Equipt - an item selection tool

I think it must be something in my setup. I tried going back to 1.6 and got the same error message but on line 183 vice 232. Any ideas?

182 if (attrib == "Hobo Power") {
183 return numeric_modifier(f, attrib, w, i);

I have been running 13.2, which I have to run as administrator oddly enough. I can't get a daily build to run at all. /boggle

Probably because you haven't associated java with jar files, though since you haven't said a single thing about what the problem is, I'm really just guessing. If you need help, please explain what OS you run on and what sort of error message you get. If there is no error message, then describe how it fails.
Vista OS and Java 6.13.

I have always used the daily updates until Java reccomended the 6.13 update. Now selecting the .jar file to run does not start Mafia. I have looked for file associations in the java control panel. Is it something that would not be set up by default? It has to be something obvious I am missing and it is killing me. Right clicking and selecting Java to run the .jar opens a window that is reminiscent of the DOS prompt but closes immediately.

Thanks for taking the time to help a java neophyte.

Unfortunately I have no idea how to help you, sorry. However you've now provided enough information that someone else may be able to identify your problem.

Are there any words in the dos window? If there are, see if you can hit "print screen" while it is open, paste that into an image editor (like MS Paint if you have nothing else), save the file, upload onto the web, and post it for us here, so we might be able to see a swiftly vanishing error message. Just an idea.
I'm guessing you need to address the "have to run as administrator" stuff first.

I used to use mafia (the .jar files) in a corporate network on computers that were so locked down we couldn't change the screensaver and I never had a problem.
I'm increasingly finding this script indispensable. I have a few minor criticisms:

> equipt Monster Level -sim

Searching for Monster Level
[outfit: (none)] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 42.0]
[outfit: Furry Suit] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 40.0]
hat: (empty)
pants: buoybottoms
weapon: serpentine sword
offhand: serpentine sword

I had a snake shield, so shouldn't it have chosen that in preference to a serpentine sword? Granted it would be the same ML, but it is generally better to have a shield. Here's another interesting choice:

> equipt item drop -sim

Searching for Item Drop
[outfit: (none)] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 104.08099]
hat: straw hat
pants: (empty)
weapon: duck-on-a-string
offhand: duck-on-a-string

In this instance I had an octopus' spade and the stat to use it. They have the same item bonus out of water, but the octopus' spade is a more powerful weapon.
> equipt Item Drop -sim

Searching for Item Drop
[outfit: (none)] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 219.70781]
[outfit: Bounty-Hunting Rig] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 224.70781]
hat: bounty-hunting helmet
shirt: flaming pink shirt
pants: bounty-hunting pants
weapon: bounty-hunting rifle
offhand: (two handed weapon)
acc1: Mr. Accessory Jr.
acc2: Mr. Accessory Jr.
acc3: Mr. Accessory Jr.
familiar: (locked to) Jumpsuited Hound Dog
familiar item: blue suede shoes

Sim Complete.

The problem is that I've got a Plastic Pumpkin Bucket for my familiar, but it isn't being chosen... The next one fails completely for no good reason.

> equipt Item drop

Searching for Item Drop
[outfit: (none)] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 100.0]
[outfit: Bounty-Hunting Rig] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 110.0]
hat: bounty-hunting helmet
shirt: flaming pink shirt
pants: bounty-hunting pants
weapon: bounty-hunting rifle
offhand: (two handed weapon)
acc1: Order of the Silver Wossname
acc2: Baron von Ratsworth's monocle
acc3: Nickel Gamma of Frugality
familiar: (locked to) Star Starfish
familiar item: (empty)

Wielding bounty-hunting rifle...
Equipment changed.
You can't equip an off-hand item while wielding a 2-handed weapon.
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Error with the meat detector.

Ok, fine. I'll just put the meat detector in the closet and re-run it.

> closet put meat detect

Placing items into closet...
Requests complete.

