// Do you want to invoke Ode before drinking?
// This only works if you actually possess the skill
boolean wants_ode = true;
if (have_skill($skill[the ode to booze]) == false)
{ wants_ode = false; }
// If you want to invoke "the ode to booze" we will do it via a mood
// list your mood here that contains Ode
string boozeMood = "booze";
string tempMood = "NONENONENONE";
if (type == "booze")
[b] // Lets see if we want to get some ode via a mood!
if (have_effect($effect[the ode to booze]) == 0 && wants_ode == true)
// save the current mood
tempMood = get_property("currentMood");
print("Invoking Ode to Booze.", "blue");
cli_execute("mood " + boozeMood);
cli_execute("mood execute");
// drinky stuff now [/b]
cli_execute("outfit checkpoint");
[b] if (tempMood != "NONENONENONE")
print("Now restoring previous mood ...");
cli_execute("mood " + tempMood);
cli_execute("mood execute");
Instead of invoking a mood, why not just use use_skill( 1 , $skill[Ode to Booze] )?
Cool, Kain! If anyone has a chance to test Kain's changes let me know and I'll roll it in to the next eatdrink.ash update.
int total_at() {
if(have_equipped($item[plexiglass pendant]) || have_equipped($item[brimstone beret]))
return 4;
return 3;
int [skill] at_buffs() {
skill [int] all_at;
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[The Moxious Madrigal];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[The Magical Mojomuscular Melody];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Cletus's Canticle of Celerity];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[The Polka of Plenty];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Jackasses' Symphony of Destruction];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Brawnee's Anthem of Absorption];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[The Psalm of Pointiness];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Stevedave's Shanty of Superiority];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[The Ode to Booze];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[The Sonata of Sneakiness];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Dirge of Dreadfulness];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Benetton's Medley of Diversity];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Elron's Explosive Etude];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Chorale of Companionship];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Prelude of Precision];
all_at[count(all_at)] = $skill[Donho's Bubbly Ballad];
int [skill] current_at;
foreach key in all_at
if(all_at[key]. to_effect(). have_effect() > 0)
current_at[all_at[key]] = all_at[key]. to_effect(). have_effect();
return current_at;
The version bundled with ascend.ash is functioning; I don't know if the one here is. I'll see about updating it, but for the time being, you can just change the = to a == and it will work.