bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

Using the script for the first time this run. I started yesterday; I reached the Friars today. Here are a few things that came up:
  • The script isn’t using combat modifiers. I have Sonata and Smooth but it won’t cast them.
  • It doesn’t seem to change choice adventures. Two I noticed were Welcome to the Footlocker and Minnesota Incorporeals. The former was set to abort so I saw it when it came up; the latter was set to ignore, which I didn’t see until it had been passed a number of times. Will the script ever manually change choiceadvs?
  • Is there any sort of list of things that you need to do manually? I’m learning as I go along, but I’m worried I might miss something important. So far I have: eating, drinking, and uh… that’s about it.
  • It doesn’t cast Springy Fusilli either, although that seems to have been unnecessary so far anyway, so maybe it would if it were needed?
It’s amazing that this works at all! Thank you for putting so much effort into such an awesome script. :)
Using the script for the first time this run. I started yesterday; I reached the Friars today. Here are a few things that came up:
  • The script isn’t using combat modifiers. I have Sonata and Smooth but it won’t cast them.
  • It doesn’t seem to change choice adventures. Two I noticed were Welcome to the Footlocker and Minnesota Incorporeals. The former was set to abort so I saw it when it came up; the latter was set to ignore, which I didn’t see until it had been passed a number of times. Will the script ever manually change choiceadvs?
  • Is there any sort of list of things that you need to do manually? I’m learning as I go along, but I’m worried I might miss something important. So far I have: eating, drinking, and uh… that’s about it.
  • It doesn’t cast Springy Fusilli either, although that seems to have been unnecessary so far anyway, so maybe it would if it were needed?
It’s amazing that this works at all! Thank you for putting so much effort into such an awesome script. :)

1) It is. You just need to get above level 8 before it starts doing so. Change the "my_level() >= 9" to something else if you disagree. It is in the function called "void setMood(string combat)".
2) It does set some choiceadv, however not all that might be good to set.
3) Eating, drinking, meat farming (as needed), casting summoning skills (snow cones, sugar items and so on)
4) Since the script in all but myst-ascensions goes for safe moxie/muscle it should not be needed and thus avoided. In myst-runs it might be needed but so far it's worked just fine without it (I don't have it though, but I've not been beaten up much if at all).
I bet optimizing the earlier levels more would end up speeding up the whole run more than optimization spent elsewhere.
Unfortunately, the early levels are the one that are the hardest to optimize when you account for the fact that different players can have access to so many different resources to help them.

So far I have: eating, drinking, and uh… that’s about it.
Using a fax, if you have VIP access. Maybe a DRINK ME potion too. Probably most of the other daily things too (VIP table, Clan shower, PVPing, telescope etc...).
Lower levels are indeed easy to optimise for one character only and blindingly hard to optimise for every character in the game.

Fax support is something I hope to add to 0.25, though I'm not quite 100% sure how it'll work (feel free to make suggestions).

And I hope people are submitting the bugs/requests they have on the sourceforge page, or there isn't a cat in hell's chance I'll remember to fix them :P
I'm considering adding the try_a_fax() function to the first line of bumAdv() and having it work like this:

if (can_fax_today() {

if (my_moxie > whatever_safe_mox_for_ascii_is && dont_have_scrolls) {

if (have_scrolls_but_no_67435) {
fax("adding machine");

if (moxie_high_enough) {


And then calling fax("blooper") in the first line of bcasc_8bit() or whatever I call it.
Lower levels are indeed easy to optimise for one character only and blindingly hard to optimise for every character in the game.

can you use the script succeesfully day one? I ask because maybe you could make the script, or perhaps a secondary script just for the first day if that would actually make it easier, that gives you a nigh optimal first day, and then you could make a list of the various skills you have, and people could aim at getting similiar skills to make it work for them. this would also have the added benefit of giving you your best first day, which i'm guessing is the reason you started this in the first place. so basically, less long windedly:

Could you make day one optimal for yourself, and make us scramble to make that help us?

keep up the awesome work :D
I am working on a bees hate you-safe version of the script. If I manage how would you like the differences shown?

