This looks really exciting, and I'd like to be able to use it to add custom Daily Deeds!
I have no way of knowing what "Multi Pref" means to anyone. Same for "Boolean Pref." I know what an item is, and what a skill is, in KoL. Text, I figured out how to add by experimentation. Maybe? I guess. I mean, it will add a clump of text that I type there, but I don't see how that does any good at all.
Every time I try to set up anything other than Text, I am stopped dead by the required "preference" field. How in the world could I know what belongs there? Every time I start typing there, it just says BAD to the right of the field. I tried digits 0-9 and English alphabet a-z and A-Z. I am completely groping in the dark here. I tried typing some words and phrases that relate to the Item or Skill I want, but that doesn't work either.
Please, could we have something, somewhere, that would help those of us who are not KoLmafia developers (or those who lack the skills and knowledge to be one)? This looks really superexcitingneatokeen, but it seems I would have to know how to create or modify KoLmafia itself before I could have any hope of understanding how to add custom Daily Deeds.
I have no way of knowing what "Multi Pref" means to anyone. Same for "Boolean Pref." I know what an item is, and what a skill is, in KoL. Text, I figured out how to add by experimentation. Maybe? I guess. I mean, it will add a clump of text that I type there, but I don't see how that does any good at all.
Every time I try to set up anything other than Text, I am stopped dead by the required "preference" field. How in the world could I know what belongs there? Every time I start typing there, it just says BAD to the right of the field. I tried digits 0-9 and English alphabet a-z and A-Z. I am completely groping in the dark here. I tried typing some words and phrases that relate to the Item or Skill I want, but that doesn't work either.
Please, could we have something, somewhere, that would help those of us who are not KoLmafia developers (or those who lack the skills and knowledge to be one)? This looks really superexcitingneatokeen, but it seems I would have to know how to create or modify KoLmafia itself before I could have any hope of understanding how to add custom Daily Deeds.