Daily Deeds support


I figured it would be good to have a central place to ask questions/submit bug reports/make feature requests on the new daily deeds, so this is that place.

I also put together a quick demo that goes over some implementations of the various custom deed methods. It's rather verbose in printing stuff all over your gCLI every time you click a button, but that's on purpose. I may expand it in the future if whimsy takes me; others are welcome to add to it as well.

Place it in your scripts folder and do
dddemo 0

EDIT: forgot to mention, this WILL wipe out your current daily deeds, so save your dailyDeedsOptions somewhere if that is a problem for you.
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Your button code for the GAPants I asked about works, not a surprise for you I presume but just verification. I added all 5, but that's annoying me due to the now even longer panel. Should we move my questions and the answers from the other thread over here?
(ooh! forum upgrades! just had to point that out.)

Nah, you don't have to move your questions over here.

I understand that you would like the ability to put several of the items on one line (as would I), but unfortunately that would require a very significant rewrite of the code. Do you really use all the GAP buffs?

On the upside, GAP would be a good candidate for a built-in combobox deed, and I'll get around to it eventually. (I don't own GrAmPas, I'll need to borrow a pair; I am hc4l) The other deed I'd really like is to include is a hatter dropdown that's dynamically populated with all the hatter buffs you can get. That'd be cool.

But I think I'm going to hold off on producing features for a while, and concentrate on fixing bugs (both in DD and elsewhere).
How about letting the user create their own combo box + go! button? Each menu item in the combo box would run a command, would have a displayed name, and would have hover text of the user's choice.

With that, the user could make their own customized demon summoning list, or put all 5 GAP buffs onto a single control, or what have you.

How hard can it be? :)
That.. actually wouldn't be too bad to implement. The API, at least.

My goal with this whole thing was to eliminate the need for the majority of "can we get a daily deed for x" requests, and only need to hardcode the special ones (like, say, the hatter one). So sure, why not.
Seems like it could be a candidate for the DisabledItemsComboBox that you wrote. COnsider those two cases I mentioned:

1) Demon names are "pick one" and having used it, the whole combo box is disabled for the day, since you get 1 summon per day.
2) GAP buffs can EACH be used once per day. As you use one, disable that item and only disable the whole control if ALL the buffs have been used per day.

You already did the hard work by writing that widget, seems to me. Now, just make a nice Interface Builder that generates it.
2) GAP buffs can EACH be used once per day. As you use one, disable that item and only disable the whole control if ALL the buffs have been used per day.

My understanding is that you have a total of 5 GAP activations per day and that while you could use one of each, you could also use 5 of one of them. While I've never used all 5 of the same effect in a single day, I have used some effects more than once per day. So maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're proposing.
Yes, the GAP-buffs are "pick any choice of them, up to 5 times per day", my farming multi generally goes for 5 +item buffs.
It's still worthwhile to build in generic support for disabling individual list elements according to (an array of) boolean preferences. The combobox itself (and button) should be enabled/disabled by either a boolean or integer preference (and appropriate decorations added if it's an integer pref).

I do have a general idea for how to do this. Syntax would probably look like

Only thing that's awkward is where to place the maxUses argument if an integer pref is chosen. If I were stylistically consistent, it would be the last argument in the deed. However I think I might put it right after the _comboPref just because the combobox is arbitrarily large.
I think giving us the ability to build our own dropdown boxes is a really good idea, if for no other reason it would make me stop asking for, well pretty much everything I already asked for.
ok so i started the demo and lost all my daily deeds (yes i see now that you said that would happen) and no i didnt back them up but i do have multiple characters so i was hoping i could copy them from another character but it looks like it updated this pane for all characters. so - i have a few questions.

1. where is the documentation? i'll go through that to see if i can understand how to set custom daily deeds up.
2. couldn't "custom daily deeds" be a different choice in the overview tab so it didn't mess with the standard daily deeds choiceS?
3. I have a general understanding of the syntax you're using (the $CUSTOM stuff) but where does it go? (documentation will prob help me here)

Edit: Ok I found it in GLOBAL_prefs.txt so I'm good there. Has anyone documented how to rebuild the same options that are there by default by any chance??
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open up the daily deeds tab in preferences and hit the "reset" button to restore everything to default. Similarly, the "help" button should get you started if you want to hand-code your dailyDeedsOptions preference, otherwise you can use the custom deed builder accessed with the "add custom" button.
great, thanks!

edit: oh my, i didnt even realize i could add the custom ones via the daily deeds preferences tab. i was opening global_prefs and trying to hand build them. this will be a lot easier using the GUI.

edit2: ok couldn't get it to work using the GUI, so i manually added the following to the beginning of my dailydeedsoptions based on your feedback in the bug report/feature request thread:
$CUSTOM|skill|it's carbo time|_carboLoaded|canticarbo

unfortunately it's not showing up and i have verified that i'm using a character with this skill available. i have already cast the skill today, but i expected to see a grey'd out button. is my expectation incorrect?

edit3: ok got this to work by changing the CUSTOM string to this:
$CUSTOM|Skill|Get CarboLoaded|_carboLoaded|Canticle of Carboloading

maybe it wasn't liking the shorthand of the skillname "canticarbo"?
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So - now I'm trying to figure out how to implement a button to get me vials of slime. Up to 10 can be retrieved/day but obviously only if you're a sauceror and the nemesis quest is completed. I assume the only way to do this would be via MultiPref, but does a preference exist that can be utilized? The only thing that sounds close is this, but I'm guessing it won't work. Do we need a preference called _slimeVialsRetrieved or something to track daily max of 10? and even if we had it, how would we enter the command for the multipref to visit the page and invoke the adventure?

prefs file said:

edit: ok i created this, and i'm thinking it will work, but i already got my slime for today so i'll have to wait for tomorrow. searching the forums i found that the "volcano slime" command is built in and gets 1 slime at a time, so hopefully setting this up as a 10/day usage will do what i'm hoping. so i guess my question then is will the preference automatically get reset daily or does it have to be built into mafia for that to happen?

$CUSTOM|MultiPref|Get Slime|_gotSlime|volcano slime|10
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open up the daily deeds tab in preferences and hit the "reset" button....
GOOD LORD. I had no idea there was a Daily Deeds section in Preferences!

If it isn't too terribly much trouble, is anyone willing to add explanations in the "Built-In Deeds" section? Just a little something in parentheses on each line? I haven't a clue what "Library Card" could possibly be, nor where (or what?) Skate Park is, for instance. I've just searched the KoL wiki and found both of them easily, and I'm guessing if I complete the Skate Park activities, then I would see something in Daily Deeds that would make my choices obvious. Still, adding a few words wouldn't be bad, would it?