crypt.ash - Adds evilometer with zone hints

The evilometer is cool, but it generally lies ignored under all the crap in my inventory sack.
Also, the various cyrpt mechanics can be confusing when you have a terrible memory.

These two facts prompted me to write this override. Throw it in your mafia relay folder, and it will show an evilometer with Mafia's current evilness counts, and hints for zone completion.



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Thanks :)
To be honest it would probably have been more 'useable' to give the information adjacent to each zone, like the wine cellar hints.
Consulting the evilometer is prettier though.
Hmm... thought it displayed each zone as well. I'll need to try to pay more attention next time. :) Or if I have a character in the middle, but think they're all currently past it. Ah well.
Does clicking the x make those go away for the entire run? I can see having a constant reminder about the guild quest that I have no plan to do (because I picked it up just in case it got finished while doing other stuff).
I just did a little update, adding colour coding to show if the area is completed, or if a miniboss has been unlocked.

Does clicking the x make those go away for the entire run? I can see having a constant reminder about the guild quest that I have no plan to do (because I picked it up just in case it got finished while doing other stuff).
The list gets repopulated every time you login/out. I don't tend to use it because I find it clutters the charpane too much.