Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script


This script is dedicated to managing an ascension as Ed the Undying. Before running the script you need to ascend as the Spring '15 Challenge Path, "Actually Ed the Undying".


Everyone has that problem, a alt account you want some skills on, but not enough time to train him up and play your regular account as well. Or maybe you're just going on vacation and don't want to be spending lots of time thinking about KoL. Edscension is the answer to these and all other Karma farming problems! Combining the quick ascending potential of Ed (3 or 4 days depending on if you have an astral belt or Mr. Store items) with the high Karma return of Hardcore runs Edscension will net you 50 more karma on average than ascending Softcore on an in-season path!

This script is currently as of version in Beta, most hard bugs and loops have been fixed, however it is still recommended that you be comfortable with (and watch) the CLI while running this script to catch any bugs before they potentially waste adventures. Please report any bugs you find to me to add to the bug list.

Change log: (
Changelog from last version:
Ed now remembers to have -combat for The Hidden Park
Now supports paying up to 3 ka coins (2 additional undeath/flyering sequences, can do more if people need more) when undying for flyering, more important for those with minimal ML sources
Doesn't try shopping multiple times per fight now
Fixed a bug with shopping and single round use items/skills such as curse of fortune and talisman of renenutet
Shopping should hopefully trigger to fill your spleen always now, but then again, it's death dependent so if you don't die it won't work
Fixed a bug with pirates quest
Shut up that nagging message about unreachable code
A possible fix for not imbueing properly (definite fix after testing)
YR for snake knight now (hooray for xp!) as well as some MP adjustments to make YRs and Stench happen properly (might cause more "Can't restore" stops)
Should now support doing The Hidden Temple if you didn't get enough stone wool
Improved handling of The Hidden Park (to help with obtaining book of matches)
Servant handling is now much improved, imbuing works properly, and I still don't get regex. :/
Shopping should be working as normal again, hooray for giant redundant ifs!
Now buys silk bandages once you hit level 12 (for Boo Peak healing)
Some slight tweaks to the combat script that should reduce the number of accidental undeaths by trying to attack with weapon when should be summoning scarabs
More messing around with the shopping list to see if I can get Even More Elemental Wards to be purchased in a timely manner
Working on the eating/drinking automagically, I swear!
Should now stop aborting the LFM while still having +combat but no Horus talismen
Now properly sets your battle action as well as CCS and Mood and Recovery Settings
Your moxie is now properly taken into account before trying to be a pirate, arrr
Should now have fewer extra-undeaths while insult gathering
Should hopefully stop auto-stopping when using Caronch's map and dying on the first round
SVN support is go!

Bug List: (
  • Not handling eating/drinking, a large project which will take time to fix, however does handle fortune cookie/lucky lindy use. I suggest getting Astral Hotdogs.
  • The first couple turns can be tricky reaching MP targets (as auto-shopping requires a death to trigger and you might get lucky and not die)

How to install:
Run this in your KoLmafia gCLI.
svn checkout https://github.com/ZenProductions/Edscension/branches/master/

Once in place, just refresh your KoLmafia scripts menu and click on the ed_ascend.ash file to start automating your adventuring!

How to use:
As auto-eat/drink isn't up yet, currently I use this setup. Take astral hotdogs, eat one when you reach level 8 or 7 (You'll undoubtedly reach 8 before running out of spleen once you have at least 15 skill points) use fortune cookies and the lunchbox to fill out the rest of your stomach. For booze use whatever you can find that's best, probably buy the cocktail shaker so you can make shots for the extra mys points. Once you have 20 skill points you should be reaching level 11 on day 2 and eat the second dog then, eat the third when you reach level 12.

Astral Choices:
Hotdogs, astral mask, astral shield, astral belt. I take the mask since I don't have the belt. Choose to unlock the knoll.

Currently I'm consistently averaging 760ish turns per ascension.

Zarqon's Zlib

Special Thanks:
CheeseCookie, Ezandora, and others who have helped me understand the coding.
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Github supports svn: https://github.com/ZenProductions/Edscension should work fine with svn

(That is if you had the repo in the right format)

More info on using Github with SVN is located here: https://help.github.com/articles/which-remote-url-should-i-use/

If you do so, expect it to not work well with mafia. Whether it's the package we use or the SVN support provided by github, script users will regularly be told that they have the latest version of your script even after there are newer commits. As a result, scripts on github won't be added to the Script Manager.
If you do so, expect it to not work well with mafia. Whether it's the package we use or the SVN support provided by github, script users will regularly be told that they have the latest version of your script even after there are newer commits. As a result, scripts on github won't be added to the Script Manager.