> call scripts\equipt.ash Meat Drop

Searching for Meat Drop
[outfit: (none)] [hobo: (none)] [rate: 249.41562]
hat: (empty)
shirt: duct tape shirt
pants: stainless steel slacks
weapon: meatspout staff
offhand: (two handed weapon)
acc1: incredibly dense meat gem
acc2: Baron von Ratsworth's money clip
acc3: pulled porquoise pendant
familiar: Hobo Monkey
familiar item: Meat detector

Searching for "meat detector"...
Purchasing Meat detector (1 @ 5,499)...
You acquire an item: Meat detector
Purchases complete.
Putting on Meat detector...
Only a specific familiar type ( Leprechaun ) can equip this item.

The tiny bindle is the equipment for the hobo monkey. And why did the script decide to buy another detector for me? Is there a variable I can set to disable "helpful" purchases?

I did see the note on locking the familiar. I will try that and re-run it.

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Locked the familiar from the CLI....

Switched to the Leprechaun, just for giggles.

Re-ran the script.

Putting Irish Coffee the Leprechaun back into terrarium...

Taking Liberal Democrat the Hobo Monkey out of terrarium...

Stealing Meat detector from Irish Coffee the Leprechaun...

Putting on Meat detector...
Only a specific familiar type ( Leprechaun ) can equip this item.

Disabled familiar swapping and it ran fine.
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Hey, its been a crazy few days for me and i havnt had much time to work on the script... hope it will pass before the weekend

I'm increasingly finding this script indispensable.

I have a few minor criticisms:

I had a snake shield, so shouldn't it have chosen that in preference to a serpentine sword? Granted it would be the same ML, but it is generally better to have a shield. Here's another interesting choice:
In this instance I had an octopus' spade and the stat to use it. They have the same item bonus out of water, but the octopus' spade is a more powerful weapon.
Better decisions on 'equal' items is something i keep meaning on adding but keep getting distracted by shiny things... it is planned, and will probably be before version 2.0 (currently called 'modifier-weight-based-scoring killer of performance')
it is generally better to have a shield
Any idea how much better? If a sword gave +5 moxie but other 'equal' item was a shield (giving no other modifiers at all) how should i pick between them?

The problem is that I've got a Plastic Pumpkin Bucket for my familiar, but it isn't being chosen...
the plastic pumpkin bucket wasnt listed as a universal-familiar item on which ever wiki page i stole my familiar item list from, add it for next version... if you want to add it before the next version, open the script and search for 'wax lips' and add the line
familiarItems[count(familiarItems)] = $item[plastic pumpkin bucket];

You can't equip an off-hand item while wielding a 2-handed weapon.
I havnt been able to reproduce this error but next version will add some more debugging options to aid tracking it down... One of these options will be part of a separate script I have been working on as part of an automated tester for new versions of equipt.ash which should help catch bugs before release

familiar: Hobo Monkey
familiar item: Meat detector
I am chasing down the bug with familiars being selected with the incorrect familiar item but im having difficulty reproducing it, I am hoping that the automated tester will aid in the search... it has already found the bug where a familiar will not be selected if it doesnt have any familiar items to wear

Searching for "meat detector"...
Purchasing Meat detector (1 @ 5,499)...
You acquire an item: Meat detector
Purchases complete.
Putting on Meat detector...
And why did the script decide to buy another detector for me? Is there a variable I can set to disable "helpful" purchases?
The script has no buy support what so ever, any purchases would be part of mafia's decisions on where to get the item to wear... which, as the item was found with available_amount(), i would assume would first try and get it from the closet before auto-purchasing (which by default it would never do)

