CHIT allows you to customize the layout of your charpane (Let's call it your House).
Your house consists of 4 separate areas:
Roof: Always anchored to the top of the screen
Walls: Scrollable area between the roof and the floor
Floor: Always anchored to the bottom of the screen, and always contains the Toolbar as the last item
Toolbar: Row of pretty icons that does various things
Inside each area you can place any of the following "bricks":
character: Basic character information (name, class, paths, level, meat, turns etc) (Not available in toolbar)
stats: A whole bunch of pretty progress bars. (stats/consumption/hp/mp etc) (Not available in toolbar)
familiar: Familiar information, with a built-in equipment changer thingy (Not available in toolbar)
trail: Recent adventures
quests: Quest nudges (when available)
helpers: Adventure helpers (described in more detail below)
effects: List of current effects (Not available in toolbar)
organs: similar to stats, but only shows spleen, stomach and liver (more useful when used in the toolbar)
substats: similar to stats, but only shows muscle,myst and moxie (more useful when used in the toolbar)
modifiers: Some useful modifiers (+meat, +items, +combat, ML, DA, DR etc)
elements: Shows the KoL elements chart from the wiki (also mostly for the toolbar)
update: Notifies you when new versions of CHIT are available
So how do you design and build your own house? Easy. Simply place your bricks in the area you want, in the order you want them.
All of the preferences below can be found in /data/vars_yourname.txt
chit.roof.layout: Comma-separated list of bricks to place in your roof
Default: character,stats,familiar,trail
chit.walls.layout: Comma-separated list of bricks to place in your walls
Default: helpers,effects
chit.floor.layout: Comma-separated list of bricks to place in your floor
Default: update
chit.toolbar.layout: Comma-separated list of bricks to place in the toolbar
Default: quests,modifiers
The following preferences further refine the content and appearance of individual bricks
chit.character.avatar: Shows or hides your character image (true/false)
Default: true
chit.character.title: Shows your Custom Title if you have one, instead of your current class name. (true/false)
It might be useful to disable this if you have a long title that causes ugly wrapping in the charpane.
Default: true
chit.stats.layout: Your stats can be further customized with another comma-separated list
Commas can be replaced by pipe characters (|) to add some visual seperation between different elements
mainstat,moxie,myst,muscle - substat progress
liver,stomach,spleen - color-coded progress bars for consumption
hp,mp - progress bars are clickable to restore HP/MP (if enabled in mafia)
axel - that creepy spooky little girl from the spaaaaace quest (only while doing the quest)
mcd - the progress bar is clickable to let you set a new value
trail - last adventure
Default: muscle,myst,moxie|stomach,liver,spleen|hp,mp,axel|mcd
chit.stats.showbars Shows or hides progress bars
Default: true
chit.quests.hide: Don't display Quest Nudges when you don't have any active quests (true/false)
Default: false (standard KoL behaviour)
chit.familiar.hats: Comma-separated list of hats to include with a Hatrack as your current familiar
Default: spangly sombrero,sugar chapeau
chit.familiar.weapons: Comma-separated list of weapons to include with a Disembodied Hand as your current familiar
Default: time sword
chit.familiar.pants: Comma-separated list of pants to include with a Fancypants Scarecrow as your current familiar
chit.familiar.protect: Removes all familiar-switching links from the charpane when you're on a 100% run
(You have to go to your campsite->terraium to change familiars, or use chat commands)
Default: false
HELPERS are displayed when certain counters reaches 0.
They will present you with a list of relevant adventure locations.
Helpers are there merely for convenience; they will NOT try to auto-adventure for you.
chit.helpers.wormwood: Enables or disables the Wormwood helper (triggered when the Wormwood counter reaches 0)
Comma-separated list of desired Wormwood goals.
Valid values: moxie,myst,muscle,pipe,booze,food,mask,cancan,necklace
A reasonable effort is made to figure out what you mean for other values (eg. "spleen" or "flask" will also work)
Special values:
none (or blank) - disables the helper
mainstat - chooses stat adventures based on your current class
stats - shorthand for all stats
rewards - shorthand for all consumable/equipment rewards
For stat rewards, you can also append a 1,5 or 9 to determine when the helper is triggered
mainstat5 - shows locations for you mainstat reward with A-M at 5/1
mainstat,stats1 - shows mainstat reward with A-M at 9/5/1, and all 3 stat rewards with A-M at 1
moxie,booze - shows moxie and booze rewards
stats,rewards - shows every achievable reward
chit.helpers.dancecard: Enables or disables the Dance Card helper (triggered when the DC counter reaches 0)
true - enabled (default)
false - disabled
chit.helpers.semirare: Enables or disables the Semi-Rare helper (triggered when the Fortune Cookie counter reaches 0)
true - enabled (default)
false - disabled
chit.effects.classicons:Replaces effect icons with class-specific icons
Comma-separated list of classes to replace
Valid values:
none - does nothing (default)
sc - replace SC buffs with a seal club
tt - replace TT buff icons with a turtle
pm - replace PM buff icons with a pasta spoon
sa - replace SA buff icons with a saucepan
db - replace DB buff icons with a disco ball
at - replace AT buff icons with an accordion (useful in conjunction with chit_bumpsongs)
Example: tt,at - replaces only TT and AT buffs
chit.effects.showicons: Shows effect icons, or doesn't (compact-style)
true - show them (default)
false - don't show them
chit.effects.layout: Comma-separated list
buffs - regular effects
intrinsics - intrinsic effects
songs - only if present, this will cause all active AT songs to be displayed separately
intrinsics,songs,buffs - displays intrinsic effects first, then any AT songs, then all other effects/buffs
buffs,intrinsics (standard behaviour)
chit.effects.usermap Allows you to use personalized versions of chit_effects.txt
true: uses chit_effects_<yourname>.txt
false: uses chit_effects.txt (default)
chit.toolbar.moods Shows or hides the mafia links for saving/executing moods
Default: true
chit.kol.coolimages Shows or hides KoL's images for Extreme Meter and Zombie Horde
Default: true
chit.checkversion Automatically check for new versions once a day
Must be enabled for the "update" brick to work
Default: true