bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

Yes, what Bale said. That's how my brain read it anyway...as we're going to gain 10 MP and then we're not going to do anything with it and complain that you need more crap in you.

Then I type "restore hp" and UR casts Tongue of Walrus.
Yeah, when I notice it's spent 5 adventures or so trying to farm a piece, I try to abort and clover my way to a completed wand. But keep in mind that it will only try to farm for the wand (either through the clover or through the 4 locations) if you don't have the pieces already. So if you've pulled your wand, you're set. Any changes are irrelevant. :)

I frequently end a run with 5-6 clovers, so I've been using a clover in guano junction to speed that up, a clover for my alphabet letters, a couple blessed boxes, and a few here or there for tower items as needed. Lazycore for the win IMHO. ;)
It should be there... Do a search for bcasc_RunSCasHC on the page and if you don't find it (they can be a bit tricky to find since they are not always in a logical order...) delete the bcsrelay_settings.txt file from your /data folder and retry.

I ran the bumcheekascend relay script and searched (ctrl+f) the relay settings page, that setting is not there. I deleted the bcsrelay_settings.txt from the /data folder and ran the bumcheekascend relay script again, setting is still not present. Searched the newly created bcsrelay_settings.txt for bcasc_RunSCasHC, nothing found. I think maybe that setting is 'hidden'.
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I just double checked this and I also now am unable to use/add that setting. Even after manually adding it to the txt file it still does not appear to be added to the relay after running the script again.

I ran the bumcheekascend relay script and searched (ctrl+f) the relay settings page, that setting is not there. I deleted the bcsrelay_settings.txt from the /data folder and ran the bumcheekascend relay script again, setting is still not present. Searched the newly created bcsrelay_settings.txt for bcasc_RunSCasHC, nothing found. I think maybe that setting is 'hidden'.
About half of the useful settings are missing. But hey, you can use the gCLI to set those. Or ask someone who actually has edit rights to that spot (as in, not me) to update it. Last time I pointed out some missing values, I think.... nothing happened. :D It got lost in some other chatter.
About half of the useful settings are missing. But hey, you can use the gCLI to set those. Or ask someone who actually has edit rights to that spot (as in, not me) to update it. Last time I pointed out some missing values, I think.... nothing happened. :D It got lost in some other chatter.

I only mentioned it because Winterbay seemed pretty certain that that setting should be listed there. Using the gCLI to modify that setting isn't a problem for me since I know about the setting now. Do you happen to have handy a list of other useful settings that are missing? Or a link to such a list?
Not a clue. :) I just know that every now and then I expect something to show up and it's not there. Then again, I've just taken to manually editing the settings files rather than using the relay script since I'll just have to replicate it 3 or 4 times manually if I use the script, whereas I can copy and paste if I use the data files. :)
I only mentioned it because Winterbay seemed pretty certain that that setting should be listed there. Using the gCLI to modify that setting isn't a problem for me since I know about the setting now. Do you happen to have handy a list of other useful settings that are missing? Or a link to such a list?

It should've been there. I went in and added it back together with the bcasc_openTempleLater setting which was also missing. I now think all settings that are in the script are available in the relay script. At least I could not find any that are not matched when doing a search for get_property("bcasc_ in the script.
BCC: Please get black pepper for telescope part 3 from 'Black Forest' yourself
BCC: We have completed the stage [lair0] and need to set it as so.
bcasc_stage_lair0 => 71
BCC: We have completed the stage [lair0].
BCC: You need tower items that the script won't automatically get. Go get them yourself.

What happens is that the script emits the above and then stops. I then manually restart the script and it happily goes off and fetches the tower items.

What I would like, since the script seems willing to go after the tower items anyway, is that it just not stop at all and keep going after the items. If it stops because it can't get a tower item, then it really means it can't get it and restarting will not change that.

I am, of course, open to the likelihood that I am getting exactly what some setting I have forgotten is supposed to do, in which case, what is the setting?

It's actually the fault of your telescope... if the telescope sees that an item which has special handling besides just autoadventuring is needed, it aborts and tells you to go get it. If you say that you don't care and just want it to ignore your telescope results, then it will do its normal emergency-handling when it hits the level.
It's actually the fault of your telescope... if the telescope sees that an item which has special handling besides just autoadventuring is needed, it aborts and tells you to go get it. If you say that you don't care and just want it to ignore your telescope results, then it will do its normal emergency-handling when it hits the level.

I suppose I should just ask how "special handling" is being defined since I could swear that it was stopping for items that require no more than adventuring in an area until the item drops.

Perhaps this should be a FR to unconditionally get telescope identified tower items (at at time of bcca's choosing, so long as it doesn't stop and restart to get them)?

