Destroy All Monsters

With the new BB/SS updates, I'm getting:

[206935] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Alphabet Giant
Strategy: /home/na/.kolmafia/ccs/default.ccs [default]
Round 0: lieutenant pepper wins initiative!
WARNING: Unreachable code (DestroyAllMonsters.ash, line 115)
Function 'enqueue( advevent, string )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (DestroyAllMonsters.ash, line 146)
Consult script 'DestroyAllMonsters.ash' not found.
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.
Script is updated for current version of BB/SS. Thanks to a new SS feature it now attempts to kill the monster in a single macro submission to save page loads. As a result there is no longer a clear division between SS and DAM. It now announces all DAM decided actions before submitting the macro, everything else is SS's fault.

This script needs so much work to take advantage of new BatBrain features! I really wish I had the time for that right now, but I do not. Once I have the spare time I will make this script wonderful.
Regarding DAM giving up on easily winnable fights as per above, I find part of the problem is objects like the spectre scepter, which have a 50/50 chance of causing damage, but the other actions are considered to be profit. However, there's a 50% chance when using them of being hit, which isn't considered in the cost benefit analysis by BatBrain (or maybe it is, and DAM picks it anyways, not sure). But yes, if you get hit, it will hurt more than the paltry healing or delevel will benefit you.

Solution? Closet your spectre sceptre. Maybe closet your gnomitronic hyperspatial demodulator, if you have one and it keeps getting picked. Once the 0 mana minimal damage items were closetted, DAM moved on from flinging the scepter to using Mighty Axing (I'm in an AoB run) to mightily overkill the enemy, but also giving me some extra muscle substats, which is nice.

Is this a DAM bug or a BB bug? Probably. :) I'd guess that it's BB's fault for not considering that, if the damage fails or isn't quite enough, I'm taking a full hit. But DAM is the one that picks spaghetti spears and gets my casters killed, so it might fall under the DAM bug-side. Eh.
Just updated version with support for intelligent bellowing to be a better Avatar of Boris.

Theraze, the new version will never again try to kill a monster with your spectre scepter so you can stop worrying about keeping it in your closet. Please tell me more about how you die while using spaghetti spear.
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Awesome! I can remove those from the closets, since all my characters closetted their scepters after that post. :)

When spaghetti spear killed me, it was because DAM believed that BB was telling it accurately how many HP the monster had and it was actually a TINY bit healthier, so while DAM exactly 'killed' the monster, the monster was strong enough to kill me in actual fact. :)

Edit: Something odd with the new version:
You acquire an item: Knob Goblin pants
You gain 3 Strongness
You gain 1 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!
Look! You found 1 Knob Goblin pants (30μ)!
Look! You found 1 Knob Goblin pants (30μ)!
Anytime I get an item, it apparently displays twice. This appears to be act() running twice...
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Still getting the double item messages I noted in post 185, but...
Destroy with: Cleave
Round 1: Somybode executes a macro!
Round 1: Somybode casts CLEAVE!
Round 2: iiti kitty takes 147 damage.
Destroy with: spectre scepter
Round 2: Somybode executes a macro!
Round 2: Somybode uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 5 hit points
You lose 58 hit points
Round 3: Somybode executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 3
DestroyAllMonsters was unable to figure out a useful combat strategy
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.
Apparently it's still needing to be closetted. Killed it with a single mighty axing after automation ended.

I believe I found and fixed both errors. You should not need to closet your scepter. No promises about spaghetti spear yet. That's a little bit trickier.
Thanks, both of those appeared to be happy. :) Did find a new issue tied into run-aways though:
Custom action: use 2956 (stun first with skill 11003)
Destroy with: Mighty Axing
Round 1: Theraze executes a macro!
Round 1: Theraze casts BROADSIDE!
Round 2: Theraze uses the cocktail napkin!
DestroyAllMonsters was unable to figure out a useful combat strategy
You're on your own, partner.
Happens every time it escapes from a clingy pirate. DAM ends the fight, but thinks that the fight is going on and it just can't finish. Is this a BatBrain finished() bug or a DAM issue?
It would have known that the fight was finished if finished() returned true, so I guess it counts as a batbrain bug. I could work around it though if I had the text for escaping from a clingy pirate.
I've noticed that the script doesn't use sauce synergy properly, is it supported or does it just not work?

for example:
Visit to Beanstalk: Giant's Castle in progress...

