bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

The doCasualAsHC only affects consultCasual. What you probably want is RunSCasHC, which sets SC/Casual runs to try to use the gear swapper and other automation parts.
I'm not seeing that setting in the normal bumcheekascend relay when I "runscript" where do I set that? (sorry for being a total newb)
I'm not seeing that setting in the normal bumcheekascend relay when I "runscript" where do I set that? (sorry for being a total newb)

It should be there... Do a search for bcasc_RunSCasHC on the page and if you don't find it (they can be a bit tricky to find since they are not always in a logical order...) delete the bcsrelay_settings.txt file from your /data folder and retry.
Thank you both!
Deleting and refreshing didn't create it with the bcasc_RunSCasHC option so I just added

bcasc_RunSCasHC boolean Set to true to run SC as Hardcore

to the bcsrelay_settings.txt file and assume it will work (we'll find out next time!)

Thanks again!
I just started getting this when i started a new Hardcore No Path Turtle Tamer ascension:

Condition added: Substats: 32 / 0 / 0
I need 13 base muscle (going levelling)
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I get Just the Best Anapests, uneffect just the best anapests
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Patience of the Tortoise, cast 1 Patience of the Tortoise
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Seal Clubbing Frenzy, cast 1 Seal Clubbing Frenzy
BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
BCC: Going to try to use some spleen items if you have them.
BCC: Using a default stat familiar.
Mood swing complete.

Restoring MP! Currently at 55 of 58 HP, 0 of 11 MP, current meat: 91 ... Target MP = 0.

Request 1 of 45 (Plains: Pre-Cyrpt Cemetary) in progress...
You can't get to that area.

BCC: You aborted, so so am I. This abort may have been caused by a rogue condition not being met. If this is unexpected, please paste the CLI output, as well as the results of typing 'condition check' without the quotes, into the mafia CLI window now.

I am on the latest SVN on the script and the latest mafia
I've been trying the script out in HC BIG! and was curious if there is a way to force the script to do the hidden city quest earlier in the run? Or even first?
This would be nice as it would give the cash needed for later in the run and also some needed items. I know I'd probably have to stop before each spirit, to use a colorful toad or the like to defeat them, but was curious if this was possible. Or how I could reorder the quests?

I haven't started poking around with the actual code yet, but if the order is all handled in one area and someone could point me to the line numbers I could probably hack it out.

Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks again!
While looking through the code, I noticed that the script still tries to get a stolen accordion, regardless of class. I'd like to request two changes. First off, can the script try to identify the new accordions, including toy & antique? Second off, can the script acquire either a toy or antique accordion (depending on perhaps a variable)?

As for dixmcdix's question, it's actually quite easy to put the hidden city up higher. Just edit the bumcheekcend() function and place the call to bcs11() wherever you want it. Then edit that particular function to place bcascMacguffinHiddenCity() where you want it.
I've been trying the script out in HC BIG! and was curious if there is a way to force the script to do the hidden city quest earlier in the run? Or even first?
This would be nice as it would give the cash needed for later in the run and also some needed items. I know I'd probably have to stop before each spirit, to use a colorful toad or the like to defeat them, but was curious if this was possible. Or how I could reorder the quests?

I haven't started poking around with the actual code yet, but if the order is all handled in one area and someone could point me to the line numbers I could probably hack it out.
Reordering things in the code is pretty easy. There's section with functions like bcs1(), bcs2(), ... bcs13(). You can reorder the parts inside. You can even duplicate parts and put a test for BIG! around them. Here's what I did so that I can start mining and get by ballroom song set before the friars quest.
void bcs6() {

        if (my_path() == "BIG!") {
            if (my_ascensions() > get_property( "lastQuartetAscension").to_int()) {
                abort("Set your Quartet song now");
        bcascFriars();          //questL06Friars
The script, together with WHAM, tried to fight the final Protecor Spectre and miserably failed (got stuck in an endless loop). I have no idea why, since winning that fight was as easily done as casting Saucegeyser one time, for which I had more than enough MP. Description can be found here.

I don't know exactly where the fault is, whether in KoLmafia or in bumcheekascend or in WHAM. :(
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The script, together with WHAM, tried to fight the final Protecor Spectre and miserably failed (got stuck in an endless loop). I have no idea why, since winning that fight was as easily done as casting Saucegeyser one time, for which I had more than enough MP. Description can be found here.

I don't know exactly where the fault is, whether in KoLmafia or in bumcheekascend or in WHAM. :(

When WHAM takes the fight normally, it works fine. It's something about how mafia hands the fight over to WHAM that makes it loop.
Really, Theraze? Do go on. Elaborate! What exactly is KoLmafia doing that makes WHAM decide to not take an action?

I'm all ears.
Not sure. But opening the relay browser, refreshing the page again, and clicking the script button makes WHAM finish the combat just fine.
We have seen the issue and discussed it elsewhere.
There is no doubt that KoLmafia is calling WHAM repeatedly.
And there is no doubt that WHAM is returning without advancing the round.
There has been no suggestion - none, nada, nil, zip - that "KoLmafia is calling WHAM incorrectly" - until your statement right now in this thread.

I conclude that you must have evidence to back up that statement.
All I want is for you to share it.

(And if WHAM is ever called "incorrectly" - a bogus monster or something - I would hope and expect that it would print something to that effect.)