maximillian the red
if i am creating a multipref with a 10 turn counter, not having it increment is pointless. unless the expectation is that multipref will always call an ash script or something, in which case it renders people who aren't developers without that option, really. to be honest, what i would REALLY like to see happen with a custom deed like that is be able to make it hidden if prerequisites aren't met (ie: if i'm not a sauceror or the nemesis quest isnt completed yet) but i'm guessing that's a LOT more work. In the meantime it would be nice if user created preferences would reset daily somehow, or at the least increment when the button is clicked (and the button would grey out when the max turns were reached).
just my .02 and if it's not doable I am sure to find other uses for custom deeds, so please don't take it as criticism.
just my .02 and if it's not doable I am sure to find other uses for custom deeds, so please don't take it as criticism.