[1599] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Goth Giant
Strategy: C:\Users\User\Documents\KOL\ccs\auto.ccs [default]
Round 0: DracoTrainer wins initiative!
Round 1: DracoTrainer executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1
Destroy with: Saucegeyser
Destroy with: Stream of Sauce
Destroy with: Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer
Round 2: DracoTrainer executes a macro!
Round 2: DracoTrainer casts SAUCEGEYSER!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 3 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 3: goth giant takes 137 damage.
You gain 33 hit points
You gain 8 Mana Points
Round 3: DracoTrainer casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
Round 4: goth giant takes 23 damage.
You gain 3 hit points
You gain 1 Mana Point
You acquire an effect: Burning Hands (duration: 1 Adventure)
Round 4: DracoTrainer uses the Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer!
Round 5: goth giant takes 13 damage.
You acquire an effect: Super-Mega-Ultra-Charged (duration: 5 Adventures)
Round 5: DracoTrainer wins the fight!
After Battle: Lucky winks at you.
You gain 580 Meat
You gain 7 Strongness
You gain 27 Magicalness
You gain 8 Sarcasm
It is supported. If it didn't say "Destroy will attempt to use Saucesplashing" then it didn't believe that it would work. That could be caused by a number of things, but is mostly likely because your bonus spell damage is less than +25.
It is supported. If it didn't say "Destroy will attempt to use Saucesplashing" then it didn't believe that it would work. That could be caused by a number of things, but is mostly likely because your bonus spell damage is less than +25.
I feel so stupid...
version 0.4

This is an important update! I'm finally making real use of BatBrain's predictive abilities to compare and contrast different strategies. It should even figure out if the MP cost for using Broadside is worthwhile to keep from being hit.

Also, I am forcing Boris to use Mighty Axing instead of Attack to workaround a currently existing bug in BatBrain.

Please let me know if it is working well.

Edit: One thing to note is that DAM is no longer distinguishing between actions it chooses and actions SS chooses, so I'll just deal with the increased influx of confusing bug reports. The two things are just too tightly entwined now.
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Haven't checked, but does DAM 0.4 have awareness that attack is better than Mighty Axing on the Bonerdagon and NS, due to not being blocked?
Latest DAM loops rather hard on pirate insults...
[779] Barrrney's Barrr
Encounter: tetchy pirate
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze uses the The Big Book of Pirate Insults!
Pirate insults known: 7 (62.50%)
You acquire an effect: Embarrassed (duration: 1 Adventure)
You lose 23 hit points
ATT: 94 (94% × 42.02, death in 4)
DEF: 86 (95.45% × 92.47, win in 2)
HP: 83, Value: 300.61 μ
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase (0μ)0μ--
Custom action: use 2947 (stun first with skill 11003)
Custom action: use 2947 (stun first with skill 11003)
Custom action: use 2947 (no stun)
Custom action: use 2947 (stun first with skill 11003)
Custom action: use 2947 (no stun)
Macro: Broadside
Macro: The Big Book of Pirate Insults
Macro: Mighty Axing
Actually, seems to happen anytime it uses an item, since cocktail napkin did the same.

Edit: Unrelated to above, but... might want to increase the SS function's stasis safe round amount. I was finding that with relatively weak enemies, it would stasis until round 25 or 26, because I could kill the mob in a single round... however, DAM aborts if you have less than 5 rounds remaining. Easiest fix would be setting the round - 3 to round - 5 or so, to guarantee at least a single round. Personally though, I turn it to round - 15. :) Once I've got the meat, I don't really care about stasis-ing to make up the MP I'm spending stasis-ing. It just seems rather stupid to keep using saucy salve when I have full health and full mp just to try to get back up to full health and mp.
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I thought I had successfully tested it on Pirates... sigh.

Edit: Unrelated to above, but... might want to increase the SS function's stasis safe round amount. I was finding that with relatively weak enemies, it would stasis until round 25 or 26, because I could kill the mob in a single round... however, DAM aborts if you have less than 5 rounds remaining.

Actually, I just copy/pasted that "maxround - 3" from SmartStasis so it is exactly the same! I should probably change that to "maxround - safetyMargin" like everything else in DAM. Just for consistency.
Got an issue: adventuring without Trusty equipped so I can use a Frosty Halo, but Mighty Axing doesn't work if Trusty isn't equipped. This means DAM (and WHAM, actually) try to use Mighty Axing repeatedly even though it's doing nothing.

Maybe add in another exception to your "force Boris to use Mighty Axing instead of Attack" rule?
