
At least when I just turned mine on Mafia correctly removed the (off) one from inventory but did not add the (on) one until I did a "refresh inv".
Same here. Every time my ChibiBuddy dies, I turn in on the relay browser and have to refresh inventory in mafia (CLI: inv refresh). The good news is that refreshing the inventory in mafia is 100x faster than it used to be!
I've decided that I really hate this item and am really glad that this script exists to manipulate it. You can sure get hammered by Random Events.

Today, I would have been better off had I simply not run the script. Starting stats:

> --- [2, 3, 6, 7] ---

After 5 Adventures and 34 Balances:

> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---

I was running with the default settings:

setvar("chibiParent_allowBalancing", true);
setvar("chibiParent_allowAdventuring", true);
setvar("chibiParent_allowDynamicBounds", true);
setvar("chibiParent_distanceTillAdventure", 2);

Condider this:

> --- [2, 3, 6, 7] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 2, 6, 7] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 2, 6, 7] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [1, 3, 7, 8] ---
> ADVENTURING to increase [0]'Fitness'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Fitness' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Fitness' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Fitness' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Fitness' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Fitness' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 7] ---
It would have been nice to simply adventure at this point and hope to get closer to 4,4,6,6. Instead:

> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Fitness' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 7] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Fitness' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 3, 8, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 3, 8, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 7] ---
It flailed away at Balancing, things got worse, and finally back to the previous state. It would have been nice to simply adventure at this point and hope to get to 4,4,6,6. Instead:

> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 3, 8, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [3, 3, 8, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [3, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 2, 8, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Socialization'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> BALANCING by increasing [0]'Alignment' and decreasing [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [1, 2, 7, 9] ---
I got really hammered by random events and it was forced to use adventures to fix things up as much as possible.

> ADVENTURING to increase [0]'Fitness'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 9] ---
> ADVENTURING to decrease [3]'Intelligence'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> ADVENTURING to increase [0]'Fitness'.
> --- [2, 2, 7, 8] ---
> ADVENTURING to increase [0]'Fitness'.
> --- [2, 3, 7, 8] ---

> Adventured: 5
> Balanced: 34
> ChibiBuddy is 6 days old.
Which still left the state worse off than had I not run the script at all.

Are there any settings I could have used to make it use adventuring sooner, such that I could have ended up with an improvement, rather than a degradation?

Thanks for the script, although I do wonder if the pet will survive another 5 days, given its current state. :(
In the case of [3, 3, 7, 7] you could make the script use adventuring at that point by changing chibiParent_distanceTillAdventure to 4.
The reason for me choosing a default of 2 was to 'try' (because of the unaccounted sub-stats) guarantee [4, 4, 6, 6]. I see the wiki still hasn't spaded those sub-stats.

I still would like to revamp this script to act better if I can find some time.
My pet died and I am trying again. I continue to hate the item and really appreciate your script. Thanks!

I've set that variable as suggested, although it is currently worse off than that at end of day. More hammering by random events.
My pet died and I am trying again. I continue to hate the item and really appreciate your script. Thanks!

I've set that variable as suggested, although it is currently worse off than that at end of day. More hammering by random events.
The script is not optimal. It used to bother me that it wasn't designed the way I learned from game theory or AI. Since then, I've decided, it's close enough. The buff isn't worth the turn cost and it's pretty likely to get you the trophy. Even an optimal script could lose out to bad RNG before the trophy shows up. When I consider cost vs benefit, I think there are lots of better places to spend some time improving things than here.

And yes, thank you for the script.

EDIT: Ha! So my non-ascender's ChiBi died last rollover. I guess I deserved that.
Last edited:
My pet died a second time. I will try again, next time I feel like spending 11 days+ in aftercore; I only have 6 days left this run, so no go. Maybe Crimbo.

Thanks for the script! :)
The respawn update of the script in post #77 fails to respawn due to an unconditional abort("asdf"); in line 340. Not entirely why the abort() is there, but removing it seems to fix respawning.
Recently the script has failed due to this error: "Reserved word 'path' cannot be a variable name" and I can't say with full knowledge what the cause is, but it seems as if the implementation of something at some point has changed and now it can no longer accept the word "Path" as a variable. At this point the script is so old that I don't know if anyone could fix it.
I just had the same problem, Haven't tried the Veracity changed one, but the version I was running earlier already had several changes to make it functional from various posts in this thread and a couple of my own changes. If the only change is fixing the variable names, I might try doing that myself on my modified fixed up version.

It would be nice to make a better version of this script for my purposes, but I have a hard time parsing through what is going on in the technical details of the code. I would like to make an option to get chibi charged and then just do the non adventure spending moves that will mostly balance the chibi, which is kind of, but not really supported in the script.

If you set it to not use adventures it will occasionally work if it happens to land exactly on a 6,6,4,4 situation, but when things go wrong it makes bad decisions that will make it tip to scenario with 3 numbers slightly above or below 5 and then it's just a very slow painful chibi death.

The ideal situation would be to stop making any changes if you had for example, 7, 6, 4, 4. This script chooses to keep going until you get exactly 6,6,4,4 or you die, which is inevitable once things get lop-sided

Right now I call the initialize portion of the script separately in my login to get chibi-charged, then run the rest of the script and it either gets the perfect scenario, or kills the chibi, or I stop the script before it gets close to making the stats lop-sided.