Chamois - Use it automatically!

i'm going to get called a noob for this but
kolmafia says "you cannot add triggers to an apathetic mood."

The "apathetic" mood is an empty mood which you cannot edit. Start a new mood by clicking "New List" and give your new mood a name. Then you can edit it.
I just want to say that this is the most awesome kMail I have ever gotten.

If you are the maker of the chamois script, I think i love you, it made me able to actually do my homework :O! Now I got higher grades and a better life. RIGHT ON!

I actually made someone's real life better with my script. :D :D :D
When you download it, just download it into that directory. The exact procedure differs a little bit for PC and Mac, but if you're still stuck please explain your consternation fully. :)
I am not sure of the policy, should we post bug reports for daily builds?

chamious.ash works just fine with 13.7, but I have been using the daily builds to keep up with crimbo. When using using builds 7881 and 7890, I am getting error when I adv in the tube with mood:
When I get Coated in Slime, call chamois.ash

error message:
[Covered in Slime] does not match anything in the status effect database.
Bad effect value: "Covered in Slime" (chamois.ash, line 28)

system MacOS 10.5, any other info provided if you need it
Open the script up and replace all "Covered in Slime" with "Coated in Slime". I guess mafia used to be really lenient if the script worked like that.
Thanks for telling me. Mafia has recently gotten a lot pickier about effects being properly named. (It used to try really hard to figure out what was meant.) I've fixed the script and uploaded it.

Please download the new version.
Thank you, Bale, for this awesome script. My first stuffed Hodgman is yours (as soon as I get it, of course). =)
So let me get this straight- you have to call this after every time you adventure? How is that faster than clicking the "take a chamois from the bucket" link in the relay browser? Just wondering if I understand this right.
So let me get this straight- you have to call this after every time you adventure? How is that faster than clicking the "take a chamois from the bucket" link in the relay browser? Just wondering if I understand this right.

Set it as your mood so mafia runs it every adventure without you doing anything.