Bug - Fixed Cannot view all familiars in mafia

Please make menus scrollable (and expand the familiar categories).

I don't know where to post suggestions.

There's two major problems not having scrollable bars pose:
1) Once you have a lot of scripts, it cuts off the scripts with the lower alphabets and you can't access them from the menu.
2) Combat-type familiars are way too congested. I have to use the arrow keys to navigate to Star Starfish now, which is annoying.

#2 can also be solved with splitting up the familiar list. Another problem is that the combat-type familiars are too non-specific, and they group up every familiar that deals damage.

Anyway, this problem should be looked at.
Type this in the CLI and you'll discover two new familiar categories.

set familiarCategory1 = lair|star starfish|levitating potato|mosquito|barrrnacle|angry goat|Sabre-Toothed Lime
set familiarCategory2 = starfishing|star starfish|snow angel|midget clownfish|rock lobster|underworld bonsai|slimeling

You can also make a familiarCategory3 and so on. Hopefully that will help.
I might take a look at splitting up the combat ones a bit anyway, as my combat familiar menu is longer than my screen, and I'd like default mafia not to do that.

Maybe categories of starfish, cocobo, delevel, block would be useful ?
With some trepidation, I point to this bug report which also discusses the issue. (The trepidation is because the OP of the bug report ended up on my "ignore" list as a result of his name calling, and I'd prefer if that thread just died. Although, if Darzil splits up the combat familiars list, perhaps that one can simply be closed.)

The OP in THIS thread is pointing out that the "scripts" menu can also get long, in addition to the "familiars" popup menu. That's a different issue.

I'll point out that if you make directories within your script folders, those turn into sub-menus.
Script-list-too-long is solved by either judicious use of subfolders or by setting scriptMRULength > 0.

As for making menus scrollable: probably won't happen. Swing itself provides no such functionality, likely because once you get to the point that you need to add scrolling you shouldn't be using a JMenu (or you should rework things so you don't need scrolling).
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I might take a look at splitting up the combat ones a bit anyway, as my combat familiar menu is longer than my screen, and I'd like default mafia not to do that.

Maybe categories of starfish, cocobo, delevel, block would be useful ?
That will involve going through familiars.txt and adding new categories - which I think is a great idea. Leave "combat" for things which fight in battle and do none of the above.

One category I would use every single run is "tower" - the familiars you need to get through to the the Sorceress. It's a pain to have to find the Angry Goat in "combat" and the Levitating potato in "other", for example.

If we named it "lair", I suppose the starfish could go there too. Familiars can already have multiple categories.
FWIW, I added a "sorceress" category with the 5 tower familiars and the star starfish.
I look forward to using this tomorrow!
Maybe categories of starfish, cocobo, delevel, block would be useful ?
combat - anything which does damage to your opponent in combat as its main (or only) effect
delevel - anything which can delevel the opponent during combat
block - anything which can block an opponent during combat
whelp - anything which restores both HP and MP during or after combat
starfish - anything which does damage and restores MP mid-combat.
cocoabo - anything which gives you Meat mid-combat. (note that a Cocoabo is also delevel and starfish)

A lot of those will pull things from the "other" list, rather than the "combat" list.

A question is, how do you decide to omit something from the "combat" list if it really does do damage?

The Elemental fairies could be solely item drop - but they do do damage.
Starfish-type familiars do damage and convert it MP, so omit them.

What about the nemesis familiars that effectively add a category if they happen to have equipment?

I'm all for this change, but it will take effort to categorize familiars usefully while dramatically shrinking the pure "combat" familiars without hiding the fact that the ones you removed do damage in combat as a secondary effect. If that's important.
Bumping this. And moving to Bug Reports as a "Feature" so I can find it again, since I really like this.
Ok, have been through all the Familiars and hopefully categorised them. I've ended up with quite a list. Once I separated out types of damage the longest combat damage list came in lower than the Item Drop ones (just).

I ended up with the following (numbers of familiars currently in that category) :

Special - Familiars with rare or complex features (22)
Stat Gain - Volleyballs and Sombrero's (34)
Item Drop - Fairies (35)
Meat Drop - Leprechauns (26)
Drops Item - Familiars which drop items, either randomly or on skill use (21)
Various Actions - Familiars with various combat actions, mostly Cocobo (16)
Starfish - Starfishes (14)
HP/MP Restore - Whelps (11)
Block Attack - Potatoes and Teddy Bears (13)
Delevel - Barrrnacles (13)
Physical Damage (34)
Cold Damage (4)
Hot Damage (6)
Sleaze Damage (2)
Spooky Damage (6)
Stench Damage (3)
Various Damage - more than one type (4)
Sorceress - Familiars used at the tower (6)
Does Nothing - Pet Rocks (7)
Negative - Familiars which can harm you (5)

If we can have submenus, then I'd probably have one for the damage familiars, making the root list a lot shorter.

Thoughts? Special would probably replace the need for a favourites list for me, which is why I have put it first. Better category titles would be useful, I am torn on using terms like HP/MP Restore or Whelp. I'm not currently distinguishing between different chances of different effects, as I'm only aiming for better categorisation, not detailed mechanical accuracy (so no % block chance etc). Many are 'spading needed' on the wiki anyway.

Edit - Attached my working spreadsheet, for anyone desperate to see which I've categorised where.


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We already have submenus: the favorites are menu items, and then the "statgain", "itemdrop", and so on lists are submenus. We can certainly have further levels of submenus. So yes - putting all the pure combat familiars in submenus underneath "combat" sounds good.

I'm going to have to think about your categories a bit before commenting.
If I may: There are 3 different types of attack familiars. Always attack but can miss, Sometimes attack, Always attack. And that's not even considering elements.
I use a hand-crafted data file to detail each familiar (with special coding for the Mini-adventurer) It includes when they can attack, healing, and... well, I think you'll get an idea from the tags. If it helps, I attached it.

BTW, the special_gear is for custom scripts that execute when considering the familiar's gear, like if I should use a Mini-Hipster stache or otherwise.


If there is implemented a change to how familiars are displayed in kolmafia, I'd like to request that "favorites" are put into a subfolder og their own, as they currently are the reason I can't see any of the current subfolders.
... How many favorites do you have?!?
The favorites were designed to simply pop up at the top for the few that you will almost always go to. Putting favorites in their own subfolder rather defeats the purpose of having favorites.
20, apparently:

I mostly use the pop-up menu in the relay browser while ascending, which is the reason I've built up a few favorites. However, in aftercore I often want to have a look at whether or not I have some interesting meat-, item-, attack-familiars, etc., which is why it would be nice if I could actually see those categories in the drop-down menu. It's not a huge deal though, as 99% of the time I know what familiar I want anyway :)