New Content - Implemented Dreadsylvania


[table="class: tborder"][tr][th]Location's KoL Name[/th][th]snarfblat[/th][th]environment[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Dreadsylvanian Woods[/td][td]338[/td][td]outdoor[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Dreadsylvanian Village[/td][td]339[/td][td]indoor[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Dreadsylvanian Castle[/td][td]340[/td][td]indoor[/td][/tr]
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I'll compile a list of items that are waiting to be added to KoLmafia. Post your items and watch them appear here. Then they'll disappear as the devs attend to them.

=== all reported items are added to KoLmafia ===
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Miscellaneous stuff

Post stuff and watch it get added into this post, for dev convenience.


Monster stats
Choice adventure support (see other thread)
Play nice with all the new skills


(actually, you probably intended to actually copy the data from the posts that mention the thing)
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First misc. item: channel /dread is a clan channel similar to /slimetube and /hobopolis.
Second misc.: Must be LV 15 to enter
Unknown item found: Freddy Krueggerand (6433, 901547610)
6433 Freddy Krueggerand 901547610 dv_krueggerand.gif none 0
# Freddy Krueggerand
Tokens for buying from the Inn
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Hi, should i post the data i collected here (I mean: all the data, non-combats, item drops, theories,...)
or is that too spoilery?

Location: Dreadsylvanian Woods:
Bugbears and werewolves can be ID'd by their pics.

ATT:500, DEF:500,HP:800,phylum=beast,Init=+25%

ATT:0, DEF:0,HP:0,phylum=beast,Init=+25%

The werewolves actually scale, but Manuel reports them as having all 0 stats instead of ?.
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Manuel reports the bugbears have 800 HP for me.

Dreadsylvanian Village contains (cold, hot, sleaze, stench, spooky) ghosts and zombies:

ATT:500, DEF:500,HP:800,phylum=undead,Init=+25%

ATT:500, DEF:500,HP:800,phylum=undead,Init=+25%

Dreadsylvanian Castle contains skeletons and vampires:

ATT:500, DEF:500,HP:1000,phylum=undead,Init=+25%

ATT:500, DEF:500,HP:800,phylum=undead,Init=+25%

Note that there's already a monster called "spooky vampire".
HTML for the inn purchases:
<input type=hidden name=action value=buyitem><center><table cellpadding=2><tr><td></td><td colspan=2 align=center><b>Item:</b> (click for description)</td><td colspan=10 align=center><b>Price:</b></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=156></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/coffeecup.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(267480689)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(267480689)'><b>hot Dreadsylvanian cocoa</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>1</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=156";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=149></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/soupbowl.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(768933176)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(768933176)'><b>Dreadsylvanian stew</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>10</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=149";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=150></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/whitedrink.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(990659022)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(990659022)'><b>white Dreadsylvanian</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>10</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=150";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=147></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/dv_key.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(539373127)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(539373127)'><b>Dreadsylvanian skeleton key</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>25</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=147";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=151></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/flask.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(660945598)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(660945598)'><b>brass Dreadsylvanian flask</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>100</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=151";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=152></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/flask.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(277786143)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(277786143)'><b>silver Dreadsylvanian flask</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>100</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=152";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=146></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/book3.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(885005203)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(885005203)'><b>Tales of Dread</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>250</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=146";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=153></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/dv_freddyhat.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(982873908)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(982873908)'><b>dreadful fedora</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>500</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=153";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=154></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/dv_freddysweater.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(794701101)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(794701101)'><b>dreadful sweater</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>500</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=154";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=155></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/dv_freddyglove.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(763468382)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(763468382)'><b>dreadful glove</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>500</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=155";' value='Buy'></td></tr><tr><td valign=center><input type=radio name=whichrow value=148></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/dvtat.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(158915306)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(158915306)'><b>Official Seal of Dreadsylvania</b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dv_krueggerand.gif width=30 height=30 onClick='javascript:descitem(901547610)' alt="Freddy Krueggerand" title="Freddy Krueggerand"></td><td><b>1,000</b> &nbsp</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td valign=center><input class=button type=button onClick='javascript:parent.mainpane.location="shop.php?whichshop=dv&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=148";' value='Buy'></td></tr></table><center><input class=button type=submit value="Buy Item"> <input class=text type=text name=quantity size=2 value=1></center></form></form>
Hi, should i post the data i collected here (I mean: all the data, non-combats, item drops, theories,...)
or is that too spoilery?

Welcome, katie. We're fine with spoilers here. So, items, monsters, effects, semirares, what have you. Basically, anything that the KoLmafia program would be able to use to improve your KoL playing experience.

