Using the script for the first time this run. I started yesterday; I reached the Friars today. Here are a few things that came up:

- The script isn’t using combat modifiers. I have Sonata and Smooth but it won’t cast them.
- It doesn’t seem to change choice adventures. Two I noticed were Welcome to the Footlocker and Minnesota Incorporeals. The former was set to abort so I saw it when it came up; the latter was set to ignore, which I didn’t see until it had been passed a number of times. Will the script ever manually change choiceadvs?
- Is there any sort of list of things that you need to do manually? I’m learning as I go along, but I’m worried I might miss something important. So far I have: eating, drinking, and uh… that’s about it.
- It doesn’t cast Springy Fusilli either, although that seems to have been unnecessary so far anyway, so maybe it would if it were needed?