bottle-rocket crossbow [can_equip: true] [available: 2] [storage: 0] [remaining: 2] [score: 210]
it tells me it can find 2 of them and thinks it could add both to an outfit, does the script use both of them now?That doesn't look real insightful to me, but maybe it will help you.
Nope.> equipt Moxie -sim
Searching for Moxie
[outfit: (none)] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 888]
[outfit: Swashbuckling Getup] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 454]
[outfit: Star Garb] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 470]
[outfit: Glad Bag Glad Rags] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 261]
[outfit: Palmist Paraphernalia] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 268]
hat: Disco 'Fro Pick
shirt: grungy flannel shirt
pants: plexiglass pants
weapon: bottle-rocket crossbow
offhand: (empty)
acc1: Elvish sunglasses
acc2: dead guy's memento
acc3: tube sock
familiar: (empty)
Sim Complete.
Fixed (fingers crossedHodgman outfit stuff isn't quite working. It put on the outfit, but not the garbage sticker.
I have tried to add it to 1.5 but can only test it by forcing item detection, hopefully it will work but shout out if you have any problems (remember to edit the script to enable the outfit)Any chance equipt.ash could be modified to handle the Brimstone set bonus?
Unfortunately, Brimstone isn't that simple - wearing less than all 6 pieces gives a smaller bonus, and this is sometimes worthwhile. For example, 4 Brimstone pieces and 3 hockey sticks would give more ML than 6 Brimstone pieces and 1 hockey stick.I have tried to add it to 1.5 but can only test it by forcing item detection, hopefully it will work but shout out if you have any problems (remember to edit the script to enable the outfit)
I cant reproduce the error, even when forcing detection of the garage sticker (with hobo sock) and bobble-hip hula elf doll the script doesnt fail... i will try adding some more debugging forcing items...Searching for Meat Drop
[outfit: (none)] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 230]
Internal error building outfit? trying to add two items to same slot [slot: off-hand] [original: Hodgman's garbage sticker] [adding: bobble-hip hula elf doll]
does the script consider (or decide apon) the brimstone outfit for monster level, meat drop or item drop?Unfortunately, Brimstone isn't that simple - wearing less than all 6 pieces gives a smaller bonus, and this is sometimes worthwhile. For example, 4 Brimstone pieces and 3 hockey sticks would give more ML than 6 Brimstone pieces and 1 hockey stick.
I observed this error as well:I cant reproduce the error, even when forcing detection of the garage sticker (with hobo sock) and bobble-hip hula elf doll the script doesnt fail... i will try adding some more debugging forcing items...
> fakeitem 3 hockey stick
> equipt -sim -item[Hockey Stick of Furious Angry Rage] Monster Level
Searching for Monster Level
[outfit: (none)] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 80]
[outfit: Internal-Brimestone Outfit] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 94]
Internal error building outfit? trying to add two items to same slot [slot: acc1] [original: hockey stick of furious angry rage] [adding: hockey stick of furious angry rage]
Yes, that part is working perfectly.does the script consider (or decide apon) the brimstone outfit for monster level, meat drop or item drop?
The correct implementation would be this: track how good a modifier you are getting from each slot without using brimstone. Then check what you get if you replace the least valuable sot with a brimstone piece, then try replacing the 2 least valuable slots, and so on, for 7 total variations to check. This would need to be done under each outfit. It does help that no brimstone piece gives +ML, meat or items on its own.if the check is working properly i can modify it to loop from 0 to your brimstone count and work out which number is best... but without some form of modifier weighing i cant compare the different brimstone items to each other...
I cant reproduce the error, even when forcing detection of the garage sticker (with hobo sock) and bobble-hip hula elf doll the script doesnt fail... i will try adding some more debugging forcing items...
but as recent version are showing the bugs are very dependant on your current stash of items... I think im best trying and add some sort of forced inventory overlay, that way i can test a specific inventory on any character... I might even be able to make some sort of automated check that any new changes are not breaking optimal item selection... If i made a 'standard inventory' to check against what should it include? (tests would probably need a few high scoring items 'in storage' to check pulls ... should a standard set of familiars also be considered? )
KoLmafia has an undocumented command that may be useful to you here:I think im best trying and add some sort of forced inventory overlay, that way i can test a specific inventory on any character...