OK, since this is affecting me, I'm thinking of doing it. Here the categories I want to specify for each familiar in familiars.txt:
# item0 - Fairy
# meat0 - Leprechaun
# stat0 - Volleyball
# stat1 - Sombrero
The first 4 already exist and correspond to "meatdrop", "itemdrop", and "statgain" in the familiar picker.
We also have "drops" (for familiars that drop things - green pixie, unconsious collective, puck man, ...)
Currently, we have "combat" - for any familiar that does something to harm your opponent during combat.
# combat0 - Physical Damage
# combat1 - Elemental Damage
# block - Potato
# delevel - Barnacle
# hp0 - restores HP during battle
# hp1 - restores HP after battle
# mp0 - restores MP during battle (Starfish)
# mp1 - restores MP after battle
I think this categorizes them sufficiently. Perhaps more than enough. These will be submenus under "combat".
This much granularity wouldn't hurt in familiars.txt, but do we need this granularity in the submenus? Just as we combine stat0 and stat1 into "statgain", we could combine mp0 and hp0 into "in combat hpmp" and mp1 and hp1 into "after combat, for example.
This is the "other" list. pet rocks, O.A.F., black cat, ...
Note that any of these menus (or submenus) will not be present if you have no familiars in the corresponding list.
All the new familiar types look like they would go in the $familiar proxy record, too...