bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

For some reason, "sticky meat kilt (skirt)" was showing up green for me, even though I only had the kilt version discovered (but it shows up red -->). And strangely, the kilt version, "sticky meat kilt (kilt)," won't show up green, even though I've now discovered both versions. I've got inventory images on and one-click crafting off. Don't know what the deal is. EDIT: Upon discovering the recipe for "sticky meat skirt," the "sticky meat skirt" AND "sticky meat kilt (kilt)" recipes now show up green. No problem for me anymore, but there's something wrong going on there. Then again, my "meatloaf helmet (ketchup)" is showing up red now, so it might just be gnomes in my internets.

Wiki link update is very nice. :) Items with multiple recipes such as "gatorskin umbrella (goatskin)" don't link properly though.

I'd really like to see consumption records, too, particularly now that we can drink some of the expensive older stuff using Schrodingers Thermos (wonder if we'll get a Schrodingers lunchbox too?).
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For some reason, "sticky meat kilt (skirt)" was showing up green for me, even though I only had the kilt version discovered (but it shows up red -->). And strangely, the kilt version, "sticky meat kilt (kilt)," won't show up green, even though I've now discovered both versions. I've got inventory images on and one-click crafting off. Don't know what the deal is. EDIT: Upon discovering the recipe for "sticky meat skirt," the "sticky meat skirt" AND "sticky meat kilt (kilt)" recipes now show up green. No problem for me anymore, but there's something wrong going on there. Then again, my "meatloaf helmet (ketchup)" is showing up red now, so it might just be gnomes in my internets.

Wiki link update is very nice. :) Items with multiple recipes such as "gatorskin umbrella (goatskin)" don't link properly though.

I'd really like to see consumption records, too, particularly now that we can drink some of the expensive older stuff using Schrodingers Thermos (wonder if we'll get a Schrodingers lunchbox too?).
Try this, see if it resolves the incorrect discoveries http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?3...i-Snapshot-Maker&p=27727&viewfull=1#post27727
It'll be six weeks before I even start thinking of updating this, so please do give Riff's suggestion a try.

What do people want when they ask for consumption records, by the way? Just a big list of booze/food with numbers?
Wiki link update is very nice. :) Items with multiple recipes such as "gatorskin umbrella (goatskin)" don't link properly though.

Discoveries have had links for quite some time... If you're talking about the wiki link update that I did for BCC within the past day or so, it's just the links for skills, familiars, Hobopolis/Slime Tube loot, etc. Basically anything that wasn't in the Mr. Store or Discoveries section.

With all of the links I added, it was largely just hours and hours of tedious copying and pasting links into the proper places... Looking at the code I was sent to work on it, discoveries are a bit more complex, and not something that could be easily solved just by correcting a link. I could very well be wrong, and I don't want to speak for BCC, but that's just my impression after a quick glance over it.

I suppose what you could do is just set up redirects on the Wiki for those pages. For example, you could create a "gatorskin umbrella (goatskin)" page, the text of which was simply "#REDIRECT [[Gatorskin umbrella]]" - and that would take care of it. I'll leave it up to BCC and everyone else to decide if that's the best way to fix things, though.
What do people want when they ask for consumption records, by the way? Just a big list of booze/food with numbers?
yes, and color green everything >0, red if =0. Or even dump the numbers, I guess a completionist is only interested in knowing if he ever ate/drunk something.
Don't be surprised if wiki redirects get removed for not being useful.

Yeah... I wasn't really advocating for that, it was more of a stream of consciousness thing, just thinking about different ways to solve the problem. I really don't know much, if anything, about how the discovery links are generated (or the map it looks to be pulling data from), so I can't comment on the ease of doing it any other way. Like I said, best to leave it to BCC to decide how he wants to handle it in time, if he cares at all. A tiny subsection of discovery links being broken has to be a pretty low priority, I'd imagine.
I guess a completionist is only interested in knowing if he ever ate/drunk something.

Something that was pretty near impossible until Schrödinger's thermos.

That thermos is definitely the reason that we've suddenly got people thinking public consumption records are awesome. I'm just not sure if it is because it has opened a possibility or people have invested in thermoses and they know adding it to the script will increase the value of their investment by encouraging consumption.
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yeah, i think that if you want to see your consumtion record then look in your profile. It would jsut waste allot of space
yeah, i think that if you want to see your consumtion record then look in your profile. It would jsut waste allot of space

Except that this doesn't answer two things:

1. The in-game list tells you what you consumed, but not what you didn't. It is sorted by number, not alphabwetically. If you are willing to write a relay override script to remedy this I would be satisfied, I am not into reason 2 which is:
1. Publicity. Lets face it, the entire gaming industry now revolves around publicity of achievments, and this is one of the purposes of this project.
It'll be added, just not for a while (exactly six weeks now). For now, I recommend you either make do with existing scripts, modifying them or asking they be modified to fit your solution.
Bollocks to it, I can't be bothered to revise. Version 2.1 beta is up with consumption tracking. Numbers are 18 and 19 for food and booze respectively. It's incredibly rough round the edges. Let me know if there are any problems, which there are.
I ran the new snapshot just now and added 18, 19 to my profile setup ...
Now my profile has two blank items in Contents and I think the consumable history is showing in the discoveries section (instead of discoveries).
I mean, thinks like "Hodgman's blanket" shouldn't be in the discovery section, right? And I know that I have only "discovered" Ralph's cognac when drinking Schroedinger's Thermos ...

ETA: wait, that's not consummable discoveries. Those are 10, 11 ....

So the bugs are just
- missing names in contents
- wrong headings (same as discoveries) in the actual sections
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