bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
Okay, so r466 should protect the people who have snow tires and aren't AoSP from themselves. Anything else weird happens, just wipe your bike upgrades if you aren't actually AoSP. Or if you mix between computers without actually syncing your files, so that it can't accurately track what's there until the next time you're actually in an AoSP run and you look at your bike.

Edit: Regarding how to wipe them, just erase all of the bike values. Specifically these:
> pref bike

peteMotorbikeCowling (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeGasTank (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeHeadlight (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeMuffler (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeSeat (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeTires (user, now '', default )
Just open your prefs file and erase all 6 of those lines. And you won't have bike upgrades anymore.


It works right for me. My logs show I haven't acquired a dinghy since Feb 18th and I've been doing a lot of AoSP runs using BCA.

Skipping the level 8 quest hasn't been working right, but I think that's already been noted.

Again this run, Im not sure what setting is wrong.
I was extra-careful to be sure this time around.
I had purchased the proper tank and ran BCA: "Purchasing dingy planks (1 @ 400)..."


Active member
	if (item_amount($item[dingy dinghy]) == 0 && item_amount($item[skeletal skiff]) == 0 && get_property("peteMotorbikeGasTank") != "Extra-Bouyant Tank") {
Somehow your Extra-Bouyant Tank isn't known. Since the ONLY spot where it gets the dingy planks... the only spot they get mentioned at all... is inside those brackets. Next time this happens... or immediately, if that works for you, though it's slightly less accurate... please make sure that mafia actually KNOWS you have the Extra-Bouyant Tank. We can't do anything if it isn't known.

And if for some reason we have a typo or mafia does, please let us know. If the typo is because you are using a work-scrambling item or effect... just don't.


None of that is really the best way to do it anymore. Replace it with

if(get_property("lastIslandUnlock").to_int() != my_ascensions())
I'm having some trouble. I finally ran this in HC rather than SC. I assumed I could still set an outfit called bumcheekascend. I'm a myst char, but I'm in BIG and have decent enough Moxie that i can simply use the crossbow i have to run. But I'm getting this when I run the script:

Wielding rib of the Bonerdagon...
Equipment changed.
Putting on badass belt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on astral mask...
Equipment changed.
BCC: Your familiar is set to a 100% slimeling
BCC: Nothing to fax according to whatShouldIFax
Resetting mind control device...
Putting on outfit: bumcheekascend
Equipment changed.

Notice it wields the Rib (not in my bumcheekascend outfit). It then says putting on bumcheekascend, but doesn't swap back to the crossbow. My Muscle isn't high enough for it to work well. Is this happening because as a Myst class it has determined the staff should be better? It's not much use as I'm just running out of MP too often. is there a variable that can sort this for me, or do i need to run it with a CCS more in keeping with a Myst class?


Active member
You haven't given good information to us, or at least not enough. When and where is it equipping that outfit? I don't see any configurable outfit in HC, anywhere... the "outfit bumcheekascend" is in a section limited to not-hardcore, not-softcore-run-as-hardcore. Are you modifying your file to try to allow using your personal outfit?
You haven't given good information to us, or at least not enough. When and where is it equipping that outfit? I don't see any configurable outfit in HC, anywhere... the "outfit bumcheekascend" is in a section limited to not-hardcore, not-softcore-run-as-hardcore. Are you modifying your file to try to allow using your personal outfit?

Apologies, and yes :)

Apologies as in - it seems in any of the areas it is up to in the order it will try to equip the Bonerdagon. If i manually finish a quest and kick off the script again, it still seems to prefer the bonerdagon rib to other items. But unless I set my CCS to spells it will just use it to attack with Muscle, which means i don't hit and consistently use 30 rounds. It doesn't seem to do it in just a certain area - but rather in any area. I did 4 quests manually, and in between was running the script, but had to abort to avoid the no-hit issue. It'd be fine if i was running a starfish-type, but this run i'm not. I'm mainly curious as to if there's a way to force an outfit in HC so i can use my high moxie (given the astral mask and being in BIG).

Yes, as in yes - it does seem the instructions on the first post here call it out for SC only - and it's certainly behaving that way. Would it make sense to have a similar option for HC? The SC runs i've done actually have been almost flawless with the script (even though it's really HC-centric). What i'm having trouble with (and i'm a terrible scripter, so i can't easily trawl through the logic) is why would it default to a staff if attack is set to be with a weapon and i'm low Muscle (i assume it doesn't care about CCS - that's my issue). My assumption is because I'm a myst class, it's assuming i'll use spells so it maximises spell damage. It's a good general assumption, but if i could override in this case it'd work, without an override i have to abort constantly, re-feed my slimeling that i'm running this time, and go again.

Hope that's clearer. Sorry for the randomness before.
I was wondering if you guys could make it so during the lvl 10 quest, after unlocking the ground floor and leaving the basement, the script would run the command to optimize gear, I have noticed that while it does equip the titanium umbrella (if available) to unlock the ground floor, it does not remove it once it's purpose is fulfilled, and when running with a mox class (AoSP in my case) this can lend to lots of wasted MP to beat enemies that you could defeat with normal attacks if you had a ranged weapon equipped or to outright not being able to defeat them


Active member
If you're running HC myst, it expects you to use myst skills. Whether that is through not changing things and using consultMyst, as happens if you don't change things, or whether you use WHAM or something similar to do things... your choice.

