Which part was misleading? The warning to use the script with caution? The explanation of what all the settings were? The variable called "overdrink" that made you overdrink? That it was set to "false" by default? The "sim" mode that let you see what it would do before you do it? The "sim" mode set to true by default to prevent exactly this sort of thing from happening?
I'm not sure I could have done much more to help you.
You know, I'm really not an idiot.
The misleading part was exactly what I quoted. You say nothing about setting overdrink to false. The default state for overdrink is
not false.
Even if I set eatdrink_suppressOverdrink to false in my vars file, the boolean selection dropdown defaults to true. (see attached screenshot)
As I said, the mistake was mine. I take full responsibility for my actions. I was unsure on some of the scripts operation so I decided when in doubt, follow the instructions to the letter, which turned out to have unexpected results.
I assumed the simulation was showing the nightcap as part of the total package budget, (meat cost, adventures, etc...) not that it would actually drink it as I had only set my drunkeness at 19.
Since your instructions didn't say anything about the overdrink setting in step four, I assumed it was irrelevant. We didn't tell the script to overdrink, so why should we care if the alert is suppressed?
I guess I'm unsure why the nightcap is even calculated when setting my drunkeness at 19? That should render the whole overdrink issue moot to begin with. Now if I had entered 25 drunkeness, that would be another story and I would expect the overdrink selection to come into play.
So yes, again it is my fault. Yes, you did make your disclaimers. Yes I should have paid more attention to what the script was doing, but quite frankly I was only following the instructions. Perhaps you could change step four to include setting overdrink to false as well as sim_only?
Hopefully this doesn't come across as angry, because I'm not.