Given that, in general "noncombats" might not fit that - unless they are (as I've heard) one per player per instance - in which case it might be useful for us to track them - but even then, "one per instance" would make that moot, since you can play in multiple instances, instances can close on you, and so on.

Ditto for "theories".

HTML for the inn purchases:
Heh. I saved this too. Looks like the Inn is a coinmaster. How hard can it be? ;)
Looking at item #6483...
Unknown item found: electric Kool-Aid (6483, 363523121)
6483 electric Kool-Aid 363523121 sk_koolaid.gif food t 0
electric kool-aid 2 1 EPIC 0 0 0 0
electric Kool-Aid Effect: "Electric, Kool", Effect Duration: 50
1315 Electric, Kool jigawatts.gif 9a6a2de5acec4f9e4e2141884673d098 use 1 electric Kool-Aid
# Electric, Kool
Looking at item #6484...
Unknown item found: dread tarragon (6484, 575782784)
6484 dread tarragon 575782784 dv_tarragon.gif none t 0
# dread tarragon
Looking at item #6486...
Unknown item found: dreadful roast (6486, 528470996)
6486 dreadful roast 528470996 dv_meat.gif none t 0
# dreadful roast
Looking at item #6538...
Unknown item found: frying brainpan (6538, 456291286)
6538 frying brainpan 456291286 dv_skullpan.gif weapon t 0
frying brainpan 225 Mys: 200 1-handed saucepan
frying brainpan Hot Spell Damage: +40, Maximum MP: +200
Looking at item #6542...
Unknown item found: tonguebone (6542, 513309401)
6542 tonguebone 513309401 dv_tonguebone.gif accessory t 0
tonguebone 225 Mys: 200
tonguebone Sleaze Resistance: +4, Single Equip
Looking at item #6541...
Unknown item found: tailbone shield (6541, 263748975)
6541 tailbone shield 263748975 dv_tailbone.gif offhand t 0
tailbone shield 250 Mus: 200 shield
# tailbone shield: Deals 80-100 Stench Damage to attackers
tailbone shield Stench Damage: +40, Damage Reduction: 16
Looking at item #6529...
Unknown item found: Thriller Ice (6529, 349654280)
6529 Thriller Ice 349654280 beerbottle.gif drink t 0
thriller ice 2 22 EPIC 0 0 0 0
# Thriller Ice
Looking at item #6532...
Unknown item found: antique spyglass (6532, 160549596)
6532 antique spyglass 160549596 dv_spyglass.gif offhand t 0
antique spyglass 225 Mys: 200
# antique spyglass: Reduce enemy defense by 15%
antique spyglass Muscle Percent: +10, Mysticality Percent: +10, Moxie Percent: +10
Monster stats change as the instance is made more difficult. The effect of debuffs changes as well (from +3 MP cost for using skills up to +81 MP cost is the main one, I think). The choices available in a noncombat can change completely, though maybe those noncombats have the same name with different numbers.
I'm working on the coinmaster. Things I've observed in a new instance:

// Giving booze to the coachman.

// Buying an item

I am making TerrifiedEagleInnRequest to be the shop. I expect we'll need a DreadsylvaniaRequest to deal with the coachman.
I just submitted a coinmaster for the Terrified Eagle Inn. It's pretty much wholly non-functional because none of the items are in our item database yet. Used to be, we could figure those out by looking at the HTML of the shop, but now that new shops use "whichrow" instead of "whichitem", all we can deduce is the "row" used by that shop and the "descid".

They tantalize us by letting us look at the item description, but we don't have the actual itemid and therefore can't actually register the item. Grr.

However, as items are discovered and we enter them into our database, the items SHOULD start appearing in the coinmaster.

Let me know. :)
Mafia keeps aborting combats with bugbears in the woods for reasons I don't really understand. Does this happen to anyone else?
I fought - and lost to - a number of bugbears in the woods - after people in my clan had already jacked up the ML way high and I ventured in while still in-run. Of course, those encounters were in the Relay Browser, since I don't automate turns.

Simply saying "for reasons I don't understand" is completely unhelpful. You are automating, apparently. What CCS? Do you have a consult script? What does your session log say? There is, literally, nothing that anybody can do to help you without additional information.
I found Cannelloni Cannon was bugged against Spooky Werewolves at least (and reported it), spell was doing %dmg, which actually was doing no damage. Other spells of the same type worked. As a result my script which just did Cannon failed.