But the default 'generic' maximization is to work with your current mainstat. If you want to avoid that, change the end lines in buMax to prefer moxie rather than mainstat for myst, throw in the -melee so that you use a ranged weapon, and change the general string however you like. Just remember to put that into your SVN folder copy and svn sync it into the main folder rather than wondering why it goes away randomly. :)

Personally, no. I wouldn't ever want to lock HC to a single useless outfit. If I wanted that, I'd set the don't touch any equipment flag and call it good. It makes sense for SC if you're using an outfit or pieces for a reason. It doesn't make sense in HC when everything you have is what you loot and what you had yesterday is probably garbage 20 turns after you got it. Especially if you have any amount of item drop.

We don't know why you're using a weapon to attack when it's not efficient. We don't really care. :) If you want to do things inefficiently, you can modify your copy of the script. Personally I'm not going to try to make it easier for people to play badly and then ask why we made their run less efficient. It's already enough work defending efficiency without trying to make things less efficient on purpose.

I was wondering if you guys could make it so during the lvl 10 quest, after unlocking the ground floor and leaving the basement, the script would run the command to optimize gear, I have noticed that while it does equip the titanium umbrella (if available) to unlock the ground floor, it does not remove it once it's purpose is fulfilled, and when running with a mox class (AoSP in my case) this can lend to lots of wasted MP to beat enemies that you could defeat with normal attacks if you had a ranged weapon equipped or to outright not being able to defeat them
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We don't know why you're using a weapon to attack when it's not efficient. We don't really care. If you want to do things inefficiently, you can modify your copy of the script. Personally I'm not going to try to make it easier for people to play badly and then ask why we made their run less efficient. It's already enough work defending efficiency without trying to make things less efficient on purpose.

thanks. i do get it. the issue is i'm not playing this run inefficiently, i just can't sensibly maintain MP and meat, but my moxie is high enough that i have an alternative. I completely appreciate it's a bit off-centre, and i'm not so much after a script change, just wondering what i could do to control it given this one run has been a little odd. using WHAM etc is fine, but i just can't get the MP this run without stopping it a lot to feed the slimeling. Not the end of the world, just trying to see if there was a simple variable i could set that may help this odd situation. You've given me enough info that I can work it through, so thanks. but given it's just this one run i'm not too concerned, just trying to get a little better view of what options i may have.


Active member
Yeah, the easiest thing to do is to break your copy of the script for this run, delete it and re-download it when you're done with the weirdness. Unless you have multiple characters, in which case I'd suggest copying the file and renaming it - maybe BCAmoxie or something similar - and then messing with that version for this character. :)
Yeah, the easiest thing to do is to break your copy of the script for this run, delete it and re-download it when you're done with the weirdness. Unless you have multiple characters, in which case I'd suggest copying the file and renaming it - maybe BCAmoxie or something similar - and then messing with that version for this character. :)
Yeh, may do so, just for the purpose of experimenting. It's easy enough to ascend, i've been doing it for 6 years, so it's hardly a big deal, :) but i'm keen to try and understand this script a little better, and how/when to use it in a way that lets me plan which ascensions i do manually and which with the script. it's the first time i've really come across this particular issue, and i've done about 12 ascensions now with it in the last few months. It's a work of genius quite frankly!


Active member
I think you'll find that WHAM will help you out quite a bit. It tries to kill monsters as efficiently as possible. WHAM is not perfect and it is still possible to run out of meat and MP using it (especially when running too much ML), but it normally does much better than I could do manually without spending hours running formulas.

I do lots of softcore BCA runs and I have my script reconfigured to use the HC maximizer for outfits. Sure it won't wear my cool pulls 100% of the time, but it wears them when they are most useful. I also have safeML turned off and things like that (100% swagger too). I totally rely on WHAM to figure out how to kill the monsters I can't hit, because of this meat can be a little tight the first day, but I move through the quests very fast. In runs with familiars, I default to the hipster for a mix of stats, MP, meat, damage and items. It works well with WHAM, because WHAM figures out which fights are worth extending and which should be ended quickly.

EDIT: It would be cool to have a way to automatically feed the slimeling. Sounds like a BBB job, but deciding which equipment is worth destroying automatically isn't a job I'd wish on anyone.
Thanks for the pointers - and you are right. i haven't really used WHAM much, and it hasn't mattered really. but this run it's been an issue, and strangely enough i used it after these posts and it's been pretty solid at sorting things out. I think for an HC myst run, unless you are running something like a 100% starfish-type run it's pretty important. Never mattered in the SC runs - pull a great staff, pull juju mojo, pull a facs dict to sell and you are good the whole run...

It would be cool to have a way to automatically feed the slimeling. Sounds like a BBB job, but deciding which equipment is worth destroying automatically isn't a job I'd wish on anyone

Yep, i thought about this, but frankly i agree with the comment about what is 'worth' destroying. it could be a pretty big call to do that safely...
I don't know if this is BCCA or Mafia but when BCA did the Nun's quest it removed my Chehire Bitten and put in the He-Boulder. I lost 70% in +meat when it did it. Why would it put in a familiar that lowers the amount of mea


Active member
I don't know if this is BCCA or Mafia but when BCA did the Nun's quest it removed my Chehire Bitten and put in the He-Boulder. I lost 70% in +meat when it did it. Why would it put in a familiar that lowers the amount of mea

70%? Your bitten was 20 pounds and boulder only 1 pound and you only have +5 weight from other sources?

I assume BCCA picks familiars based on a hardcoded list?
70%? Your bitten was 20 pounds and boulder only 1 pound and you only have +5 weight from other sources?

I assume BCCA picks familiars based on a hardcoded list?

The bitten was 20 pounds and pluses from other sources got it up to 35

my boulder with other sources was only 25