I hope to have a new version ready this weekend, with automated testing tool ready about the same time... with the tool (those willing) can make a list of their inventory/storage and familiars (with weights) which will help me build up a few test setups to check against
Thanks for reading and responding to all those bug reports. I care because I think this script is awesome. I love mafia for stuff like this, not the automation.
Not quite optimal Adventures.
> modtrace adventures

sourceAdventurestime helmet+3.00=*3.0
time sword+3.00=*6.0
depleted grimacite gravy boat+2.00=*8.0
general sage's lonely diamonds club jacket+3.00=*11.0
time trousers+3.00=*14.0
dead guy's memento+5.00=*19.0
plexiglass pocketwatch+3.00=*22.0
depleted grimacite grappling hook+2.00=*24.0
time sword+3.00=*27.0
time trappings+3.00=*30.0
clockwork maid+8.00=*38.0
pagoda plans+3.00=*41.0

> modtrace adventures

time helmet+3.00=*3.0
time sword+3.00=*6.0
time sword+3.00=*9.0
general sage's lonely diamonds club jacket+3.00=*12.0
time trousers+3.00=*15.0
dead guy's memento+5.00=*20.0
depleted grimacite weightlifting belt+2.00=*22.0
plexiglass pocketwatch+3.00=*25.0
time sword+3.00=*28.0
time trappings+3.00=*31.0
clockwork maid+8.00=*39.0
pagoda plans+3.00=*42.0

With DFSS (I don't have permed yet, but I have it this run) the 2nd time sword is better than the grappling hook.

Otherwise, very nice script
I have a feature request that I think is probably too hard, but I'll ask anyway. :)

Let's say my buffed moxie with my current outfit is 40, and I've calculated "safemox" for a zone to be 30 (using Z's scripts, for example - basically, at a mox of 30, I'm comfortable that I probably won't get hit adventuring there).

I'd like to shift around my outfit so that my moxie and the zone rating are as high as possible, while keeping moxie > rating. That means figuring out some optimal combination of +ML and +Moxie, which seems Hard.

Of course, I'd also like to keep certain outfit pieces constant (e.g. not swap out my mana-regen helmet).

Tall order, I realize, but I thought I'd ask. :)
I have a feature request that I think is probably too hard, but I'll ask anyway. :)

Let's say my buffed moxie with my current outfit is 40, and I've calculated "safemox" for a zone to be 30 (using Z's scripts, for example - basically, at a mox of 30, I'm comfortable that I probably won't get hit adventuring there).

I'd like to shift around my outfit so that my moxie and the zone rating are as high as possible, while keeping moxie > rating. That means figuring out some optimal combination of +ML and +Moxie, which seems Hard.
As i understand the request... if you had 20 moxie and wanted to adventure where you needed 30 (CURRENTLY -fill[Moxie=10] will add atleast 10 moxie to your outfit using the least items) and you also want any +Monster Level added to be match with (atleast) equal +Moxie to cover the additional challenge? (and I assume someone will probably want the same added for Muscle so they can hit them)
I think that might be possible to made an internal outfit adding moxie then try and add ML until it exceeds the moxie (then trim excess moxie)
I will look at adding a minMoxie (and minMuscle) option (which if the moxie/muscle is not enough it trys adds a limit requiring it and...) where we add Monster Level (specified or via Experience) we add moxie/muscle to compensate... (this implementation should also handle cases, in the extreme future, where your characters moxie is 40 and its willing to sacrafice 10 moxie for the best outfit)
I'm not sure where in the roadmap this will fit best but it will probably be after version 2.0

Tall order, I realize, but I thought I'd ask. :)
I will see what i can do :)

... as Im sure some will have noticed i havnt managed to finish the next version for this weekend, hopefully tuesday/wednesday will see a release (couldnt fix all the new(/old?) bugs in time :/ )
Pretty much, yeah. Let me give you the most common case: I'm low level, I've done all the quests available at my level, and I want to level up. I want to run as much ML as possible while still being able to hit monsters (or not get hit - as you point out, might be musc, might be mox that you want to optimize for). So I want the best outfit to maximize ML for a current location while still providing enough +mox or +musc to survive.

You might also use the MCD to fine-tune your results and get another 10 ML without sacrificing an equipment slot.

And considering Hangnk's would be nice too, since in many of these cases your equipment will be in there.

How's that for a wishlist? :)