You eat chocolates. At least I do.
In-game, do they add to your fullness? If so, yes, they are competing with other things you "eat". If not, you are playing games with words.
I'm really confused by what you're trying to say![]()
0: milk of magnesium price: 1081 value: 43919.0
Worshiping at the Shrine to the Barrel God
You acquire an effect: Barrel of Laughs (50)
Using 1 Mayoflex...
Finished using 1 Mayoflex.
Eating 1 hot hi mein...
You gain 40 Adventures
You gain 82 Beefiness
You gain 20 Enchantedness
You gain 51 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Hot Breath (5)
You gain 5 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-5)
You lose some of an effect: Barrel of Laughs (-25)
Finished eating 1 hot hi mein.
1: hot hi mein using Mayoflex lev:13 gain:5.0 adv:29.5 musc:72.5 myst:17.5 mox:32.5 meat:5021 own:0 value:16860
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>hot hi mein</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:13 gain:5.0 adv:29.5 musc:72.5 myst:17.5 mox:32.5 meat:5021 own:0 value:16860
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>snow crab</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:1 gain:1.0 adv:7.0 musc:15.0 myst:15.0 mox:15.0 meat:4970 own:135 value:16240
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>snow crab</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:1 gain:1.0 adv:7.0 musc:15.0 myst:15.0 mox:15.0 meat:4970 own:135 value:16240
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>snow crab</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:1 gain:1.0 adv:7.0 musc:15.0 myst:15.0 mox:15.0 meat:4970 own:135 value:16240
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>snow crab</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:1 gain:1.0 adv:7.0 musc:15.0 myst:15.0 mox:15.0 meat:4970 own:135 value:16240
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>snow crab</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:1 gain:1.0 adv:7.0 musc:15.0 myst:15.0 mox:15.0 meat:4970 own:135 value:16240
food: At 5, consuming to 15 with 8106 meat.
autoBuyPriceLimit => 5151.0
Verifying ingredients for hot hi mein (1)...
Verifying ingredients for hot and sour sauce (1)...
Searching for "scrumdiddlyumptious solution"...
Search complete.
Purchasing scrumdiddlyumptious solution (1 @ 2,000)...
Purchases complete.
Searching for "hot wad"...
Search complete.
Purchasing hot wad (1 @ 578)...
Purchases complete.
Creating hot and sour sauce (1)...
You acquire an item: hot and sour sauce
Successfully created hot and sour sauce (1)
Verifying ingredients for savory dry noodles (1)...
Creating savory dry noodles (1)...
You acquire an item: savory dry noodles
Successfully created savory dry noodles (1)
Creating hot hi mein (1)...
You acquire an item: hot hi mein
Successfully created hot hi mein (1)
autoBuyPriceLimit => 20000
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>hot hi mein</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:13 gain:5.0 adv:29.5 musc:72.5 myst:17.5 mox:32.5 meat:5021 own:0 value:16860
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>hot hi mein</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:13 gain:5.0 adv:29.5 musc:72.5 myst:17.5 mox:32.5 meat:5021 own:0 value:16860
food: At 5, consuming to 15 with 4750 meat.
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>hot hi mein</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:13 gain:5.0 adv:29.5 musc:72.5 myst:17.5 mox:32.5 meat:5021 own:1 value:16860
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>hot hi mein</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:13 gain:5.0 adv:29.5 musc:72.5 myst:17.5 mox:32.5 meat:5021 own:1 value:16860
food: At 5, consuming to 15 with 4750 meat.
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>hot hi mein</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:13 gain:5.0 adv:29.5 musc:72.5 myst:17.5 mox:32.5 meat:5021 own:1 value:16860
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
FAIL: <b>hot hi mein</b> using <b>Mayoflex</b> lev:13 gain:5.0 adv:29.5 musc:72.5 myst:17.5 mox:32.5 meat:5021 own:1 value:16860
food: At 5, consuming to 15 with 4750 meat.
You have already prayed to the Barrel God today.
mood barf
//cheat knife
//cheat coins
//cheat mantle
maximize meat
adv 1 barf
maximize meat
call Gravity.txt
create * field gar
call EatDrink.ash (15,19,15,false,false)
adv * barf
maximize adv
call EatDrink.ash (15,19,15,true,false)
call DailyCleanup
FAIL: <b>Psychotic Train wine</b> lev:11 gain:6.0 adv:19.5 musc:200.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:3000 own:1 value:39475
Pass 4: booze.
At drunkenness of 19. Overdrinking with 4883175 meat.
Since 19.5 is more than 18.0 we are using a speculative stack of 1650.
Waiting to consume...
<b>Psychotic Train wine</b> lev:11 gain:6.0 adv:19.5 musc:200.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:3000 own:1 value:39475
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Variable EATDRINK_VERSION is already defined (EatDrink.ash, line 18)
FAIL: <b>Psychotic Train wine</b> lev:11 gain:6.0 adv:19.5 musc:200.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:3000 own:1 value:39475
Pass 4: booze.
At drunkenness of 19. Overdrinking with 4883175 meat.
Since 19.5 is more than 18.0 we are using a speculative stack of 1650.
Waiting to consume...
<b>Psychotic Train wine</b> lev:11 gain:6.0 adv:19.5 musc:200.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:3000 own:1 value:39475
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Variable EATDRINK_VERSION is already defined (EatDrink.ash, line 18)
FAIL: <b>Psychotic Train wine</b> lev:11 gain:6.0 adv:19.5 musc:200.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:3000 own:1 value:39475
Pass 4: booze.
At drunkenness of 19. Overdrinking with 4883175 meat.
Since 19.5 is more than 18.0 we are using a speculative stack of 1650.
Waiting to consume...
<b>Psychotic Train wine</b> lev:11 gain:6.0 adv:19.5 musc:200.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:3000 own:1 value:39475
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Variable EATDRINK_VERSION is already defined (EatDrink.ash, line 18)
FAIL: <b>Psychotic Train wine</b> lev:11 gain:6.0 adv:19.5 musc:200.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:3000 own:1 value:39475
Pass 4: booze.
At drunkenness of 19. Overdrinking with 4883175 meat.
Since 19.5 is more than 18.0 we are using a speculative stack of 1650.
Waiting to consume...
<b>Psychotic Train wine</b> lev:11 gain:6.0 adv:19.5 musc:200.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:3000 own:1 value:39475
Countdown: 3 seconds...
KoLmafia declares world peace.
Might be because you're using it with multiple calls in your CLI script. Or maybe your script has been modified and you need to restore back to the base SVN version. But I definitely don't have that error. Though I don't use CLI scripts personally.
You can already eliminate classes of food based on quality level or average adventures. If you do that, it will entirely skip them.
Nope. Unless it was really badly described. As explicitly stated, the requested goal was making it not do as many mall searches, not to make it eliminate items that are too expensive and not reasonable.
Problem is that you need to do those mall searches to find out what's going to be trash. And if you know you want a minimum average of 2.5 adventures or better... well, you can already tell the script to do so and it will eliminate the items while parsing mafia's data files and never run the mall search at all...