Could you have had the same issue? If so, it's KoL not Mafia.
Some more items:
6496 blood kiwi 858370354 dv_kiwi.gif none t 0
# blood kiwi
6484 dread tarragon 575782784 dv_tarragon.gif none t 0
# dread tarragon
6426 Dreadsylvanian stew 768933176 soupbowl.gif food 0
dreadsylvanian stew 1 20 EPIC 0 0 0 0
Dreadsylvanian stew Effect: "You've Got a Stew Going!", Effect Duration: 30
6427 white Dreadsylvanian 990659022 whitedrink.gif drink 0
white dreadsylvanian 1 20 EPIC 0 0 0 0
white Dreadsylvanian Effect: "Whitesloshed", Effect Duration: 30
6435 Mark of the Werewolf 566747498 dv_mark2.gif usable t 0
# Mark of the Werewolf
6436 Mark of the Zombie 849584594 dv_mark3.gif usable t 0
# Mark of the Zombie
6437 Mark of the Ghost 486978053 dv_mark4.gif usable t 0
# Mark of the Ghost
6438 Mark of the Vampire 321383311 dv_mark5.gif usable t 0
# Mark of the Vampire
6532 antique spyglass 160549596 dv_spyglass.gif offhand t 0
antique spyglass 0 Mys: 200
# antique spyglass: Reduce enemy defense by 15%
antique spyglass Muscle Percent: +10, Mysticality Percent: +10, Moxie Percent: +10
6579 Dreadsylvanian Almanac page 481489808 dv_recipe.gif usable t 0
# Dreadsylvanian Almanac page
6460 wriggling severed nose 692600590 nosynose.gif grow t 0
# wriggling severed nose
hatches into New familiar: "Nosy Nose" (173) @ nosynose.gif

One familiar ability at least is delevel, not every round, for weight to weight*1.5, action rate is affected by Jingle Bells.

1316 You've Got a Stew Going! soupbowl.gif 5a33a9feb96c0dedcbfabb51fe354228 use 1 Dreadsylvanian stew
# You've Got a Stew Going!: +500% Item Drops from Monsters (Dreadsylvania only)
1317 Whitesloshed whitedrink.gif c8753aa60f3520b6e8cb2e295d3e0a00 use 1 white Dreadsylvanian
# Whitesloshed: +500% Item Drops from Monsters (Dreadsylvania only)

Note that Almanac pages give recipes, not sure how we want to capture those?

So far I have :

Meatpastables (Clusterbombs) :
cold clusterbomb - cold cluster + length of old fuse
sleaze clusterbomb - sleaze cluster + length of old fuse
spooky clusterbomb - spooky cluster + length of old fuse
stench clusterbomb - stench cluster + length of old fuse

Booze (Clustercocktails) :
Dreadsylvanian cold-fashioned - eau de mort + cold cluster
Dreadsylvanian grimlet - eau de mort + spooky cluster
Dreadsylvanian hot toddy - eau de mort + hot cluster
Dreadsylvanian slithery nipple - eau de mort + sleaze cluster
Dreadsylvanian dank and stormy - eau de mort + stench cluster

Food (Clusterbaking) :
Dreadsylvanian hot pocket - bone flour + hot cluster
Dreadsylvanian spooky pocket - bone flour + spooky cluster
Dreadsylvanian stink pocket - bone flour + stench cluster

Some of the debuffs seem to relate to the number of turns you have. So for example Nauseated gives you -30+turns remaining of effect% on each of Moxie, Myst and Muscle.
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Darzil: you probably had the -spell damage curse active. I was also seeing this, but crits would still do damage.
Note that Almanac pages give recipes, not sure how we want to capture those?

So far I have :

Meatpastables (Clusterbombs) :
cold clusterbomb - cold cluster + length of old fuse
sleaze clusterbomb - sleaze cluster + length of old fuse
spooky clusterbomb - spooky cluster + length of old fuse

Booze (Clustercocktails) :
Dreadsylvanian cold-fashioned - eau de mort + cold cluster
Dreadsylvanian grimlet - eau de mort + spooky cluster
Dreadsylvanian hot toddy - eau de mort + hot cluster
Dreadsylvanian slithery nipple - eau de mort + sleaze cluster
Dreadsylvanian dank and stormy - eau de mort + stench cluster

Food (Clusterbaking) :
Dreadsylvanian spooky pocket - bone flour + spooky cluster
Supposedly there are a total of 15 recipes = 5 elements * (cook, mix, paste)
You can't craft a recipes unless you have learned it
And I think we can derive what all 15 recipes are: (elemental cluster) + (bone flour, eau de mort, length of old fuse)

Once we know the item ids for all 15 items - and that for bone flour - we can add the concoctions and the "unknownRecipeXXX" settings.

What is the html for reading an Almanac page and learning a recipe?

(By the way - where do the clusters come from? Monster drops?)