CCS and Adding Machines

When facing a rampaging adding machine with no further scroll goals to fulfill:

  • Combine any 334 scrolls into 668s.

    Votes: 21 72.4%
  • Proceed with combat.

    Votes: 8 27.6%

  • Total voters


What's up with adding machines? I cannot seem to set a ccs to do anything with them at all?

If I have the "auto-create 31337 scroll" checked it will create 31337 scrolls. If I uncheck the box it will create 668 scrolls. If I run out of 334 scrolls, it will abort. I cannot seem to do anything to change this behavior. Should ccs take priority over automatic functions? Am I missing something?
The automatic creation has to take priority over your CCS, since the logic needed to create the desired scroll is not expressible in CCS. If you have no ingredient scrolls, it should fall through and use your CCS; has this stopped working recently?
It seems my problem is that I didn't want it creating anything, even if I had ingredient scrolls. Couldn't it just create nothing if I don't tell it to make 31337 scrolls and I've already made a 64735 scroll?
Hmmm, I'm hesitant to remove this feature - it seems to me that a scroll combination opportunity is not an easily-replaced resource, and that a 668 is always closer to being useful than 334s. How about a poll, to get some more input...
It could create 668 scrolls if you set it to autocreate 31337 scrolls and it only has 334 scrolls. That would serve your desire and my desire BOTH.
I'd agree with Bale, I'm using my consult to do the tracking and since that gets called after it tries to create the 668 scrolls, It takes me 2-3 machine before I get it tracked which doesn't do much good.

Hmmm, I'm hesitant to remove this feature - it seems to me that a scroll combination opportunity is not an easily-replaced resource, and that a 668 is always closer to being useful than 334s.

I believe that I used to adventure with my Green Pixie, without funkslinging, and he would sometimes defeat the adding machine after I have fed the first 334 scroll.
Yes. Adventuring beyond the Orc Chasm with a combat familiar is a user error, for that precise reason, unless you have funkslinging. With funkslinging, you always get a useful result, even if your familiar kills the adding machine before the final step. Without funkslinging, you have the chance to lose a scroll.
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That is one of the top 3 reasons that I love funkslinging.
  1. Don't need red pixel potions for the shadow
  2. Never lose a scroll in the chasm
  3. Funksling gobs of wet hair, divine favors against high level content
I think this could be a setting located with the other chasm choiceadvs. That would be a more intuitive location for it, and would probably reduce the constant discussion of this issue. It could contain the following options:

create 31337 scrolls
create 668 scrolls
skip special handling

With the understanding that scrolls specified as conditions take precedence over any of those settings. Possibly some advanced users may want a fourth option that skips special handling even before attempting to satisfy conditions, but I think that unlikely.
Yes. Adventuring beyond the Orc Chasm with a combat familiar is a user error

It is not obvious to me why adventuring at the chasm with my currently-best item drop familiar (that also could drop absinthe for precious not-a-pipes!) was a user error. At the very least, the preferences page should make it clear that the adding machine gets special handling no matter what options are selected.

As others point out, it's not about removing the auto-create features, but rather allowing the user to disable them if they are (for whatever reason) undesirable.

Forgot an option:

create 31337 scrolls
create 668 scrolls
skip special handling
show in browser

That last one would be necessary for people in Kittycore.
That last one would be necessary for people in Kittycore.
Just had an unpleasant flashback. Yes, I would have liked it then. This is one of those instances where "like" is the feeling you have when you stop beating your head against a wall.
Yes. Adventuring beyond the Orc Chasm with a combat familiar is a user error, for that precise reason, unless you have funkslinging. With funkslinging, you always get a useful result, even if your familiar kills the adding machine before the final step. Without funkslinging, you have the chance to lose a scroll.

It's only user error if you care about making scrolls. If you just want to spend a few hundred turns getting scrolls for whatever reason, and have no intent of combining them, then mafia has created an obstacle that can't be avoided. Or more realistically, maybe you just need an N, and you would rather not have mafia possibly lose a 334 scroll while trying to be helpful.
Recall that if you're making scrolls, you almost always want to throw a quick noodles at the monster first - certainly it would be nice that if you have noodles, you use them automatically.