bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
I'm just popping in to say I'm not dead, but obviously not spending much time scripting at the moment. I've got some RL stuff coming up and will be keeping KoL to a minimum for a while. I see Winterbay and morgad have added changes to the script in the last week - do you want me to add options to the relay script or bump versions?


Active member
According to the log, since my last commit a week ago, you've made all the changes except two - and these appear to be minor tweaks. If you're happy with your changes, I'm happy to bump the version later on today - I'll give it some time just in case someone's got an awesome feature they're 90% of the way to writing or anything.


Active member
I have nothing coming in (and may be a bit off as well for a while as soon as the annoying baby decides to actally get born, 9 days over the calculated date today).


So...I'm on my 2nd Boris run, and I haven't done much different except I started with 2 more skills, but now it seems like I'm not having the meat problems like I did before...so I don't think this is a big issue. I've kept my settings though to not use Ben Gal Balm if I drop below 4,000 meat. I just don't like it getting that low in case I need to buy stuff for quests or crafting.

Use BCC's BafH clan to get ice shards from the April shower, if your own clan don't have one. Once I get the Double-Ice Cap (and when the script is not in a zone where I need an outfit hat) I rarely dip in meat.
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Also you can PvP for flowers, and sell the scnapps ... this has enabled me to get the meatcar + Crumhorn on turn 1 on my lkast two runs. Your mod to avoid buying stuff when low on meat helped as well :)

two more Boris runs for me, then LvL 30 Boris (+ golden meastack and 3 amigos), and a quick basement.

best regards
It always cast Song of Solitude when the script thinks you need less combat. Have you found a place where it doesn't need that and still does it?

Yea I knew it was casting Solitude because some areas would make it better (like spooky woods, billiard room, library) but then it does it in every other area too.

This is the first time I've done an automated run and it's just because I'm kind of, as Jick said, burned out on going so fast. Also I only had 10 minutes at the start of run so that probably affected it too. (I wasn't paying attention to the time.

Anything specific I should log when I do the turns for today?
I checked on it today and it had accompaniment while in the black forest. I don't know if it was still stuck on solitude for some reason, but it seemed to be working.
Use BCC's BafH clan to get ice shards from the April shower, if your own clan don't have one. Once I get the Double-Ice Cap (and when the script is not in a zone where I need an outfit hat) I rarely dip in meat.

I thought about doing that but darn it I used a Mr. A for this hat and I'm going to get my use out of it. ;)

I haven't tried out PvP yet, can you lose items when you're in HC? If not, going for flowers would help. If you can, I'd hate to lose my helm...


Staff member
I haven't tried out PvP yet, can you lose items when you're in HC? If not, going for flowers would help. If you can, I'd hate to lose my helm...

You can't lose any items while in HC. You can never have important items stolen. This includes anything with "Cannot be discarded" (all Mr. Store items) and "Cannot be traded" in the description.


This run, the script seemed to get locked into fighting pirates for insults, but never actually using the insult book. I do have the book. I'm using WHAM.ash, but that's been the case for a number of successful runs already - and I thought bumcheeckascend did the insults with its own consult script anyway? (WHAM is definitely getting called - sample CLI output:
[534] Barrrney's Barrr
Encounter: toothy pirate
Strategy: E:\Dropbox\KingdomOfLoathing\ccs\bumcheek.ccs [default]
Round 0: Illarion wins initiative!
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Round 1: Illarion executes a macro!
Round 1: Illarion casts MIGHTY AXING!
Round 2: Illarion wins the fight!
You gain 64 Meat
You gain 20 Beefiness
You gain 2 Wizardliness
You gain 15 Cheek

The only thing I'm aware of changing is adding the BatMan relay override (http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?10042-BatMan-Relay-more-info-less-clicking), which I believe should only matter in the relay browser (?), and possibly updating WHAM, BatBrain and SmartStasis.
(If these three together previously handled insults and now do not, that would explain my situation - but as I said, I thought bumcheekascend handled them itself regardless of any consult script you have specified).


Staff member
Neither WHAM not bccascend handled the insults for me today. (Softcore). I have been blaming WHAM and attributing that to BatBrain upgrades that WHAM needs to handle a little better ;-)


The script abort because it want me to go grab materials for a NG for the tower monsters. The thing is though, I already have both a lowercase N and an original G. Do the script want me to require an extra N because it want to have one for the Wand later, or is it a glitch somewhere? Since I'm doing Boriscore wands are optional, so I dont really care about that :p
I just craft it and re-run the script and have it abort due to failing to create the wand just before NS as well and go manual from there.

Level 13 Starting
bcasc_lastCouncilVisit => 138013
BCC: Ignoring Clancy
BCC: We have not completed the stage [lair0].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [lair0].
BCC: Please get NG for telescope part 4 from 'Orc Chasm' yourself
BCC: We have completed the stage [lair0] and need to set it as so.
bcasc_stage_lair0 => 138
BCC: We have completed the stage [lair0].
BCC: You need tower items that the script won't automatically get. Go get them yourself.


New member
Just to give props, I was a gremlin juice away from doing a 5 day Avatar of Boris run with this script and WHAM. I'm starting my next run with 16 skills, and if I avoid the gremlin juice again, I think I might hit 5 days, which would be cool.
Well I decided to do a run where I could actually do some drinking...and the maximizer keeps wanting to pull Boris's Helm (and it can't, since I'm HCNP DB). There's a kolmafia bug report on it but I didn't see anyone post that they fixed it.

I modified these lines to add an else clause, so far it seems to be working:

boolean buMax(string maxme, int maxMainstat) {
	print("BCC: Maximizing '"+maxme+"'", "blue");
	if (my_path() == "Way of the Suprising Fist") maxme += " -weapon -offhand";
	if (my_path() == "Avatar of Boris" && !contains_text(maxme, "outfit")) {
		if (i_a("Boris's Helm") > 0) maxme += " +equip Boris's Helm";
		else if (i_a("Boris's Helm (askew)") > 0) maxme += " +equip Boris's Helm (askew)";
	} else {
		maxme += " -equip Boris's Helm";


New member
This comes from running an AoB run and not liking how early it was using adventures on the 8bit forest and the hippies before I got the lute and the much-increased +item it gives. I found that if I moved bcascDinghyHippy(); and bcasc8bit() to after the bcCouncil() in bcs7(), I would spend less adventures there and have a slightly quicker run.

This got me thinking, right now all the bcs*() functions contain the functionality. I think, however, certain classes would benefit from new versions of those functions. For example, you currently use an if statement to push the friars back to level 7 for an AoB run, why not just write a special bcs6_Boris and bcs7_Boris to handle this (and maybe the item suggestion above).

That could also be used for other classes. The functions that the bcs*()'s call do all the work, I think for this, all that changes is a step between the start in bumcheekascend() and the calling of the various bcs*() for each class. Does this sound like a possibility?


Active member
For normal runs the time you do the 8bit and similarily the hippy-part isn't that much of a difference between level 6 and 7, it's just that getting the imp air and bus passes takes a lot longer for Boris without the lute. ALso, doing special functions now, when we're 4 or 5 days away from the new path doesn't feel like a very good use of time, and also makes the script harder to maintain. It's easier to do switches within the functions for different classes.