Destroy All Monsters

Yeah, I would prefer that when DAM gets to the point where it's going to give up, it instead just start spamming big attacks. My char has saucegeyser, fearful fettucini, etc. Why not just start bombing those until combat ends? I like using DAM in automation, but it sucks if occasionally it gives up an easily winnable combat and I have to fix it. (especially if it's running on a day when I'm not home, and can't fix it)
Well, when it stops, my current strategy is a "use_skill ravioli" or something similar. Love that use_skill alias.
DAM seems to like using saucegeyser a lot, even when it's perfectly safe to just regularly attack.
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (0mp option attack -- killrounds: 3, dierounds: 237)
Destroy with: Saucegeyser
Destroy with: Saucegeyser
Any way around this? Other than lowering your mp threshold to around 10%

EDIT: Oh, actually, the next few monsters it fought it attacked normally. And then it went to Saucegeyser again for a couple monsters.
What monster was it? Were you perhaps in the Giant's castle? If so DAM will avoid using attack on the giant that gives you that annoying cuncatitis-effect.
Just a quick note regarding using DAM with Boris: You'll probably want to add Mighty Axing and Cleave (11000 and 11001) to the Cunctatitis avoidance. Makes the Giant Castle ever-so-much less frustrating. :)
Does this script actually work in BorisCore? I honestly haven't tried since so many of the skills have unspaded to-hit bonuses.
Works decently well, especially if you end up getting Belch and Cleave. It doesn't use Broadside often (ever?), since that's more similar to noodles which gets special handling, but for spaded monsters (which could read, not Mountain Men, which are spaded but not in mafia yet because Darzil's post got lost in the shuffle), it does decent. Not as good as manual, but it gets the job done.
WHAM is sort of modified for AoB support. When it comes to Broadside I've had WHAM use it when SS needs to stun before IDing things and changed the code to the entangling-noodles stuff in SS to:
	if (round < maxround && !is_our_huckleberry() && (get_action($skill[entangling noodles]).stun > 0 || get_action($skill[broadside]).stun > 0) && 
		m_dpr(0,0)*2*meatperhp > mp_cost($skill[entangling noodles])*meatpermp)
		if(have_skill($skill[entangling noodles]))
			macro(get_action($skill[entangling noodles]));
The beta release of the new BB accounts for as much as it can at the moment, and I'm seeing mostly useful results in my current Trustycore run. Its use (or lack thereof) of Broadside is its biggest failing at the moment, since BB is still not particularly useful for predicting combinations of actions without adding them to the queue to do so. I'm going to give Winterbay's code a try.
It basically says that if you would've used Noodles and have Broadside, use that which seemed to work fine last round when I had Broadside. Doing a more song oriented run this time so have not got that skill now :)
Works decently well, especially if you end up getting Belch and Cleave. It doesn't use Broadside often (ever?), since that's more similar to noodles which gets special handling, but for spaded monsters (which could read, not Mountain Men, which are spaded but not in mafia yet because Darzil's post got lost in the shuffle), it does decent. Not as good as manual, but it gets the job done.
"Decently well" has been my experience too. A few times it under hit, using the zero-MP skill, when bellow would have been better (pirates?) and a few times it said I couldn't defeat the monster when bellow-cleave was available and that combination massively over killed the monster. Basically, I let DAM go until it fails, then switch to a fixed CCS for a while, then back later. I'd say I was running DAM at least 95% of the time. It does better than I would, because I'm seriously lazy about clicking.
Ha! I messed up my setup, and well, it seems I can't play "decently well" as Boris without DAM. DAM and SmartStasis are impressive even there.
I made a bunch of mistakes and now understand that knowing exactly when to use intimidating bellow is tough to calculate. For example I wasted a lot of meat on healing today. Lots.
How would I go about adding special handing to DAM? Say, I wanted to set up a condition where if I have a star chart for each star item still in goals, I want to banish the astronomer? ;) Or, basically, any monster that doesn't drop a goal up to 3 per location, cuz, well, that's the way I'm rolling with Banishing Shout. :D
WARNING: Unreachable code (DestroyAllMonsters.ash, line 115)
WARNING: Unreachable code (DestroyAllMonsters.ash, line 298)
WARNING: Missing return values in boolean functions will soon become an error (DestroyAllMonsters.ash, line 514)

Everything works fine afterwards and it only happens once per mafia session so I assume it's something to do with updating?
It's just a warning that mafia will eventually become less tolerant of certain coding practices. I suppose I'll at least update the script not to get those warning before it becomes a problem.
Is there a fallback of "cast Wave of Sauce" anywhere? I keep seeing DAM try to cast Wave although I don't have it; this seems to only occur when DAM has left a fight that it could easily win (e.g. monster has ~5% hp left and I have enough mana for Weapon of the Pastalord) with the message

KoLmafia thinks it is round 26 but KoL thinks it is round 25
DestroyAllMonsters was unable to figure out a useful combat strategy
You're on your own, partner.

and then I've restarted it:

Validating adventure sequence...

Round 26: dehdrol casts WAVE OF SAUCE!

[2853] Giant's Castle
KoLmafia thinks it is round 27 but KoL thinks it is round 25
Round 27: dehdrol casts WAVE OF SAUCE!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 28 but KoL thinks it is round 25
Round 28: dehdrol casts WAVE OF SAUCE!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 29 but KoL thinks it is round 25
Round 29: dehdrol casts WAVE OF SAUCE!

When I go into the relay to fix it, the page is returning "You don't have that skill" as usual.

EDIT: Never mind, found the reason. I had

[ default ]
consult DestroyAllMonsters.ash
skill wave
Last edited:
I noticed that DAM wasn't removing Bifurcating Blow from the queue during the cooldown timer. There is an associated effect, Foe-Splattered, lasts 20 turns, but reported can be soft-greened/hot tubbed away.
I think that should be reported in the BatBrain thread. It shouldn't provide Bifurcating Blow as an opt if you are Foe-Splattered.