Paste bits of code here will be fine.

can you use the script succeesfully day one? I ask because maybe you could make the script, or perhaps a secondary script just for the first day if that would actually make it easier, that gives you a nigh optimal first day, and then you could make a list of the various skills you have, and people could aim at getting similiar skills to make it work for them. this would also have the added benefit of giving you your best first day, which i'm guessing is the reason you started this in the first place. so basically, less long windedly:

Could you make day one optimal for yourself, and make us scramble to make that help us?

keep up the awesome work :D

Day 1 works, it's just not very good. I have given consideration to 10 turns of sewerlevelling, but I'm undecided as to the best way to go about that.
Bees hate you, BCC ascend slightly less...

So, it turned out to be quite a lot of modification that needed to be done in order to get this to work. Currently it does not do the Bats-quest since I'm not sure how to adventure until you've met three screambats so it aborts and lets you handle that part. Other than that I think that this is as few modifications as possible on the original code (I've restored all consultMyst-calls that I've commented out in my version due to liking my own consult script more).

So, version 0.24 in which bees may attack you.

It is very possible that due to the fact that monsters with b's in them are stringer than normal that you might get beaten up a bit more than usual. I'm not sure how to handle that since I don't think the effect has been spaded yet. My own consult script adds my_level% to all monster stats per b in its name and this works roughly ok, but not perfectly for higher level monsters (it underestimates them).

If you have no Mr. Store item drop familiars the script will currently have no familiar to choose from, but I guess that's the way it is if bees hate you.
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I'm not sure how to adventure until you've met three screambats
You could adventure for 8 turns, then check bathole.php. The check is needed because Bees can override the screambats, I think.
My own consult script adds my_level% to all monster stats per b in its name and this works roughly ok, but not perfectly for higher level monsters (it underestimates them).
It might be +10% of their attack/defense/hp per 'b' in their name.
You could adventure for 8 turns, then check bathole.php. The check is needed because Bees can override the screambats, I think.

Oh, there's a timer on the screambats? I though they showed up like normal monsters...

It might be +10% of their attack/defense/hp per 'b' in their name.

But, then my script should overestimate them when I'm above level 10, which isn't happening.
Screambats should appear every 8 turns spend in the beanbat chamber + burrow. I think you have to wait another 8 turns if the encounter is overriden by a Bee, but I'm not sure about that.

And I misunderstood what you were doing with the monster stats, I thought you were adding :)
Screambats should appear every 8 turns spend in the beanbat chamber + burrow. I think you have to wait another 8 turns if the encounter is overriden by a Bee, but I'm not sure about that.
Right. So, the trick is to get the first one then so you can get to the burrow...

And I misunderstood what you were doing with the monster stats, I thought you were adding :)

Rereading I completely see how you would come to that conclusion :)
In fact I do monster_stat * (1 + my_level/100) * amount_of_bs
If what you have is actually what you have there, then it's going to be completely weird... 100 at level 10 with 2 Bs would be 220, which is just a touch above what's realistic. I'm thinking you'd want something more like monster_stat * (1 + (my_level/100 * amount_of_bs)) to make it more 'normal'.
What I have in the code is:
monster_hp() + bees * ceil(to_float(my_level())/100 * monster_hp(m))

Where bees is the amount of b's in a monster name.
Winter, I couldn't even get your version to verify. I figured out how to fix everything except the last one (main method).
> call scripts\bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash

Bad     location value: "Knob Goblin Harem" (bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash, line     2372)

> call scripts\bumcheekascend nob     v0.24.ash

Expected ;, found }     (bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash, line 2373)

>     call scripts\bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash

Expected     ), found { (bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash, line 2891)

>     call scripts\bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash

Unknown     variable 'vacation' (bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash, line 3636)

>     call scripts\bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash

main     method must appear at top level (bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash, line 4393)

>     call scripts\bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash

main     method must appear at top level (bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash, line 4393)
Winter, I couldn't even get your version to verify. I figured out how to fix everything except the last one (main method).
>     call scripts\bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash

main     method must appear at top level (bumcheekascend nob v0.24.ash, line 4393)

I've fixed the other ones in my local copy as well, but I have no idea what that last on means. I guess it is a { or } extra somewhere but the last few functions all pan out so not sure where...

Edit: Found it! This version verifies here at least. :)
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