Chamois - Use it automatically!

OK... I have RTFM, and everything looks OK, but no joy.

I am at a loss. One thing, when I right click on "When I get Coated in Slime, chamois.ash" in the "Mood Setup" tab, and select "Force Execution", I get an "You can't wear that outfit" message.

Shouldn't it be "call chamoix.ash"?

I don't think that should matter. And your file is named differently from his.

I am at a loss. One thing, when I right click on "When I get Coated in Slime, chamois.ash" in the "Mood Setup" tab, and select "Force Execution", I get an "You can't wear that outfit" message.

Since my script does not change outfits it seems that the problem must be caused by another item in your mood. What else are you doing?
Farted around a bit, and I tired changing the initial int minimum_slime value in chamois.ash from 0 to 10, that seemed to work.

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I'm sure that wasn't the problem and it isn't an ideal method to wipe yourself that often, but if it makes you happy then I am glad you're happy.
Hmm, I'm kinda dumb with scripting.
I tried your first several scripts, where you specified the amount of "coated with slime", but mafia always stopped it at 6. I put it at 5. I tried fiddling around, and put it at if coated in slime < 1; call chamois.ash and it still used the chamois with 6 adv of coated with slime.
Help? :(
I'm afraid I don't really understand your question. All I know for sure is that you aren't exactly following the directions in my first post. Perhaps if you were to be more specific about where you were putting this "coated in slime < 1" I might start to form a clue.

I know that if you use the version in my first post as suggested it will refuse to let your coated in slime get low enough to kill you. It knows how much damage will kill you.
Hey, I'm trying to download the script, but this error keeps popping up, "Bad monster value: "slime1" (chamois.ash, line 30)", what can I do to fix that?