Quite frankly, by the time I hit the Tower I want the script to get me the items no matter how it identified that I need them. Before the Tower I can see a strategic element to the decision to farm for things that might be needed (because the telescope provided no information) or delay until it is known they are needed but otherwise, if the scope says they are needed then get them.
Special handling items are those defined as having a false as their last value in bcascTelescope, like this:
telescope["see a flash of albumen"] = new lair("Black Forest", "", "black pepper", "macguffinprelim", false);
They are mostly the ones where you might already have the item available but just haven't used the item yet... in the special tower handling code, it gets more complicated. In bcascTelescope, it's just bumAdv in the location until you get it.

Special items:
black pepper
hair spray
powdered organs
barbed-wire fence
tropical orchid
stick of dynamite
wussiness potion
gremlin juice
Maybe we should add a setting that makes it not abort when it knows that it can actually go get it later on if you rerun it?
Maybe we should add a setting that makes it not abort when it knows that it can actually go get it later on if you rerun it?

Yes please. At a meta level it is telling me it cannot do something, stopping, and then immediately going and doing what it just told me it couldn't. I could even argue that the expected behavior is that if other settings allow it to do something and it can then it doesn't stop and I shouldn't need a setting for that to happen.

It's not actually running the same code though. In the aborting code, that's the "what does the telescope tell me I need? Go get those using adventuring" code. In the part where it works, that's the "I aborted during the tower and the item I need is <whatever> so use clovers or whatever else might possibly save me from wasting another adventure reminding me what I forgot 3 seconds ago" code.

Simple way to 'fix' it is to either just run checkStage("lair0", true); since that's the only thing it does, or comment out the two lines where it aborts if tower_items are false.
I'm attempting to use this in Class Act 2, which I don't think is supported. Wondering if there's a way to work around the issues I'm getting, however.

I keep getting low on MP, then the script starts looping:
BCC: Neutral Element to our pasta tuning.
BCC:     I expect 20 damage from Ravioli Shurikens
BCC:     These are the figures for Spaghetti Spear: Bonus: 10.0 and     1.3%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 36.0
BCC:     We are under the effect of Spirit of Peppermint
BCC:     Neutral Element to our pasta tuning.
BCC: I     expect 8 damage from Spaghetti Spear
BCC:     These are the figures for Stuffed Mortar Shell: Bonus: 10.0 and     1.3%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 36.0
BCC:     We are under the effect of Spirit of Peppermint
BCC:     Neutral Element to our pasta tuning.
BCC: I     expect 78 damage from Stuffed Mortar Shell
BCC:     These are the figures for Weapon of the Pastalord: Bonus: 10.0 and     1.3%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 36.0
BCC:     We are under the effect of Spirit of Peppermint
BCC:     Neutral Element to our pasta tuning.
BCC: I     expect 88 damage from Weapon of the Pastalord
BCC:     We are going to one-shot with Ravioli Shurikens
BCC:     Monster HP is 16
BCC: We are under the     effect of Spirit of Peppermint
BCC: Neutral     Element to our pasta tuning.
BCC: These are     the figures for Cannelloni Cannon: Bonus: 10.0 and     1.3%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 36.0
BCC:     We are under the effect of Spirit of Peppermint
BCC:     Neutral Element to our pasta tuning.
Unexpected error, debug log     printed.
Script execution aborted     (java.lang.StackOverflowError): (bumcheekascend.ash, line 1180)
Macro     override "consultMyst" returned void.
You're     on your own, partner.

I would like to use WHAM in place of BCC for running combats but I can't figure out how to do so. My CCS is set to Consult WHAM.ash, but I keep seeing BCC loop when getting low on mana.
Perhaps the title of this thread - "bumcheekascend - a zero setup semi-automated ascension script!" (emphasis mine) - is no longer accurate? :)
Nope, it's accurate. You can do setup if you want it more automated. But if all you care about is doing Moxie characters through HCNP and partially handling Muscle/Myst, as it says in the OP, then the title is still perfectly fine. :)

It specifically states that challenge path handling isn't necessarily going to work or even that reported bugs with them will get fixed.

Though the real problem here appears to be that something in the consultMyst function made mafia spit out a debug log (4th line from the bottom of that quote), which wasn't posted either here or in a bug report, so the actual problem can't get fixed. Ah well.
I wasn't sure if a full bug report was required, as I saw this as an issue with either my setup or my challenge path.

Since I was asked here's the debug log from today.

My basic setup was Class Act 2 as a HC Pastamancer and attempting to run via BCC Myst class calculator. When I got low on mana it would start trying to figure out what to do (as shown in the example above) and would eventually error out as in the example above. For whatever reason it never tried to use Spaghetti Spear to kill monsters, which worked fine by hand.

Winterbay, thanks for that settings change. I think it's exactly what I needed and managed to overlook.

