Creating my first Breakfast Script

Hi all,

What's the code to change outfits?


In cli:
outfit outfit_name

In ash there is no simple command, so you have to equip each item separately
equip($slot[hat], $item[chef's hat]);
equip($slot[weapon], $item[disco ball]);
and so on...
Thing is, I already had:

outfit wakeup
and at the end of script
outfit sleep

but I get the error: Unknown variable 'outfit' (myBreakfast.ash, line 1)

Which is weird cause I saw other scripts with it. Oh well, guess I have to type a little.
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Yet again, you've confused a CLI command with an ASH function.

All of these things are listed in the program itself; help lists CLI commands, ashref lists ASH functions. Both are CLI commands themselves, and can be followed by text to filter out everything that doesn't contain that text. ashref outfit would have revealed the existence of a boolean outfit( string ) function; I'm not sure why Bale was thinking there wasn't one. Note that like all ASH functions, its parameter(s) have to be enclosed in parentheses.
Ok, thanks people.

Just one more question. I have divine tome and would like to spend all my mana on it. how do I do it?

The character can cast pasmastery/saucecrafting/cocktail and sticker tome with no problems, but how do make it cast all it's remaining mana on summon divines?

Thanks again.
Hmm, ok thanks.

What about programming a bounty? Is there a simple command I can use, or only a function will do that?
You could always parse the page and then do some logic, programming in safe moxie for the area and all that, and perhaps using Spooky Putty, but that'd be pretty advanced.
you can always use one of the versions of bounty.ash

if you don't like how it works you can rewrite it to do exactly what you want
I added the following to my script.

autosell * Angry Farmer Candy
autosell * awful poetry journal 
autosell * chaos butterfly 
autosell * disturbing fanfic 
autosell * furry fur 
autosell * heavy d
autosell * original g 
autosell * plot hole 
autosell * probability potion
autosell * procrastination potion 
autosell * thin black candle 
autosell * Mick's IcyVapohotness Rub

But I still get following error:

Unknown variable: 'autosell' (myBreakfast.ash, line 32)

What am I doing wrong?

i would suggest instead of autoselling, sell to the collectors, they pay about 20 meat more than autosell, but it adds up
you are getting cli and ash confused.

in ash you have to use the ash equivalent command: autosell( int, item )

autosell( item_amount($item[furry fur]), $item[furry fur] );
or you can implement the cli commands into ash by using this:
autosell * Angry Farmer Candy
autosell * awful poetry journal 
autosell * chaos butterfly 
autosell * disturbing fanfic 
autosell * furry fur 
autosell * heavy d
autosell * original g 
autosell * plot hole 
autosell * probability potion
autosell * procrastination potion 
autosell * thin black candle 
autosell * Mick's IcyVapohotness Rub
I think I got this syntax right...

Looks like I read this topic wrong, I thought you needed help on the autosell syntax.
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I have divine tome and would like to spend all my mana on it. how do I do it?

It's ugly but you can always just do

# while (use_skill(...)) {} won't work because return value from use_skill is unreliable
while (my_mp() > mp_cost($skill["Summon Party Favor"])) {
  use_skill(1, $skill["Summon Party Favor"]);

The actual formula for computing how many times you can cast a libram skill given MP mana points is:

X=(3*MP + SQRT(9*MP^2 +125/27))^(1/3)
N=FLOOR(X - 5/3/X)

That assumes you haven't cast any libram skills yet. If you've already N times you need to add (N^3+5*N)/6 to your MP beforehand and subtract N afterwards. It also assumes you don't have anything modifying the MP cost of spells. If you do, you have to adjust by N*(mp cost modifier)
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