bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

Quite a lot of the stuff above should be fixed by version 0.30. Which I'm releasing now.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be fixed. Now there was no intervention at all on my part, and the script decided to mark [friars] as complete, but it's not. ATNP HC, currently level 8. I realized when it failed The Infiltrationist while getting the fledges.

Edit: Is there any way to mark a step as not complete manually?


Active member
Yep. In your case type "set bcasc_stage_friars = " into the CLI and it will get reset, but if the script thinks that it's finished based on whatever it will most likely just reset it to finished again. But give it a try :)


Active member
I think I've solved the problem with Mafia not aborting the script execution when aborting with the ESC-button at certain times. The problem lies withthe try-finally structure of bumMiniAdv which since the boolean return value is never used my escapemashing will do nothing since after 1 escape the finally-part gets executed and tehn the script calls the function again and so on. Putting all calls to bumMiniAdv in constructs of the type:
   abort("BCC: You aborted, so so am I");
solves this problem and lets you abort when you want to.
Yep. In your case type "set bcasc_stage_friars = " into the CLI and it will get reset, but if the script thinks that it's finished based on whatever it will most likely just reset it to finished again. But give it a try :)

Thanks for the help, Winterbay! :D
Unfortunately, I already "fixed" it by manually completing the Friars. The weird part is that, before, it set both Friars and Friarssteel as completed, despite me having a Max Drunk of 14 rather than 19. After I completed the Friars, however, it correctly recognized Friassteel as being not completed and got my Steel Margarita. I'll try and pay more attention the next time I encounter this problem, although I'm really not sure of the reason.

I've got a question, though: is the script "smart" enough to know when it would need combat % modifiers, and cast them on its own? Haven't had a lot of time to properly study the logs myself, unfortunately...


I've got a question, though: is the script "smart" enough to know when it would need combat % modifiers, and cast them on its own? Haven't had a lot of time to properly study the logs myself, unfortunately...
I have both the +combat and the +non-combat buffs permed and it use them all when needed. It add Polka of Plenty as well when +meat is needed (such as the Nuns sidequest)


Active member
I've got a question, though: is the script "smart" enough to know when it would need combat % modifiers, and cast them on its own? Haven't had a lot of time to properly study the logs myself, unfortunately...

Yep, however it will only do so if you have >5k or if you are over level 9 or if you have more than 100 MP according to this check:
boolean willMood() {
	return (!in_hardcore() || haveElite() || my_meat() > 5000 || my_mp() > 100 || my_level() > 9);


Active member
One thing coming with 0.31 is aliases for each quest. Now you can start the friars quest, tavern quest, whatever, by just typing "bcasc_friars" into the CLI. It'll automatically update on new versions, etc.


New member
After doing a bunch of softcore runs and allowing the script the pull, I switched to a hardcore run and the script is looping at the lair gates. It tries to pull but doesn't know I'm in hardcore so keeps on trying.


Hi all. I'm using the script for the first time on a SC run and it is pretty cool :)

One question - it faxes in a LFM (hooray!) but doesn't seem to natively use a putty sheet on the guy. Am I missing something or is the only answer to build something into my CCS?

Edit: Hmmm....it seems my CCS which uses smartstasis did copy the LFM and it was sitting in my inventory.
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Active member
I don't think the script ever uses putties so you will probably need to set up CCS/other Mafia features I know nothing about since I do not have a putty sheet in order for that to work :)


Right, SS copied the monster but the script wasn't aware and faxed in a second LFM today. Seems like something to do manually for the moment.


That is an awesome error message. It is clearly caused by a surplus of awesomeness since awesome is the opposite of null! You da man!

In other news it might be helpful if you copy/pasted more of the CLI output so that there is a clue what quest just failed. All I can tell is that $item[null] erroneously came up as a requirement for your quest, but I don't really know the script very well at all.


ROFL- it happened facing a holiday monster but I've seen it other times too. I have a debug log but wasn't sure if it would be helpful to post it here. The mafia log showed nothing useful so I guess I should turn up the verbosity and catch it next time it occurs.


Active member
If it dumped a debug log, then I'd report it as a bug either here on as a mafia bug. But definitely report it.

Version 0.31 adds food/booze making in literally the most stupid way that it is possible to do. It'll make SCCs/ACCs and reagent pasta, but it won't eat/drink them.
So...doing a HCNP AT run on another account with 0.30 and for some reason it's trying to use the Drowsy Sword on Themthar hills. The maximizer doesn't say "-melee" when I bring it up to see the last results, and as a result the account is frequently losing combats because they're going too long. Please add "-melee" in there for moxie accounts. :)


New member
Thanks for the great script and the continuing updates. If it's not already implemented so, I'd like to request that food/drink making be made a configurable option (enable/disable).


Any idea what could be causing this?
You don't have enough null
You're     on your own, partner.

Hmmmm..........it appears that very occasionally mafia was taking exception to the "scrollwhendone" in my CCS. Removing that line appears to have solved the awesomeness :)


On reaching the nuns as a frat, mafia equips bumcheekascend rahter than frat war outfit unless I'm mistaken. Guess I should report this as a bug.