Feature - Implemented Cyrpt Evilness tracking in Relay Browser


Staff member
Somebody made a request for a greasemonkey script:

Doing the cyrpt and looking at my Evilometer every other combat because I need to know when to switch in my Organ Grinder has made me want a script that would display current zone evil after each time it beeps, kinda like the battlefield counter.
I generally just maximize whatever is necessary for each zone (+ML, +NC, -NC, Item Drop, whatever) and plug on through until the boss comes, but I do admit to curiosity about my progress.

We track Cyrpt zone evilness. Seems to me we could do this easily enough in the Relay Browser: decorate the Fight result page just like we do with the Battlefield. Seems to me we might also be able to stick a little note on the Cyrpt map page - perhaps even only as hover text - telling you what to maximize in each subzone.


Would be nice to see something about what to maximise. This is one of a handful of things I look up every ascension.


Well, KoL already tracks cyrpt evilness in the charpane if you enable the interface option "Display Quest Tracker in the Character Pane". Should Mafia add a feature that already exists in vanilla KoL? He just has to enable the feature.

Would be nice to see something about what to maximise. This is one of a handful of things I look up every ascension.

That's something different isn't it? As far as I can remember KoLmafia doesn't offer hints for any of the quests. For example, in the Isle War, KoL does tell you how many hippy/frats you've killed, but it doesn't tell you how many you need to kill to get to each sidequest.


Staff member
Ha. Obviously, I do not have the Quest Tracker enabled myself. Does it show it for each subzone?


Ha. Obviously, I do not have the Quest Tracker enabled myself. Does it show it for each subzone?

Just total evil, but if you do one subzone at a time it's pretty obvious where you're at. (And it is silly do switch between them since I'd need to switch my buffs.)


Yeah, the mental math to translate total evil remaining (from the quest tracker) into $evilUntilSubzoneBoss isn't too taxing, but explicitly displaying that somewhere might be nice.

Seems to me we might also be able to stick a little note on the Cyrpt map page - perhaps even only as hover text - telling you what to maximize in each subzone.

Boy howdy would I like this (and I think making it hover text is the way to go). I'm somewhat surprised there's not a relay override floating around that does this already.


I wouldn't be offended if mafia offered hints. I've got it pretty well memorized (olfact dirty old liches, item drops for skeletons, speed up to chase fast zombies, noncombat to find max ML ghouls in draws), but I can see how others might be troubled.


It's just one of those things - like Darzil said - that I have to look up on every ascension (I have not yet permed Memory of Steel).

On the flip side, it's perfectly acceptable to me if it's not natively supported and a relay override is required.


Active member
I would very much like it if mafia could add an inbuilt spoiler for this. I always forget, and I expect a large majority of the playerbase would be very happy to see this, probably quite minor, addition.


Staff member
I always just spam "prefref evil" in the CLI to track progress, but not having to do that would be nice. For quest spoilers, I wanted constantly-displayed info, but hover text is a lot simpler to implement since I can't manage a greasemonkey script with more than 5 lines of logic.


You can do better than "prefref evil"

alias cevil => ashq foreach l in $strings[Total,Alcove,Cranny,Niche,Nook] print_html("<b>"+l+"</b> - "+get_property("cyrpt"+l+"Evilness"));
This zone looks like a good candidate to mimic the spoiler help given in the Wine Cellar. Per Zone evilness and hints off to the side by their respective areas, with maybe a total evil up top (or down below)


Staff member
Here's a patch for it. Apparently mistakenly checking for "crypt.php " (with the space) and cryptTotalEvilness instead of cyrptTotalEvilness add a lot of time to testing when trying to figure out why it isn't doing anything. Also, KoL links to cyrpt.php but actually loads crypt.php.

I made a few trivial changes. It says BOSS instead of DANGER, and the text for a zone disappears if it's finished instead of turning gray.


  • decorateCrypt.patch
    4 KB · Views: 19


Staff member
Revision 10408 includes your patch.

There is a little funkiness in the generated HTML - which was in the original relay script and was dutifully ported by you. In particular, it inserts the evilometer with a "td" tag and no corresponding "/td" tag. I'm going to want to look closely at this when I get there myself and see if I can regularize the HTML. Unfortunately, my cleared-out cyrpt doesn't have the same table structure as an in-progress cyrpt, so I can't debug it now.



This graphic looks really cool but it is not accurately listing my current level in the Niche. According to my inventory Evilometer I am at 33. The Relay Browser graphic in the Cyrpt still shows 50. If there is a setting somewhere that I need to change for this to update as my levels decrease please let me know. Thanks!