Good catch on the bugfix, it'll be in the next update.
The way I designed it (but by no means the way you should necessarily use it) is that you fine-tune the cost-per-adventure until it produces the kind of results you want. Then you set the max budget to something that's high enough it's irrelevant, and it's basically just a safety valve in case the code goes wonky and tries to buy something too expensive. You can definitely use it at a low enough value that it contributes to the filter, but it will disproportionately punish high-fullness items (since it only filters based on item cost).
Glad the TPS code is seeing some use, too.
One gotcha about that - if you have, say, a grogtini in inventory, then grogtinis will be cheap but other TPS drinks will be expensive. If you have a TPS, then all TPS drinks will be cheap. So if you want to get optimal TPS recommendations, drink your grogtini before running eatdrink.
The way I designed it (but by no means the way you should necessarily use it) is that you fine-tune the cost-per-adventure until it produces the kind of results you want. Then you set the max budget to something that's high enough it's irrelevant, and it's basically just a safety valve in case the code goes wonky and tries to buy something too expensive. You can definitely use it at a low enough value that it contributes to the filter, but it will disproportionately punish high-fullness items (since it only filters based on item cost).
Glad the TPS code is seeing some use, too.