Character Info Toolbox

I'm having odd troubles with a new install. I'm unsure what is going on, or what information will help, so here goes:

Linux Mint 64, Firefox browser, Mafia build is 17622.

I stripped out some of the stuff I don't use, but the issue has been here since I installed CHIT on this build. The bottom toolbar and the familiar bit are covering the effects, and I'm unsure what's causing it. Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome, as would any advice on what I done wrong!

Many thanks in advance.


automcd true
chit.autoscroll true
chit.character.avatar   true
chit.character.title    true
chit.checkversion       false
chit.clan.display       off
chit.currencies rad,source essence,BACON,cop dollar
chit.currencies.showmany        false
chit.disable    false
chit.effects.classicons none
chit.effects.describe   false
chit.effects.layout     songs,buffs,intrinsics
chit.effects.modicons   true
chit.effects.showicons  true
chit.effects.usermap    false
chit.familiar.anti-gollywog     true
chit.familiar.hats      spangly sombrero,sugar chapeau,Chef's Hat,party hat
chit.familiar.pants     spangly mariachi pants,double-ice britches,BRICKO pants,pin-stripe slacks,Studded leather boxer shorts,Monster pants,Sugar shorts
chit.familiar.protect   false
chit.familiar.showlock  false
chit.familiar.weapons   time sword,batblade,Hodgman's whackin' stick,astral mace,Maxwell's Silver Hammer,goatskin umbrella,grassy cutlass,dreadful glove,Stick-Knife of Loathing,Work is a Four Letter Sword
#chit.floor.layout      update,familiar
chit.floor.layout       familiar
chit.gear.display.aftercore     favorites:amount=all, quest:amount=all, charter:amount=all, today:amount=all:create=false, rollover, DRUNK:amount=all
chit.gear.display.aftercore.defaults    create=true, pull=true, amount=1        favorites:amount=all:pull=true:create=true, astral:amount=all, item, -combat, +combat, quest:amount=all:pull=true:create=true, today:amount=all:create=false, ML, path:amount=all, prismatic, res, charter:amount=all, rollover, DRUNK:amount=all, Wow:amount=all, resistance:amount=3       create=false, pull=false, amount=1
chit.gear.layout        default
chit.helpers.dancecard  true
chit.helpers.semirare   true
chit.helpers.spookyraven        true
chit.helpers.wormwood   stats,spleen
chit.helpers.xiblaxian  true
chit.kol.coolimages     true
chit.quests.hide        false
chit.roof.layout        character,stats
chit.stats.layout       muscle,myst,moxie|hp,mp,axel|mcd|trail,florist
chit.stats.showbars     true
chit.thrall.showname    false
chit.toolbar.layout     trail,quests,modifiers,elements,organs
chit.toolbar.moods      true
chit.walls.layout       helpers,thrall,vykea,effects
defaultoutfit   current
is_100_run      none
threshold       4
unknown_ml      170
verbosity       3
I haven't got any good ideas. The only thing I could guess is that Firefox on Linux doesn't like the CSS since there's nothing odd in your setup. Could you try it with a different browser like Chrome and tell us if that works?
Oh, now I'm really baffled. Chrome mostly behaves under Mint, but bizarrely enough, the standard KoL chat pane gets argumentative. I actually tried it under a couple of other Linux distros, and found equally bizarre behaviour. I'm going to try some off-the-wall browsers to see if one works, and if it does, set that as the KoLMafia default. I guess this is what I get for breaking Windows... :(

Thanks for responding, I didn't think there was anything wrong, just HTML/CSS interpretation, as you suggested.
Hmm, I feel like I've seen that happen at least once and managed to fiddle with something or other to fix it. I don't remember the details, but I'll try poking around and see if I can find anything.
I keeps receiving this in CLI:

Multiple matches for "Staff of Ed"; using "[7961]Staff of Ed". (chit_brickGear.ash, line 337) Clarify by using one of:
"[2325]Staff of Ed"
"[7961]Staff of Ed"
You've got the Staff of Ed in your favorites?! Weird, but I guess I get it.

I don't think I'll bother to fix this. It's not really harmful anyway.
I'm having an issue with the appearance of the 'gear' section... it's automatically partially-covered by the 'effects' section. Resizing the character pane temporarily fixes it, but whenever it's refreshed for any reason (which happens a lot), it goes back to being half-covered. This is happening in both Safari and Chrome, if that makes a difference.
Known issue. Sometimes that happens -- sometimes it does not. It sounds a lot more common for you than it is for me. I wish I knew how to fix it. Some sort of really weird CSS issue.
Huh, good to know. Sorry I wasn't aware it was already a known issue! Certainly annoying, but CHIT looks amazing overall, so I'm gonna play around with it for a while.
evil ed:

Could you replace the file chit.js in your relay folder with the attached experimental copy and tell us if it has any effect on the issue ? Since I can't seem to reproduce the issue myself, I need you to test this.


This may fix the problem that wertperch reported in post #1903 as well. I was seeing similar issues to his while doing some testing of this. I will commit this, experimentally, and see if it generates any new bug reports.
So... how do I know how many points are left over from previous runs if I don't use noobDeferredPoints?

What formula should I actually be using?