That's interesting, and slightly disappointing :(
If you do so, expect it to not work well with mafia. Whether it's the package we use or the SVN support provided by github, script users will regularly be told that they have the latest version of your script even after there are newer commits. As a result, scripts on github won't be added to the Script Manager.

I think I got that problem with a (different) command-line svn client, although it actually printed an error whenever I tried updating past the broken revision (or even getting log message for that revision).
        WARNING: Unreachable code (cc_edTheUndying.ash, line 642)
Sending kmail     to Zen00...
Hello halpme, time to explode!
This is day 1.
Turns     played: 0 current adventures: 40
Current Ascension: Actually Ed the     Undying
cc_doneInitialize => 28
kingLiberatedScript =>     kingLiberated.ash
afterAdventureScript => postadventure.ash
betweenAdventureScript     => preadventure.ash
cc_aboocount => 0
cc_getBeehive => false
cc_blackfam     => false
cc_breakstone => true
cc_chasmBusted => true
cc_disableAdventureHandling     => no
cc_doCombatCopy => no
cc_hiddenapartment => 0
cc_hiddenoffice     => 0
cc_highLogging => false
cc_legsbeforebread => false
cc_nunsTrick     => no
cc_nunsTrickActive => no
cc_nunsTrickCount => 0
cc_priorCharpaneMode     => 0
cc_writingDeskSummon => false
cc_chateaumantegna => false
cc_edSkills     => -1
cc_semisub => pantry
cc_chasmBusted => false
cc_renenutetBought     => 0
cc_edCombatCount => 0
cc_edCombatRoundCount => 0
CCS     set to null
cc_day1_init => finished
Switching off CHiT Xiblaxian     Counter, will resume during bedtime
cc_priorXiblaxianMode => 1
cc_hpAutoRecoveryItems     => disco nap;cannelloni cocoon;visit the nuns;tongue of the walrus;lasagna     bandages;doc galaktik's ailment ointment;galaktik's curative nostrum;free     disco rest;scroll of drastic healing;scented massage oil;red pixel     potion;really thick bandage;filthy poultice
cc_hpAutoRecovery => -0.05
cc_hpAutoRecoveryTarget     => -0.05
hpAutoRecoveryItems => linen bandages
hpAutoRecovery     => 0.0
hpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0.0
Resetting mind control     device...
Mind control device reset.
Council of Loathing

The     large domed building in the center of town seems important -- perhaps     there you can get some information about the identity of the thieving     adventurer you're looking for.

As you approach the front door, you     hear an urgent "Psssst!" from somewhere nearby. You look around, and spot     a figure in a dark hooded robe, gesturing at you from around the corner of     the building. As you approach him, he leads you into a nearby alley, then     bows deeply. "It is a great honor to see you again, and to serve you, my     great Pharaoh," he says in a dusty voice. You note that the face concealed     in the shadows of his hood mainly consists of ancient bandages, with two     glittering eyes peeking out from between them.

"Yeah, uh, I know I     should know who you are," you say, "but I haven't left my burial chamber     in a long time, so I'm fuzzy on a lot of the details."

"I     understand, oh great Pharaoh. I am Amun, your Spymaster. My task is to     gather information."

"Oh, good! I could use some of that. Some     filthy adventurer made off with the Holy MacGuffin, can you believe it?"

Amun     bows again. "It is as you say, oh great Pharaoh--"

"Listen,     Amun," you say, holding up a hand, "you can skip the bowing and the Oh     Great Pharaoh. It's been a long time since I ruled much in particular, and     anyway it'll be embarrassing if anyone sees us. Just call me Ed." Noticing     Amun's startled expression, you add: "Or 'boss', if that's too casual for     you."

Amun blinks, then begins a bow which he cuts short to a     nod. "As it please you, oh… boss. I have traced the adventurer HalpMe to     this town, which appears to have served as his base of operations. He had     many dealings with the Council that resides in this building. I believe     they sent him on a series of quests, though I am still working to discover     their details."

"I see. Do you think they'll tell me if I ask     directly? Visiting foreign dignitary, and all?"

The spymaster     shakes his head. "Regrettably, boss, your kingdom has been all but     forgotten. I do not recommend you interact with the Council yourself. The     citizens of this place are quite blasé about visitors of strange     appearance, but the Council are a bit more canny, and apt to ask too many     questions."

"Okay, sooo… what, then?"

"I     will find out what tasks the Council set for HalpMe, so that you may     retrace his steps. I believe this will eventually lead you to him."

"Sounds     like a plan," you nod. "Do you have anything so far?"

