New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Looking at item #10049...
Unknown item found: Boxing Day care package (10049, 276027156)
10049 Boxing Day care package 276027156 boxingpackage.gif usable t 0
Item Boxing Day care package Free Pull

When used

You open the care package... oh weird, the box is empty, apart from a small envelope. The card inside is embossed with pastel-colored bunnies and duckies, all wearing boxing gloves for some reason? And on the back it says "You are cordially invited to the Grand Opening of Seaside Town's new Boxing Daycare!" along with an address on the Wrong Side of the Tracks.

Adds a new zone in the Wrong Side of the Tracks named "A Boxing Daycare" (in the square to the left of The Neverending Party) -> place.php?whichplace=town_wrong&action=townwrong_boxingdaycare

Visiting it gets you a non-combat with 4 options, the last being a leave.

First option:

Encounter: Boxing Daycare (Lobby)
Unknown item found: punch-drunk punch (10051, 974404117)
10051 punch-drunk punch 974404117 boxingpunch.gif drink 0
punch-drunk punch 1 1 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item punch-drunk punch Effect: "Boxing Day Drinking", Effect Duration: 50
2430 Boxing Day Drinking boxingpunch.gif 8c721354cb390dbdac0f9a7a75c2c5e5 drink 1 punch-drunk punch
# Effect Boxing Day Drinking: Reduces cost of recruiting staff
Effect Boxing Day Drinking Pickpocket Chance: +25, Experience: +5
You acquire an item: punch-drunk punch

It's once per day. Not sure if there's a way to influence the item you get (might be similar to meteor guide drops) as it just gives you the item with some flavour text.

Second option, also once per day has 4 buffs & they're all visible on the page next to the option.

Encounter: Boxing Daycare (Lobby)
2433 Uncucumbered gash.gif 569272fa0c2817e352e809107c311669
Effect Uncucumbered Mysticality Percent: +200, Item Drop: +25
You acquire an effect: Uncucumbered (100)

Third option appears to give stats and PVP fights depending on how much meat and adventures you put into it.
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new stuff

        Unknown item found: body spradium (10052, 201925985)
10052     body spradium 201925985 boxingspray.gif spleen, usable 0
body spradium     1 1 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item body spradium Effect: "Boxing Day     Glow", Effect Duration: 100
2431     Boxing Day Glow boxingspray.gif e09d89ad6b19f75a8fd3c5524c925b72 chew 1     body spradium
Effect Boxing Day Glow Meat Drop: +50, Familiar Weight: +5
You     acquire an item: body spradium
2432     Muddled honeyglob.gif e1657d0f246533ee1c465c16aa4ecd8e
Effect Muddled     Muscle Percent: +200, Monster Level: +15
You     acquire an effect: Muddled (100)
the above is from using the mud spa buff
r19023 - Note, if you post the data from session logs rather than CLI, it will contain tabs in the right places and can be copy and pasted straight into the data files by us, which avoids our typos.
Day 3 reward from the daydream.

10053	bauxite beret	408005024	bauxitehat.gif	hat		0
bauxite beret	150	Mus: 10
# Item bauxite beret: Weapon Damage +39</font>
Item	bauxite beret	Muscle: +11, Maximum HP: +25
144	Bauxite Baubles	bauxtat.gif	bauxite beret
Outfit	Bauxite Baubles	Pool Skill: +11
You acquire an item: bauxite beret
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Looks like a slight error in r19022 - line 11307 sets the "_daycareNap" preference. I believe this should be "_daycareSpa", i.e.,

else if ( ChoiceManager.lastDecision == 2 && text.contains( "only allowed one spa treatment" ) )
    Preferences.setBoolean( "[B]_daycareSpa[/B]", true );
We'll want to spade the Beret, unless someone has?

Todd 317
HP 30
WD 44

Todd 649
HP 32
WD 46

Todd 992

HP 34
WD 48

Todd 1505

HP 35
WD 49
10050	glass of raw eggs	193484797	eggglass.gif	food		0
glass of raw eggs	1	1	EPIC	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	glass of raw eggs	Effect: "Boxing Day Breakfast", Effect Duration: 50
2429	Boxing Day Breakfast	eggglass.gif	82b912ba7b550e00e6529772bca864c2	eat 1 glass of raw eggs
# Effect Boxing Day Breakfast: Improves yield when scavenging
Effect	Boxing Day Breakfast	Gear Drop: +50, Weapon Damage Percent: +50, Spell Damage Percent: +50
r19024 adds this and some basic, lightly tested, daycare tracking.

Annoyingly the item loss message when you recruit instructors isn't standard and doesn't yet work.

<table><tr><td valign=center>You lose an item: </td><td><img src= width=30 height=30></td><td valign=center><b>hardboiled egg</b> (44)</td></tr></table></span></td></tr></table>
r19024 - I noticed today that "daycareInstructors" gets set to "an" when there is only 1. (Is 1 the default? I don't remember hiring any instructors.)

html (I have the entire page, if more than this is needed.):
<center><img src=/images/otherimages/boxingring2.gif width=300 height=100></center><p>The massive central room of the Boxing Daycare is dominated by the boxing ring, but there is a variety of exercise equipment around the periphery. You see a couple vertical torso kettlebells and a tricep torsion bicycle. Looks like 18 pieces in all. 27 toddlers are training with an instructor in the boxing ring.<center><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='removed'>
Spending "items" to hire a trainer doesn't remove the count from Mafia. Mafia still thinks I have 44 ghuol eggs, when I don't.
Annoyingly the item loss message when you recruit instructors isn't standard and doesn't yet work.

<table><tr><td valign=center>You lose an item: </td><td><img src= width=30 height=30></td><td valign=center><b>hardboiled egg</b> (44)</td></tr></table></span></td></tr></table>

Yeah, it's horrible. The way the item parsing works, "You lose an item: " is one result to parse, "hardboiled egg" is another, and "(44)" is a third!

Might try working out how to change it before it hits item parsing back into something that will work.

Or probably just handle in manually in Choice Manager I guess.
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10054 bauxite boxers 592272200 bauxitepants.gif pants 0
bauxite boxers 150 Mox: 10
# Item bauxite boxers: Ranged Damage +126
Item bauxite boxers Moxie: +11, Initiative: +112
144 Bauxite Baubles bauxtat.gif bauxite boxers
Outfit Bauxite Baubles Pool Skill: +34

Ranged Damage and Combat Initiative vary based on Toddlers, this was at 379.762. I went up to +147% initiative and +161 ranged weapon damage @979.041 toddlers.