Character Info Toolbox

Do you think if you are putting in Food Drops that you should put in Booze Drops as well?

Bale is making it so that any specific +item (of the 9 mentioned) will get shown only if it's active, so as to avoid clutter (poor VinnyB, and other effect collectionists, hehe). +Food was the only one active in the example picture.

That is to say, +Booze will show if it's applicable. You're good 8^)
I meant to post this a few days ago. I suppose it is just as well that it got put off until now since today's mafia update made the modifiers panel look awful. (That'll probably be bugfixed soon, but until then it's a good thing that I've got a workaround in this version.)

Updated to
  • Modifiers: Add ML penalty to initiative.
  • Modifiers: Add specific types of item drop bonuses, when they exist/
  • Modifiers: formatting revamp.

I'm still not entirely sure what to do about Light Ninja's MCD suggestion.
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Ohh initiative in the modifer brick is handy. I will throw it on the toolbar now, never did before because it was really cluttered with stuff I didn't need but now that modified init is in there. :D Ah also don't worry too much about the MCD suggestion. I can just create a script that yells at me in big red text after boss bat fight >_>
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Glad you like it, I'm also finding it quite handy for figuring out how well I can survive high levels of ML. I wonder what else it should contain that I never realized I need to know.

Updated to
  • Added key-o-tron data to quests
Look. I really really like this script, don't get me wrong. But the frequent updates combined with the nagging update reminder and complex installation process make this a pain to keep updated sometimes. Would it maybe be possible to cut back on the number of files by inlining the .js and .css stuff, and use data: urls for the images? That would make charpane.ash just one big script, with the only additional file being chit_effects.txt which i imagine doesn't update nearly as often.
That's why I include the charpane.ash as well as the zip file when charpane.ash is all that you need to update.

I'd rather not inline the .js and .css and the rest since it would make the script almost unreadable.
Yeah I know, though the last couple of updates all seemed to require the complete fileset to update. I understand your concern, I was just hoping updates could be a little less painful.
Would it be impossible or too difficult to add the ability to lock / unlock familiar equipment to the familiar switcher ?
Would it be impossible or too difficult to add the ability to lock / unlock familiar equipment to the familiar switcher ?

It would be a little bit troublesome, but clearly not impossible. Mostly I'm not sure what the GUI should look like to avoid being confusing or cluttery. Perhaps you should explain where you think it would be good to put this checkbox (is it a checkbox or something else?) and how its purpose would be apparent to anyone using the override.

If I like your answer, then the feature will probably appear.
It would be a little bit troublesome, but clearly not impossible. Mostly I'm not sure what the GUI should look like to avoid being confusing or cluttery. Perhaps you should explain where you think it would be good to put this checkbox (is it a checkbox or something else?) and how its purpose would be apparent to anyone using the override.

If I like your answer, then the feature will probably appear.

Hmmm, how about a clickable icon of a lock that can appear in the toolbar at the bottom, instead of in the actual switcher. That way, only the people who actually use it could add it to their toolbar layout. ??
Not a bad idea. /itemimages/padlock.gif or openpadlock.gif (depending on lock status) could be displayed at 16x16 and displayed on the toolbar for that purpose...

Does anyone else have any other ideas? Does anyone want to save me some trouble by posting some code for me to review?

What about displaying the 16x16 lock super-imposed over the lower right corner of the familiar item? Would that get in the way?
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Not a bad idea. /itemimages/padlock.gif or openpadlock.gif (depending on lock status) could be displayed at 16x16 and displayed on the toolbar for that purpose...

Does anyone else have any other ideas? Does anyone want to save me some trouble by posting some code for me to review?

What kind of code do you need ? I only started learning ash about a year ago, and while I've learned a lot, I am sure your ash skills far surpass mine. I can help with javascript, html and css though. I should qualify that by saying I've only used this script and not studied it, so it may take some time for me to puzzle it out before I could write anything for it. Also, I can make the lock images for you, if necessary.

Glad to help in any way I can.

What about displaying the 16x16 lock super-imposed over the lower right corner of the familiar item? Would that get in the way?
If you mean "in addition to the lock icon in the toolbar" then I think it would probably be cluttery as well as unnecessary. If you mean "instead of the toolbar icon", then yeah, I would be happy with that.
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If I understand right, it's the familiar icon with the lock icon on top of it. Shows you what you have locked as well as that it's currently locked without taking up any more screen space.
I can help with javascript, html and ccs though. I should qualify that by saying I've only used this script and not studied it, so it may take some time for me to puzzle it out before I could write anything for it. Also, I can make the lock images for you, if necessary.

Lock images not necessary. KoL supplies them at 30x30 and it's pretty easy to rescale them through CSS.

Since you offered: My java/html/css are much weaker than my ASH so I'd like to ask some advice. How would it be done if I wanted to superimpose a 13x13 padlock.gif over the lower-right corner of another image which is 30x30, but make it separately clickable while the 30x30 image can also be clicked on? I haven't decided to do it that way yet, but I'd like to know if it is hard to do.
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Lock images not necessary. KoL supplies them at 30x30 and it's pretty easy to rescale them through CSS.

Since you offered: My java/html/css are much weaker than my ASH so I'd like to ask some advice. How would it be done if I wanted to superimpose a 13x13 padlock.gif over the lower-right corner of another image which is 30x30, but make it separately clickable while the 30x30 image can also be clicked on? I haven't decided to do it that way yet, but I'd like to know if it is hard to do.

Not very hard to do. I wrote a quick sample which seems to work (only tested in FF). If you unzip this file and open sample.html, then view source, you should get a pretty clear idea of how it can be done. If you have any more questions, I should be around for another hour or so.


Awesome! I knew there had to be an easy way to do that. I looked over your sample and the code and comments make it seem very easy to implement. I don't have the time to work that into my script now, but I am curious what others think about the look. Here's a sample of how familiar image will be displayed:


Do people think that looks good/bad/hard to click on familiar item? The familiar item in the sample is a pet sweater. Is it too obscured? It is animated in the sample, although that isn't duplicated in my screenshot.

Putting the lock on the toolbar is still an option, so I now have two possible ways to implement this request.
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I might consider moving it to a different corner, depending on which corner has the most "significance" for distinguishing pet equipment icons. Other than that, looks good.

If you're feeling extra-codish when you implement this, could even give it its own variable... UL/UR/LL/LR/default. Or some derivation thereof. For people that use weird equipment that has significance in a different corner than normal. :)