"As     yet I have no specific information," Amun says, "but it appears that the     adventurer did spend some time at the Sleazy Back Alley and the Haunted     Pantry here in town, as well as at the Outskirts of Cobb's Knob in the     Nearby Plains. I could send some of my men to scout those locations, if it     pleases you."

"Nah," you say, "you guys keep working on the     Council stuff, I'll go check out those places. I need something to do     anyway. I spent so long lying around in that sarcophagus, it's like I     barely remember how my legs work."

"As you wish, boss."
New     Area Unlocked

The Haunted Pantry, in Spookyraven Manor on the Right     Side of the Tracks.

New Area Unlocked

The Outskirts of     Cobb's Knob, on the Nearby Plains.

New Area Unlocked

The     Sleazy Back Alley, on the Wrong Side of the Tracks in Seaside Town.

Skill     points found: 1
You learned a new skill: Prayer of Seshat
Servants     points found: 0
cc_edSkills => 1
[COLOR=red]You're a     little short on time or cash to do this, come back once you've fixed this?[/COLOR]

Fresh Hardcore Ascension so I only have access to the jewels I always auto sell at the start of a run. Error message is pretty vague.
Means you don't have enough turns or money to shore. I'll add in a little more info. Basically it means find a way to get more turns or meat. For some reason it didn't auto-sell your gems, no idea why. Try running it again and see if it still stalls. If it does, manually talk to the toot and get the gem bag, then re-try the script, if it still doesn't work then open the bag and retry.

Or, did you manually sell the jewels before running the script? Also is this your first Ed run, and or do you not have access to vacation zones/ed crown?
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I think renaming the ash files and zlib variables to get rid of the cc_ prefix would be a good idea.
Means you don't have enough turns or money to shore. I'll add in a little more info. Basically it means find a way to get more turns or meat. For some reason it didn't auto-sell your gems, no idea why. Try running it again and see if it still stalls. If it does, manually talk to the toot and get the gem bag, then re-try the script, if it still doesn't work then open the bag and retry.

Or, did you manually sell the jewels before running the script? Also is this your first Ed run, and or do you not have access to vacation zones/ed crown?

I manually sell gems usually which is what I did. This is the first Ed run on this multi of mine.
Next version coming along. Oven handling is fixed, lunchbox handling is fixed (maybe?), fortune cookie handling is fixed. So far starting from turn one the only stops have really been handling buying some more MP. Further work is going on, in a deterministic fashion, each zone is getting specific modifiers for situations to improve exp and ml handling as well as other things. Boo-peak is even better handled now (but still not perfect and an ongoing project), I still need to fix handling for purchasing silk bandages and using them.

New feature!
* Script now supports Chateau good (better than my grammar at least), specifically Mountain Man, Bram the Stoker, and Lobsterfrogman (the three most relevant copies), also will attempt to handle anything else in the painting, but results are not guaranteed, for any of them right now really.
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Just looking through the code, I can see this is gonna be the next best thing since bumcheekascend. But as a general purpose script, an Ed-specific script won't completely replace it.
General purpose has its place, as does specialty. I believe that specializing in Ed ascensions I can produce a better and easier to use script than trying to generalize.

I see this script as the Karma farming script (until a better path comes out for it I guess if there ever is), Bumcheeks is as you say more generalized to help speed up all the clicking found in multiple paths.
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More good news, in the new version all the cc_ references have been changed to ed_, to remove conflict with cheesecookie files. However this does lead to the problem of all your cc_ preferences, the override section of the script in THEORY will detect and completely move you over properly (tested with one account with a few minor issues), but to be safe, you should finish whatever run you're currently doing before updating to the new version (being posted on Sunday).
Bad news, new version will be late because while working in my garden I managed to cut my internet cable in half. :/

Once it's fixed I'll post for ya.
New version is up!

Not much new, just doing a test run through now to see how the file name change affected things, hopefully not much. Anyways, still working on minor things.
More good news, in the new version all the cc_ references have been changed to ed_, to remove conflict with cheesecookie files. However this does lead to the problem of all your cc_ preferences, the override section of the script in THEORY will detect and completely move you over properly (tested with one account with a few minor issues), but to be safe, you should finish whatever run you're currently doing before updating to the new version (being posted on Sunday).

I am confused, why would all of these references be "cc_" in the first place? It seems weird you would run into conflict errors with another script writer like that.
What heeheehee said, it was a fork of Cheeseascend. Don't want the preferences from this script interfering with the preferences for Cheeseascend if you're running that too. Also helps prevent the "Too many references to this file" bug from occurring.
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