bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker


New member
Everything's working great for me. I thought I'd submit a few feature ideas:

* Anniversary gear
* Crimbo items -- this could be just the items that come in various pressies, or perhaps much more.
* St. Sneaky Pete's Day items (traffic cones, shields, etc.)
* Other untradeable rares, like the Yeti Protest sign, astronaut ice cream, etc.

Keep up the good work!


New member
Well, it may be kinda a pain in the ass, but what about some check boxes for the handful of hard-to-regex items in the profile screen? I suppose it's not a big deal either way. >.>


I can't do the regex for multiple discovery discoveries, I'm sorry, there's just too many options for me to be able to code it all in. If anyone can find out how to do it, that would be a massive help, but until then they'll have to be unsupported.
I think I have a solution for you:

string visit_discoveries(string url)
    matcher reg = create_matcher("<font size=2>.*?</font>", visit_url(url));
    return replace_all(reg, "");
This should cull out all the unnecessary html that is screwing up your regex, I made this change and it looks like my discoveries are correct now.

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Problem with my Cool items. I have several Secrets From the Future, but none of the items are showing up as acquired.

Also, what exactly is the regex problem you are having? regex is a very complicated function.


Active member
The problem arises when people have one-click crafting on AND enough ingredients for the mutli-use link to show up. Then it doesn't work. I think. I've never really worked it out, obviously :D

I'll give this extra regex stripping thing a try.


here are some suggestions i have for the site (let's call them features):
  1. Add a NEW! design to recently modified/added things
  2. Add Amounts to the Hobopolis boss outfit items you have
  3. Make the green color filling a little darker but not as dark as the familiay +90% percent runs (How about #AFFFB8?)
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New member
I am having a problem updating my profile. I run the script, it reports success, but my profile is not updated, and the update does not appear under "Your Previous Snapshotten" on my profile setup page.

Here is one example run:
> call scripts\snapshot-2.0.ash

This     is bumcheekcity's snapshot maker! This script takes a snapshot of your     character and uploads it to my server at bumcheekcity.com
Updating     map files...
Checking skills...
Checking     tattoos...
Checking trophies...
Checking     familiars...
Checking hobopolis loot and     hobo codes...
Checking Slime Tube loot...
Checking     War Medals...
Checking for Telescope
Checking     for Ascension Rewards
Checking for     Discoveries [Cocktail]
Checking for     Discoveries [Food]
Checking for Discoveries     [Jewelery]
Checking for Discoveries [Meat     Pasting]
Checking for Discoveries     [Meatsmithing]
Checking for Discoveries     [Misc]
Checking for Mr. Items
Checking     for Cool Items

Successfully done. Visit     the following URL to see your snapshot!
Setup your snapshot profile here:
By the way, your permanent link for this snapshot is     http://bumcheekcity.com/kol/profile.php?u=&oldid=6378- bumcheekcity

I have tried: restarting mafia, making sure I am using the most recent build of mafia (log above uses r8336), making sure I am running the newest 2.0 version of the update script, and running the script in a fresh start of mafia.

Thank you!


Active member
The database reporting that your username is "datavortex+". Have you modified the script in any way? The plus sign is there instead of a space, so it could be "datavortex ", instead of "datavortex".


New member
How strange! Thank you.

I have not modified the script in any way. I didn't even open it in a text editor. Just downloaded it from this thread, moved it to the scripts folder, and ran it straight away.

I appreciate your help!


Active member
What does the script tell you your profile url is? I.e. could you print the whole output? And what's your userID on kol?

Oh, and could you just run the following in the mafia CLI?

ash print("123"+my_name()+"456");

My output, for example, is:

> ash print("123"+my_name()+"456");

Returned: void
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@bumcheekcity, could you please move the Crimbo2009 and Trader2009 skills from "other" to the bottom of "class" so that we can see them along with the other class specific skills? Now that we've got 3/6 trader skills that move is becoming more relevant and the Crimbo skills are also class skills according to several determinants.