bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker


Staff member
The crossbow is not a permable skill since it is an item-granted skill.
I do not appreciate your Feature Request.


What an outstanding use of my time.

You only have yourself to blame. It was an option to tell him that you don't give a darn and if you had I doubt it would have impacted negatively on anyone's life. (Except that one guy and only if he uses mafia.)

I guess you shot yourself in the arse with that one.
Last edited:


New member
Hi there, discovered this script. Just downloaded latest one. I have latest mafia (15.1) got this error on running:

Function 'minstrel_instrument( )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (bumcheekascend v0.45.ash, line 2010)

What am I missing? Please kmail GAIHTF


Staff member
Hi there, discovered this script. Just downloaded latest one. I have latest mafia (15.1) got this error on running:

Function 'minstrel_instrument( )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (bumcheekascend v0.45.ash, line 2010)

What am I missing? Please kmail GAIHTF

Update mafia http://builds.kolmafia.us/. 15.1 is not the latest version.


New member
I've attached a fixed version (of the booze list) without those quotes. The report about this on sourceforge was me; sorry there.

I'm still not sure if the drinks with the commas are working. I've had an Earth, Wind and Firewater, and I checked the spelling of the drink both in the file and in my character list. (No Oxford comma :) ) However, it doesn't show up on the sheet. Also, the Tristero seems to have drunk everything but the 4 drinks with commas in them - http://bumcheekcity.com/kol/profile.php?u=the tristero... Seems like an odd drinking pattern.


Active member
If it is the forum that is complaining you can try zipping it or renaming it to .txt and upload that. Or post the hole code in code-tages [ code ][ /code ]


New member
If it is the forum that is complaining you can try zipping it or renaming it to .txt and upload that. Or post the hole code in code-tages [ code ][ /code ]

Renaming it to .txt didn't work earlier for some reason. However, copy/pasting it and renaming it did - some weird character somewhere, who knows. (The whole thing is a little long...)

Anyhow, thank you! Here it is.

View attachment consumption.txt


New member
Just freed the king and reran the script, and whatever the problem was, it's gone now.

Thank you, whether or not anything actually got changed :)

I'll move the skill stuff over to sourceforge.
Anyone help me with BCC snapshot?

Been using it forever with no issues at all, but it's missing the new familiars and some other things and I wasn't sure if I needed to delete it and download it again or if there was a newer version or what. Also it says I don't have the helm of Boris but I do, I'm just wearing it. Now I know you're thinking "just take it off dumbass" but I want to know if this is a glitch with the helm or if it does it to anything you're wearing? That's all I'm wanting to know ;)


Staff member
What, exactly, is the bug in KoLmafia that prompted you to put this here, rather than in Community Support - or, better, in the thread about BCC Snapshot?
Honestly... I forgot about the BCC thread... Deleting this now as it is painfully obvious where this should have gone :( sorry guys.


Post moved to the snapshot thread.

What you downloaded is a script in ASH, Mafia's scripting language. Simply save the file in Mafia's /scripts folder. On a mac, that folder will be in /Users/username/Library/Application Support/KoLmafia.

To run the script, either use Mafia's "scripts" menu (at the top), or type "call snapshot-2.3.ash" in the gCLI.


Something is off, I have just 7 chapters in my profile: from skills to the slimetube, no telescope, no consumables etc. I'm using mafia 11015 and snapshot 2.4.